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Movie Monday #10: Simon catches Clary & Jace kissing

We are just over a year away from the theatrical release of ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ and the hype for the adaptation of the internationally best selling series by Cassandra Clare will only continue to grow as the release draws nearer.

I’ve banded together with other ‘Mortal Instruments’ fansites (TMI Institute, Mundie Moms, TMI Examiner and TMI News en Espanol) for a new weekly feature called Movie Monday.

Each Monday leading up to the August 23, 2013, release of ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones,’ we will take a look at a scene, moment, detail, etc. and give our opinions on how we think it will be interpreted in the big screen adaptation.


Alyssa, TMI Source: The Midnight Flower sets up what is an emotional scene for Clary, Jace and Simon, when Simon catches our leading heroine and hero kissing in the hallway.

Cassandra Clare has raved about the “off the charts” chemistry between Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower and Robert Sheehan and that will shine its brightest in this scene, as all three characters are struck by different emotions in this one moment. Simon’s heartbreak is clear on his face and in his reaction, while Jace resorts to snark to hide his hurt (“Just kissing? How swiftly you dismiss our love.”) and Clary is just lost for words at the fallout.

This was also one of the scenes that Sheehan did in his screen test with Lily and Jamie and it’s a scene where they will really shine and that chemistry will be on full display.

Amber, TMI Institute: There are so many things I love about the chapter “Midnight Flower”. The moment when Jace let’s go of his control and kisses Clary for the first time is flawless, but the scene that steals it all is the dialogue between Jace, Clary and Simon when Simon walks out of her bedroom to see them together.

This was the first time I visualized our three actors, Jamie Campbell Bower (Jace), Lily Collins (Clary) and Robert Sheehan (Simon) in this scene. Simon, poor Simon. Clary totally forgot about him. Jace says “Just kissing? How swiftly you dismiss our love” after Clary breaks it to Simon that she and Jace kissed. Poor Simon feels defeated, losing the only girl that he never truly had…at least not in that sense. Jace continues, “Go on. Go after him. pat his head and tell him he’s still your super special little guy.” Jace clearly is angry but only spews sarcasm. Simon is clearly just as angry. Two boys in love with the same girl, and Clary is stuck in the middle trying to figure out what she feels.

If you look at the scene and the boys side by side, you can clearly see why Simon has every right to be upset. He has been in love with Clary for 10 years, being there for her through everything. Jace, although the new guy, is clearly a threat, and has taken Clary’s attention. Clary isn’t crazy about Simon swooning over Izzy, either, and I am really looking forward to seeing Lily look angry and confused by what Clary thinks is Simon’s irrational reaction. After seeing Robert Sheehan in Misfits and Killing Bono, I’m completely confident that he can bring a passionate autheniticity to this scene and make us all want him as a boyfriend!

Katie, Mundie Moms: x I love The Midnight Flower scene. The after scene when Simon catches them in the hallways is one of those scenes where I’m all FINALLY they kissed (again), but at the same time my heart breaks a bit for Simon, because he does love Clary as well. Knowing that Jamie, Lily and Robert had fabulous chemistry during their readings makes that much more excited to see the scene when Simon catches Jace and Clary in the hallway. Since they had a reading on this scene together gives me hope that they’ll keep this scene in the movie.

Tita, TMI News en Espanol: YESSSSS!!! This scene it’s going to be in the movie! Why am I so sure? First of all, and as Cassie said, it was part of Robert’s audition for Simon 😉 And second, you can’t miss this amazing scene in the movie!!! I just have my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to see it as similar as it is in the book. I love how an special moment like that can turn into an awkward situation so easily. And the conversation? What about the funny conversation between Jace, Simon and Clary?

“In future, Clarissa,” he said, “it might be wise to mention that you already have a man in your bed, to avoid such tedious situations.”
“You invited him into bed?” Simon demanded, looking shaken.
“Ridiculous, isn’t it?” said Jace. “We would never have all fit.”
“I didn’t invite him into bed,” Clary snapped. “We were just kissing.”
“Just kissing?” Jace’s tone mocked her with its false hurt. “How swiftly you dismiss our love.”

This is definitely one of those memorable conversations in the book.. Can’t wait to see what Harald Zwart is going to do with it! 🙂

What are your thoughts? Are you excited to see the chemistry between these three play out on the big screen? Are you looking forward to this scene? Join in on the discussion!

Check back next Monday for the next edition of Movie Monday.

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

7 Comments on Movie Monday #10: Simon catches Clary & Jace kissing

  1. This is such a crucial scene.

  2. I can totally see Jamie and Robert bickering about this in the movie.

  3. Right!

  4. Can’t wait for this scene to come to life!!

    btw anyone wanna check out my original song for city of lost souls? I would really appreciate it!

  5. One of my most anticipated scenes in the movie. Can’t wait to see how they translate it onto the big screen!

  6. TeamEdwardJace // July 24, 2012 at 6:34 PM // Reply

    i’m excited for the green house scene(besides the movie, the midnight flower is one of my fave chapters, i want to see some actions) and for this scene. i going to feel bad For jace and simon though he is a bit of a jerk and clary too. i think jamie, lily, robert, will a great job in this scene as well as the rest of the movie and the rest of the cast will too!

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