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THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES filmed scenes from Hotel Dumort in Hamilton for three days last week. Photo Credit: @drawingrunes

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES has been filming for two weeks in Toronto and Hamilton and fans have journeyed to the set to watch one of their favorite books come to life. From the many fans that have made the trip out to the various sets I've heard nothing but positive remarks about the cast and crew in regards to letting them stand by and watch filming.  The cast and crew have taken time out of their day to talk with fans and share their positive remarks about fans journeying to the set. And the fans have been nothing but respectful to the cast and crew throughout the process. But after hearing about the events that went down on Friday in Hamilton during filming of the Hotel Dumort scene, I felt the need to address a situation that leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. CanadaGraphs--who isn't even a fan as they clearly stated--went to the MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES set with a couple of things in mind: get autographs of Lily Collins and Lena Headey and take photos of the set. After being asked repeatedly not to photograph the scene, this person insisted on defying orders and doing so anyway. And then this person harassed the crew about getting Lily to sign autographs and when both Lily and the crew said no this person threatened to take even more photographs until Lily signed. Things that the crew shouldn't tolerate are the likes of people like CanadaGraphs, who not only disrespected and disturbed Lily Collins and the crew during filming but threatened the security of the film.

This person also posted a very spoilery play-by-play of shots from the Hotel Dumort scene.

Now as fans of the book we know the ins-and-outs of the story–including the Hotel Dumort scene–but I think I speak for most when I say that we want to be somewhat surprised for the first time we watch this movie.

If you’ve already read the spoilery list of shots then I am sorry you were spoiled. You shouldn’t have to worry about things like that getting out. If you haven’t read it then steer clear of that post. Don’t encourage this person by using any information or photos from their blog.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, not only was Lily and the crew harassed on Friday, but this person threatened to return to the set and repeat this vicious cycle.

I am disgusted by this whole thing. It’s one thing for fans of the books to journey out to set and meet the actors bringing their favorite characters to life, but it’s another for a person who sells autographs for profit to come to the set and harass the cast and crew during filming.

The actors and the crew shouldn’t have to go through something like that. They’re just trying to their job the best they can and without interruption and confrontation.

This person is ruining what has been a special and exciting experience for fans. The crew will likely step up security measures as a result of this and it’s sad that the fandom might suffer as a result of this person’s actions.

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

34 Comments on Harassment on the THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES set

  1. Sadly there always those who receive pleasure in causing chaos I suspect that person/s was probably wanting to make a profit from those photos and autographs

  2. Aaarrrfrrrrgggghdddhh
    I wanna burn that person grrrr
    Who dares insult Lily!???!!?!!

  3. This person is just trying to make a profit off of the autographs…

  4. Great post.

    This person wasn’t interested in the cast or the film. He is one of those professional autogrpah traders who gets autographs and sell them online. They are nasty pieces of work and make things so difficult for real fans.

    It makes me so mad to hear about him being mean to Lily when she has been so kind and is working so hard as the lead. Just today @xojenxo421 onTwitter posted that she made and sent Lily a Gray Book and Lily sent her back autographed pictures and a handwritten note commenting on the Gray Book and saying thank you!

    They are not under any obligation to give autographs and they are all working so hard. They are not just acting but the roles are very physical as well. The cast and crew have been so nice so far when they didn’t have to be. I’m actually been surprised they haven’t had stricter security so far but they might become much more restricive now after this incident.

    • I completely agree; the cast and crew have all been so kind and respectful, and then one moronic person comes along and harassas the crew AND the cast, and now the security will be tighter because of them. I hope that CanadaGraphs feels absolutely horrible about what they have done. I am thirteen and I simply cannot believe that (most likely) an adult would do such a thing. And to not even be a fan of the books and to come onto the set only to get autographs of Lily Collins and Lena Headey (whom I do not even think will be filming for a bit), and to take photos when clearly and repeatedly asked not to. People like that are just horrible, but they will always be out there, and that is why I believe the security will be tightened; to make sure that no more idiots like CanadaGraph are in the set. People like that really do disgust me.

    • Hi, xojenxo here, I agree with everything you have said. Everyone on this film has been so generous to the fans. Lily didn’t have to personalize my things; she did it out of the kindness of her heart. Which is why she is such a sweet person.
      It’s sad to see these stories of people taking advantage of the cast just to make a quick buck. There’s reasons why dealers make everything so hard for fans is because they spoil everything. It wouldn’t surprise me that they’re going to stop signing in future films like they did in other movies. For example, Twilight was a film where everyone signed until dealers began to hassle them for autographs. When New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn came around the cast didn’t sign as much for fans (for fan mail they stopped completely).
      It really disgusts me to see dealers like this harass the cast when they have been so kind to us, fans. I just hope that they don’t paint this image of all the fans being like this.

      • Hi Jennifer! It was so cool when I saw your tweet about getting the response back from Lily 😀 Everyone that has met Lily has said that she is genuinely sweet. The cool thing is you can tell that it was actully her who signed it and not some PA or something as we’ve seen her writing from her on set signing these last couple of weeks 🙂

        Yep, someone commented on Twitter that this same guy harassed the Twilight cast so it looks like he’s looking for another fandom to take advantage of. These autograph dealers are such parasites. It’s sad that it’s the actual fans that suffer because of the dealers’ greed.

      • Peter Bishop // September 3, 2012 at 3:06 AM //

        Also known as John, this bottom-feeder is the bane of the Fringe fandom as well. He shows up to almost every public shoot. The actors know him, and try to avoid him. They know who the real fans are. He really ticked us off when the show’s producer was directing a very special reunion scene, and asked the ans present to not post pictures. Guess who did… Ugh!

      • AndAWildFanUnicowAppears // September 3, 2012 at 7:37 AM //

        Tmi AND Fringe?!?!?! Let’s burn the little whore!

  5. to tell you the truth I was surprised they let the fans on as much as they have, I thought it was a really interesting PR move it got lots of people excited and talking about the film but I’m sure theres a point in time when they were going to have to draw the line anyways, I would have been really surprised if it continued like this until November. But that does not excuse that guys rudeness. That equipment, location and all of those people are paid/rented by the hour, they only have those locations for a certain amount of time. I’m also surprised that he was not escorted off by security, I’m sure they have some. He should not have been able to threaten to take more pictures and hold up production. Also just because a scene is shot a certain way does not mean that thats how it will look during the movie, theres editing and special effects and different takes to work with, so hopefully that scene isn’t completely ruined.

    • werewolvesrsexierthanvampsjustsayin // November 1, 2012 at 8:15 PM // Reply

      i too was surprised on how leinient they are. But one bad apple ruins the bunch and from now on they wiil watch the fan more closley and may even take away our privalige to photograph things. Poeple like this are the scum of the garbage can of of our society. Lily has been nothing but sweet and kind and genouruos i wouldand most of u wiil agreee to apalogize on the behalf of our preciuos fandom

  6. Thats not cool at all!! The actors take time out of their very hectic schedule to talk to fans and this person could have ruined it for us. I hope this person did not give TMI fans a bad name! We love all the cast and crew and are very appreciative of them taking the time to take photos and give autographs! I hope they know that! 🙂

  7. this so isn’t cool! and like one person said, who dare insults lily(plus harassment isn’t cool either way and if anyone harassed someone so nice, not cool but we’re all extra prtocitve too because we love the actors and series and this person doesn’t even care or isn’t actually interested. lily, jamie, jem and kevin and the crew have all been super kind and genuinely happy to interact with the fans from the look of it(including videos i saw and reports) and have been doing a great job and hard working. i left a comment on that person’s site

  8. One thing we should do, as fans of the book or as movie goers, is not to support the guy by going to he’s website or commenting on his page… it would only encourage him more cause he doesn’t care… I understand what he did is absolutely immature and unjust to the fans and crew & cast member currently working… AS A FAN I WILL ONLY SUPPORT THOES THAT ARE APPROVE BY THE CAST & CREW OR BY CASSANDRA CLARE!!!!

  9. AWildFangirlAppears // September 2, 2012 at 6:20 AM // Reply


  10. oh my this person is horrible! i agree with everybody, we should not tolerate or encourage this, harassment is not acceptable, especially if it could get everybody else visiting the set in trouble just because of one person.

    Also…. I don’t know how I’m gonna survive until tuesday with no set pictures!

  11. I have a sudden Killing urge…

  12. Hopefully fans who are lucky enough to go to the set can explain this to the crew and actors. Such a shame that these ridiculous bloggers ruin it for a few measley pictures.

  13. ~TMI & TID Fangirl~ // September 2, 2012 at 4:24 PM // Reply

    This person erks me-_- How immature and rude of this person to do these horrible things!

  14. ☆Мyϵrα Iftikhαr ☆ // September 2, 2012 at 4:34 PM // Reply

    IN other news:
    Reasons why I’m sure City of Bones will be the best movie of 2013:
    IrishPERFECT CASTThe movie where Misfits, Game of Thrones, Karate Kid and Being Human meet“Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234”Kevin ZegersMalecCassandra ClareSiblings“Yeah, when does my boyfriend get here?”Jamie Campbell BowerI. Marlene KingGodfrey Gaobadass demon killing warriorshot evil badguyProject Runway“My one true love remains myself”Sideburns Guy
    YUP! TMI owns Iron Man 3, PJ2, CF, BC, an all others ❤

    Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 02:52:40 +0000

  15. I honestly did NOT want to look at this abomination of a site (I turned a blind eye at any spoilers info) and let me tell you all those who haven’t looked at it – DON’T! It’s a person who isn’t a fan who DARES thinks to go there and expects treatment for being rude, selfish and I clearly HATE HIM!!! The photos aren’t even that great and HE had the nerve to say and I quote:


    What – a – hypocrite!!! (it makes me sooo mad!) grrrhhh!!!

    The guy is clearly one of those people who only thinks in their perspective – in others words it’s all about “me, me, me and money” and NOT think of other people or the REAL fans here

    I love the fan reports as I live in the U.K. and have NO chance of getting to Canada and see it happen as I don’t have the money so I will NEVER forgive if he comes back and ruin everything!! AGAIN!!!

    Another thing – don’t comment on the site (as I saw at the end) – this guy has a NASTY habit of backtalk and will gets on his high horse and reply back to each and every one saying HE is the innocent one and that the actors and the crew that work so so hard that they are the villians.

    I’m a media student so I know it’s hard work and getting the time and effort to book these locations that are critical to get the job done and NO time wasting as time is everything as is the quality of filmmaking.

    So what to do about this? – I say we as a fandom to stand to people like him and anyone else who harass the cast and crew any futher as they have from what I heard to be so so kind and friendly to talk to us and give us personal signings because at the end of the day WE are the true fans and WE are the mature ones who will see everything come to life.

    Also I really want to give Lily a BIG hug as she is brilliant! XD (and Jamie because he is hot – sorry I had to add that!)

  16. OMG!!
    This person (which I hope stays in Hamilton and dont follow the crew to TO) is the most selfish and immature person I have heard about. OMG. Poor soul. I pitty her. I didnt read her post, and I am not interested in doing so. I hope no one, NO ONE else is gonna bother our dear actors and crews ever again. If something like this ever approaches the set again, WE, Shadowhunters, can take care of that person in that very moment (though Im not in TO but Im now my fellow Shadowhunters will agree with me). LOL XDDDD. So we can insert a Seraph blade through her ass! XDDDDDD YAY!!
    Oop! sry >_< but hell, Im PISSED!!

    So now you know Shadowhunters!! You my dear fellow Nephilim in Toronto, keep an eye on shitty people around the set who wants to bother our dear actors and crew so you can hush that person away, or call the cops, security, whatever! but this kind of behavior should NOT be tolerated ever again!

  17. Don’t encourage this person by using any information or photos from their blog.

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