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Cassandra Clare teases ‘saddest happy ending’ for ‘City of Heavenly Fire’

We all know that Cassandra Clare has finished writing City of Heavenly Fire – the sixth and last installment in her The Mortal Instruments series – and that she is busy editing it right now. Today she took to Twitter to tweet the following:


CoHF ending

What do you think of this tweet? How can a happy ending be sad? Sound off in the comments!

183 days until City of Heavenly Fire is released!
About Cathrin (870 Articles)
Admin and writer for TMI Source and 'The Shadowhunter Chronicles' lover extraordinaire. Fangirls over books, history, German football, movies and fictional characters.

78 Comments on Cassandra Clare teases ‘saddest happy ending’ for ‘City of Heavenly Fire’

  1. Okay well i’ just going to assume the worst and say that Clary and Jace both died in each other’s arms during battle.

  2. How could there be a sadder happy ending than Clockwork Princess?

  3. ALLEGIANT, bitch please 😉

  4. I could actually accept Jace’s and Clary’s death if they would die together, but if only one dies my heart will break.

  5. teamedwardjace // November 24, 2013 at 5:39 PM // Reply

    Oh dear god! Ok so I think clave could survive but it’s still sad due to other deaths

  6. I just CAN’T wait for the next book… I.just.can’t. I see all those sneak peek’s and I die a little bit inside every time…

  7. I’m scared, now…..

  8. Magnus, Simon, and Alec if any of those three people die I will enter eternal sadness. Sorry to say I don’t care about anyone else’s death. But I really need Magnus alive to keep up his record of being in all of Cassie’s books.

  9. I dont care if Jace or Clary die, but i will if Cassandra splits Malec an even more if she kills one of them 😦 Please dont Cassie, im begging you D´:

  10. Bex Fairchild // November 24, 2013 at 6:16 PM // Reply

    Honestly I am really really really worried! I saw the tweet and like freaked.

  11. Jace is going to die i knew it! actually i`ll be happy if Jace dies they guy has been through a lot and the ebst way to defeat Evil is sacrificing himself!

  12. No!! I don’t want it to have any sort of sad ending!! These books are so great, they deserve the most perfect ending possible 😀

  13. I am so nervous!! I wanna read it so bad, but I don’t, but I dooooooo!!!

  14. Nope.

  15. Champion, the final book of the Legend trilogy, is also a beautiful logical sad happy ending…

  16. BY THE ANGEL! This makes me SOOOO nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. As long as it has some logic I will be okay with it. None of that Allegiant nonsense.

  18. Guys, please be considerate and do not allude to endings from other book series here! Thank you!

    • Yesss please!! I haven’t read any books in Veronica Roth’s trilogy, but I just bought them and will begin them shortly, so I’d appreciate not accidentally reading anything about the third book!

  19. Impossible. The saddest happy ending was Dollhouse, obviously.

  20. Anna Herondale // November 24, 2013 at 8:08 PM // Reply

    I’m scared!

  21. have you thought that she means she is sad that the book has ended? it has a happy ending but she is sad it is all over ?

  22. I hope none of them turn into silent brothers like in Clockwork Princess. that made me really really really upset.

  23. Okay if Malec dies my life will be in sorrow and please don’t talk about the Divergent series I’m on Insurgent and I would like to find out what happens on my own without spoilers. The reason for that was because I had gotten spoilers for Beautiful Redemption and another book and I was really mad.

  24. Lightwoodshadowhunterss // November 24, 2013 at 9:06 PM // Reply

    I can’t breathe………………

  25. Maybe her mom dies and Clary and Jace do get married after the death of her mother.

  26. how can a happy ending be sad and a sad ending be happy?!?!

  27. I guess I can add CoHF to my list of depressing end books…

    Clockwork Princess
    City of Heavenly Fire

  28. I’m really scared but really excited to find out what happens!!!! 😯😳😁 I just hope sabastion doesn’t die cause I feel sorry for him 😔

  29. Ok. Cassandra, you will kill me D’: .
    Estoy muy ansiosa por leer el libro ya. Espero que salga como espero , aunque , bueno , también espero que me sorprendas. I HOPE SABASTIAN BECOME A GOOD PERSON AND HE IS STILL ALIVE.

  30. Same I love Malec

  31. Rowena Drake // November 25, 2013 at 8:16 AM // Reply

    I am the only one who thinks that “saddest happy ending” means “calry and jace live, the others die?”

  32. Ok I’ve been meaning to say this but if we’re going to have a somewhat or so called sad/happy ending lets at least do it the deathly hallows way have most of the principle characters live and the bad guy drop dead and then have an epilogue where everyone well at least the kids are all grown up and have families that would make me happy. Ok let’s have COHF have a deathly hallows risqué finale bc most of the good guys live 🙂 ok plain and simple or they will face the wrath of our fandom

  33. I bet Simon dies to save Clary.

  34. Proud Nephilim // November 25, 2013 at 3:50 PM // Reply

    The one and only thing I know is that I will die before I will have readen CoFH.

  35. Seriously peeps for real for real if we really want to have mortal instruments go out with a bang and make it have a really groundbreaking epic climatic finale like the best of the best and at some point draw in some more new fans to give it some more much needed recognition lets do it the “Harry potter” way event though deathly hallows was the most mature and dramatic and emotionally driven installment of the saga it still had a very concrete and satisfying climax most of our principle characters were able to beat the odds and moved on but felt like something was achieved and that there was a battle worth fighting for and worth the pain along the way and give I
    Us something to cheer for and feel that sense of fulfillment and triumph I mean that’s what makes a great story heck even the last movie did it justice but does it make sense. Isn’t that what we want after all hopefully that’s what Cassandra has in mind and that teases are what they are “teases”.

  36. Maude Fitzgerald // November 25, 2013 at 6:26 PM // Reply

    Just as long as Simon doesn’t die….he’s the best, and none of the things that happened were his fault, per se….it was clary who dragged him into the Shadow World….I would never forgive clary if simon dies….I just hope that cassie is not stupid like veronica roth. I wouldn’t want to see her butcher a perfect series by killing all her characters just for media attention

  37. I hope that clary jace and izzy don’t die.I don’t wanna deal with a bad end. the TID was sad enough for me.

  38. In a way i hope that they make all the movies to this series because when the last book comes out, i’m not going to be fully ready for their story to end. I mean who can get enough of Sizzy, Clace adn malec..

  39. Sebastianmylover // November 25, 2013 at 11:23 PM // Reply

    Oh hurry up! I can’t any longer lol

  40. Sabastion Hater // November 26, 2013 at 1:50 AM // Reply

    His name does not deserve to be spelt correctly

    THAT’S IT.
    THAT’S IT.

  42. Bex Fairchild (@BexFairchild) // November 26, 2013 at 10:39 AM // Reply

    See I read this on twitter and um like freaked. It’s like waiting for death at your doorstep.

  43. the only characters that I actually care about are Magnus, Simon, Isabelle and maybe Jace, other than that I don’t really what happens to anyone else. Of course I’ll be sad if someone dies but I won’t be devastated unless it’s one of these characters.

    • If you care for Magnus you should really start caring for Alec, because if Alec dies or something bad happens to him then it would kill Magnus.

  44. Claire Herondale // November 27, 2013 at 5:17 AM // Reply

    I’m so excited yet so nervous to read this. These snippets are making me even more nervous for the book, and I Freaked when I saw this! Clockwork Princess was the saddest yet at the same time kinda happy ending ever, and the ending to CoHF will more than likely top that. In a perfect world, I’d like Sebastain to die and everyone else to live, but it’s not so I’m preparing myself for some sad deaths 😦

  45. Well if you give some thought to it… it says the saddest happy ending. Not the happiest sad ending. A happy sad ending would be what someone said previously up there in the comments, Jace and Clary dying in each others arms. Like the notebook. Now, I do think it could be something like The Hunger Games series, as some of you mentioned; a sad happy ending. They ended up together, forever, but lost everyone they loved. Since the main aspect that threads the story together is the intimacy between Jace and Clary (I’m not saying the other characters are not important, but more that Jace & Clary are mainly focused on) and 97% of TMI’s readers must be in love with their love. Cassandra knows that; just as Suzanne Collins knew. If she made Peeta die and Katniss live, or vise versa, there’d be an uproar in the fan base that wouldn’t make the fans feel happy and that’d just be tragic. (But an excellent book written in literary terms, to get such a large amount of people to feel something so strong about a book). I hope to God they don’t die in eachother’s arms, I hope they end up living… I’ve become so engrossed in the story in these books that Jace and Clary, as nuts as this sounds, have become my heroes and inspirations for when I feel down or lonely. And thinking of the intimacy in their relationship, it makes me feel that little butterfly feeling in my belly that gives me hope, it’d kill me to know they die… but then again, if it happens, it happens, and it will be part of the beautiful story. I don’t believe Cassie would kill off just one character, though. That’s unlike the style of the story… Agh. This post has really gotten me in my feelings. I feel like I’m going through a breakup. With a book. ugh

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