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Casting Information Revealed for ‘City of Bones’

Fans are eagerly awaiting casting news for ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ and now it appears that casting is fully underway.

Currently all major roles, aside from Clary (Lily Collins) and Jace (Jamie Campbell Bower), are currently up-for-grabs.

We now have some new details about casting according to

  • All major roles are being cast in Los Angeles, New York and Toronto
  • Extras will be cast in Toronto and New York (see website for details)

There are also some details that provided some insight about how the Shadowhunters will be portrayed. It looks like the studio is eyeing British actors to portray Shadowhunters, as author Cassandra Clare hinted at last month.

Here are the details posted on

  • Alec Lightwood, 20-25 year old gay British male
  • Simon Lewis, a dark haired tall and skinny 18-20 year old male
  • Isabelle Lightwood, 18-20 year old sexy British female
  • Magnus Bane, 25-30 year old Asian bisexual male

Fans should be cautioned that this information is not 100 % correct unless confirmed by Screen Gems, Constantin Film or Unique Pictures. But, with that said it seems to reflect the information we have previously received but with a little more detail.

Casting director Stephanie Corsalini Ligorner has quite the task ahead of her.

‘City of Bones’ will begin filming on August 15 in Toronto and New York and is slated for an August 23, 2013 theatrical release.

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

341 Comments on Casting Information Revealed for ‘City of Bones’

  1. Ben Ducote // May 15, 2012 at 5:42 PM // Reply

    of course the youngest age would be 18

  2. I thought Jaime had to back out?

    • Nope, that was just a rumor!

    • i wish!

    • Tina Sternberg // June 9, 2012 at 2:53 PM // Reply

      Please tell me that he back out!!!! I don’t think I can watch the movies if he’s in it. He is so not Jace material. Jace in my mind has a great body and a BEAUTIFUL face. In my opinion he is a bad choice.

      • agreed :S i mean i bet hes a good actor and stuff, but hes not jace at all for me.

      • Your right, Jamies a terrible choice for Jace its seriously not agood choice!

      • Why don’t you all just wait till the movie comes out and then judge? Honestly guys, they said they tried both Jamie and Alex Pettyfer and many more people, their comment was that Jamie had the most connection and chemistry with Lily(Clary) the chemistry between the two actors is very important if you want to make a great movie and if the other boys couldn’t rise up to the challenge than there not gonna get cast them just for their ‘looks’. So, suck it up and move on Jamie’s the man for the job and I can’t wait to see what he makes of his role.

  3. Why would you cast Alec with someone who is 20 -25 Alec is only 18! and Only their ancestors are british..

    • xxacanthe // May 15, 2012 at 6:44 PM // Reply

      I dont understand the age but whatever – thats way there is makeup and video manipulation 🙂 But as for the accent, Cassandra has said that since the shadowhunters are from Idris, a “country” with no specific, accent for that matter – meaning that they all can have a british accent, and since their ancestors are from England, that can only mean that it just lies with the family 🙂

    • this is how young characters are pretty much always cast. Teenagers are pretty much universally played by people in their early 20s.

    • They want people who are older because people always tend to look younger on film. That’s why you have many actresses and actors who are in their 20’s playing teenagers on TV or film.

    • Because of how many books there is if they cast someone who is not done growing they will look to different in the last movies… remember the books so far happen over just a few months, they need the actors to be finished growing up to accomplish the making the movies in correct time….

    • They lived in idris and there they have accents and so do there parents so wouldn’t they

  4. I grew up in Astoria Queens. I lived two blocks away from Roosevelt Island (AKA Blackwell’s Island). I spent much of my childhood on Roosevelt island. As I read TMI. I felt like I was with the characters. Every land mark mentioned, brought me close to home. I could hear Jace when he spoke, with a touch of New York City in his voice. Now, I keep hearing the Lightwoods will have British accents…I have an issue with this. If the Lightwood Children grew up in New York, why would they have British accents? Don’t get me wrong, I think British accents are very sexy and British people are great. But I was hoping New York would have rubbed off on our beloved Lightwoods, Jace included. I’m expecting Simon and Calry to have a New York sound. I will love them anyway…<3

    • Well, if Maryse, Robert, and Hodge all had accents, it would only make sense for the lightwood kids to have them too. I don’t think they spent much time outside the institute and around other people so growing up, they wouldn’t have had any new York influences. And you also have to remember that Alec and Jace (and maybe izzy, tho I’m not sure) lived in Idris when they were young.

    • I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME! i thought i was alone! ahaha don’t like them with british accents, they were raised and live in new york and it’d be weird and wrong for the lightwoods and jace to speak in a british accent! they’re voices are just as american as clary and simon in the books! I AGREE

    • Letticia Smith // May 16, 2012 at 5:36 PM // Reply

      I think the Lightwood kids might have a slight British accent because their parents are British and they all spend a great deal more time at the Institute (with their parents and don’t forget this is also where most of their edjucation was as well) rather than out in the public. The only one’s that I really see having NYC accents would be Clary and Simon (who would also have the kinda raspy Jewish accent as well).

    • vishousjayne // May 16, 2012 at 7:33 PM // Reply

      your right.. should be american kids. dissapointing that the book is loosing so much of its origional bits and pieces. not to mention Jaime bower something is so not hot.

    • I have a friend who is born in the US and has lived here his entire life. Yet, he has a clear scottish accent due to his parents being from Scotland. With Alec and Isabelle being more shielded from the surrounding world than my friend, they having accents makes sense for me.

      • mina blak // May 17, 2012 at 3:19 AM //

        I agree with you completely!
        I’ve lived in Australia for exactly half of my life. I moved to Australia from Europe when I was 17, where I had a Canadian teacher who taught me English prior to moving here, and believe it or not – I still speak with a clear Canadian accent, after all these years and everyone notices! Also, since I moved to Australia, the majority of my friends/work colleagues have always been Australian – speaking in proper Aussie accent, which should’ve contributed to my losing my American/Canadian accent – but it hasn’t!
        Same thing happened with my sister who was only 12 when we moved here. She attended high school and uni here and going by the same logic from the above-comments, you’d expect her to have a clear Aussie accent by now, but she also still speaks with a clear Canadian accent.

  5. NO NO NO NO NO!
    WHY ACCENTS?! i didn’t picture them with accents other than an american one! they live in america and we raised in america so they should have american accents!!! the english accent is associated with the shadowhunters from TID not TMI!! 😦 pleeease have american accents, I understand they aren’t really from new york but they were raised there and it doesn’t say they speak with a different accent in idris anyway! when we read the book we hear their voices in the american accent and no other way 😦 i have a problem with this! JACE OMG i know jamie is british and i LOVE HIM but i pictured jace with an american accent like clary!!! no difference 😦 PLEASE RECONSIDER!

    • If you’re really that upset about an ACCENT, don’t watch the movie. Seriously, an accent is not going to impair their acting or portrayal of a character.

      • couldn’t agree with you more. I’m just SO HAPPY that it’s being made into a movie period. No, maybe I’m not thrilled about some of the cast (or options) but so what!? One of our favorite books is being made into a movie….I can handle a few accents.

      • It could. Movies based on books are all about accuracy. People are going to the movie to see the book come to life. Not a new plot line with the same name. And British people- to go with the accent- have a different culture and way of speaking that the lightwoods don’t have. Jace, Izzy, and Alec are American. Besides, Idris doesn’t have an accent, it had a mixture because shadowhunters come from everywhere. If you go out and find a person who, although they technically were born somewhere else, live in America and have for their whole life, they speak with an american accent. And Jace has been there for years around a family with American accents. Izzy would have stuck out if she had a british accent in the middle of New York city. The demon in Pandemonium would have known something was up.

      • Where in MI are the British accents? Where? Idris has no accent, according to Cassandra Clare. Not once in MI did I hear anything pertaining to a British back round. Being British is not only about an accent, it’s about a whole different culture. I didn’t notice anything British about Jace, Alec, Izzy and max. I agree with you Abbie, and people are getting on my nerves…

      • True Fans, read every book more than once. We know all the characters, their likes and dislikes. We feel like we know them. That may seem stupid to you, but it doesn’t to us MI and ID fans. When fans read the novels, we connect with the characters and the majority of fans, do not hear English accents. The Lightwoods were raised in America, why would they have an English accent… I grew up in Queens, two blocks from Roosevelt Island. I know what Simon and Clary sound like, they sound like me. 🙂 LOL I apologize for sounding snippy… 🙂

    • i agree with you on this to the fullest… yes when i read TID i pictured them with accents but not jace izzy or alec maybe magnus but no one else!!

    • OMG guys, they only want British or European actors because they have a foreign air to them and that’s how the Shadowhunters are perceived. It doesnt mean they will have different accents. Jace might though since he lived in Idris for 10years. And I’m okay with that since Cassie Clare said she never specified whether or not Jace has an accent.

      • Not to sound rude in the least. I SWEAR! I love the books, I love CC, but I am a little annoyed about the fact that she wasn’t clear on accents. I like to read a lot of fan fiction and even on their there are some amateur writers who try their hardest to show some sort of background of their characters. Where they’re from, what they sound like, etc etc. When reading Harry Potter I had a pretty good idea that they were not American, before it was stated exactly where Harry lived. The choice of words, even small abreviations in the dialect was there. You may not know exactly where some characters are from until it is mentioned in the book, but you have an idea, and still… someone mentions it. Like how Seamus was Irish, and Lee Jordan was Jamaican. You were either able to guess, or it was mentioned. I just think that CC is probably kicking herself for not doing enough background research on her characters, which is fine. Everyone makes mistakes. But I just kind of thought that was one of the things that you do first when writing. You do like a character profile, about every little thing about them, and then form it into a story? At least that’s how my creative writing teacher had us do it, which in my opinion helped me out a lot. But they are going to make them have some sort of accents. CC said that the director said that all the Shadowhunters, excluding Clary, Luke and her mother- I think will be English. I don’t mind it, I just don’t want them to change the dialogue of the books. She wrote out some of the best personalities, and if they change the way they talk to much, I feel like it’s changing the characters too. 😦 that’s all I care about.

  6. I don’t like Jamie for Jace 😦 he just doesn’t have the right look. Just my opinion

    • I agree

    • I totally agree! I wished they would have went with Alex Pettyfer!

      • They wanted Alex at first, but he turned them down so its not their fault he was being a snob and asking for more money….

      • Alex Pettyfer’s looks are spot on for Jace, but he’s not that terrific an actor. I’ve never admired Jamie Campbell Bower for his looks, but his quality of acting may do more justice for the movie. He may be able to embody the Jace we imagine with his skill and leave the looks up to movie magic.

      • me too it should be alex pettyfer

    • I know 😦

    • i agree 100%, nothing against the guy, but it just doesn’t feel right to have him as jace. 😦

      • I’m with you guys on that one darn that to good for this movie hottie alex pettyfer would have made a awesome jace 😀 if only he knew how good the books was i dont believe in the gay part myself but other then that its a awesome one, and it could get like twilight and become the top notch. but i hope they make the movie as good as the book.

      • Im sorry to say this but alex p. Would b th worst person to play jace its just that I’ve seen him in sooo many movies and im fing sick of him anf hes too old and not as hot as I picture jace

      • vishousjayne // May 16, 2012 at 7:32 PM //

        agree! i dont think there is anything remotely jace/sexy about him.

    • I agree as well

    • vishousjayne // May 16, 2012 at 7:29 PM // Reply

      AGREE!! i thought jace was supposed to be hot not scary!

    • I totally agree! When I saw Jaime was cast for Jace I had no idea who he even was. When I saw his pictures I could NOT believe they picked him. He’s scrawny and his face is nothing like Cassandra describes in her books. Alex Pettyfer would’ve been perfect! If only…..

    • Totaly agree…he doesn’t look bad ass enough 😛

  7. I’m thinking because Alec and Magnus are gay characters, they have to be over a certain age? Who’d know. As long as they get right hair colour and eye colour 🙂

    • I think it’d be better to have more of a visual age difference, cause that’s what I’ve always pictured. But I completely agree: as long as Alec has those pretty blue eyes and Magnus has those fascinating cat’s eyes, I’ll be happy.

      • Ya but their interpretation of cat eyes is Asian. Gay Asians are not sexy its just a fact

      • Jro, It is stated pretty clearly that Magnus is not Caucasian. Even CC will tell you that. I kind of picture Darren Criss in that role, with his Filipino Background, but w/e 🙂

  8. I am english and at first I thought it would be weird they would have accents but then I thought about it. I don’t think the accents will be as strong as say mine. I reckon they will use a neutral one, the kind of older american accent if you see what I mean. Woo excited for casting news tho ahhhh 🙂

    • i love British accents. But could you imagine Jace or Alec or Izzy saying ‘reckon’? Anyone? No offence intended, Amy.

      • No offence taken…but honestly is it that important ? Films use English accents for a lot of things I think an accent in between like I said in a previous post would be good. Like cassie just said on tumblr in her mind izzy jace Alec never had New york accents. Also I think there seems to be a lot of upset over things that haven’t happened yet I think we should all reserve judgment until it happens 🙂

  9. I really don’t think Jamie fits the character for Jace.. At all. Just my opinion…

    • I’m with you on that!!!

    • Isabelle Lightwood // May 16, 2012 at 12:52 PM // Reply

      Agreed! They could do SOO much better than him.

      • Jamie is PERFECT for Jace! Alex Pettyfer, though gorgeous, looks like a frat bro… plus he also looks way too old.

      • I still prefer Alex ,he’s way better looking and only a year and a half older than Jamie.

      • Alex Pettyfer would make a good Jace (:

    • Letticia Smith // May 17, 2012 at 2:28 AM // Reply

      I agree, Jamie’s features are too angular and his eyes are blue, where Jace has the face of an angel (not to be confused with chubby cherubs) and his eye’s are golden. Jamie’s face just isn’t as pleasant to look at, as how I pictured Jace from the books.

  10. Magnus as Asian is so weird. He shouldn’t be

    • but… he is in the books…. always has been…

    • Magnus is asian. You werent paying attention close enough when Cassandra mentioned it in the first book.

      • @Kayleigh Ward

        “Magnus? Magnus Bane?”
        “That would be me.” The man blocking the doorway was as tall and thin as a rail, his hair a crown of dense back spikes. Clary guessed from the curse of his sleepy eyes and the gold tone of his evenly tanned skin that he was part Asian. He wore jeans and a black shirt covered with dozens of metal buckles. His eyes were crusted with a raccoon mask of charcoal glitter, his lips painted a dark shade of blue. He raked a ring-laden hand through his spiked hair and regarded them thoughtfully. “Children of the Nephilim,” he said. “Well, well. I don’t recall inviting you. I must have been drunk.”
        ― City of Bones.

    • Isabelle Lightwood // May 16, 2012 at 12:53 PM // Reply

      It’s weird to think of him as Asian, I never picture him like that. But, in the books it does say that he’s Asian. 😛

      • Michellr // May 16, 2012 at 5:32 PM //

        It is even said in the newest book that him mother is from Indonesia. Read carefully and you would know this.

      • shannon0228 // May 20, 2012 at 2:51 PM //

        The book said he was Asian… but you never pictured him like that? You do realize the characters are meant to look as they are described, not based on what the reader wants them to look like. If that was the case, authors wouldn’t bother explaining the characters’s appearances.

    • Yeah, I sort of pictured him to look a bit like Michael Jackson (with white skin) but maybe with shorter hair and a less edgy face.

    • In what ignorant world did you decide that Magnus shouldn’t be Asian? I’m going to start my rant about your ridiculous white washing by first putting the fact that Cassandra directly states his heritage on numerous occasions throughout the entire series aside. I can understand that some readers may have not picked it up because they simply envisioned Magnus white from the start and stuck with it from the beginning. Though it enrages me, such a thing is mostly the product of most entertainment in the US being white washed. What I really do not appreciate is how you say he “shouldn’t be.” Besides the fact that HE HAS BEEN ASIAN, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE ASIAN FOR ALL OF ETERNITY, what the hell would be wrong it? It’s not weird. It’s how it is. It’s part of who he is. As Cassie said in an earlier post ABOUT THIS EXACT SAME PROBLEM, you wouldn’t like it if they turned him and Alec straight for the movie would you? Or maybe you would, I don’t really understand what type of person you are. What if they turned Jem white in the adaption of The Infernal Devices? If you were a real fan of this beautiful, glorious series, you would have A) Picked up on the fact that he is part Indonesian, B) Be simply over joyed that they’re even making a film, and C) Not made such an indirectly racist comment.
      Just checking, you know Maia is African American right? We wouldn’t want you to be upset about that either. And Raphael is Hispanic. More than any other author of young adult fiction, Cassie works magnificently to incorporate people of all races and cultures. HAIL THE ALMIGHTY CASSIE CLARE WHOOOT
      PS, I myself am I white teenage girl

      • Lisa-Beth // May 16, 2012 at 11:25 PM //

        I agree with what you’re saying, and I’m glad that she incorporated different ethnic groups into the series, however I find that if I’m so caught up in a book, I let my mind run on what descriptive information I’m given, and sometimes don’t stick to what it specifically says. For instance, I also didn’t picture Magnus as asian, although I acknowledged that he is supposed to be. I did picture Maia as african-american, and Raphael as hispanic though. Also, a great number of shadowhunters in New York and Idris were black/hispanic/asian/caucasian/anything and everything else. Some characters who were supposed to be white turned up differently in my head too. However, I can see why a lot of people didn’t picture Magnus as asian to begin with, and once you have the image in your head it is hard to try to adapt to the reality. And it had nothing to do with being racist, it was just the first describing words set the image into motion and by the time his ethnicity was mentioned, he was already created. I don’t mean to be rude, just to show the other side of this =]
        P.s. -also a white teenage girl

      • I’m sorry, I did get a little carried away there myself. It was because I absolutely love the characters and just freaked out when something like that was mentioned. I get that everyone pictures all characters differently. The fact that an Asian actor is going to have a dominant role in a movie for once in Hollywood just got me so pumped up, and it makes me sad when other’s don’t realize his actual heritage and whatnot. It was rude of me to go off like that at you. TMI fans unite.

      • I’m just saying, given that Magnus is a pretty damn powerful warlock, he at least might not LOOK Asian for all eternity. He could probably change his appearance if he wanted. That aside, I agree with you.

    • totally agree somehow i keep seeing someone who is gay wears alot of makeup and outlandish clothes and has black spiky hair, very theatrical and is very very saracastic how many asian actors are that

  11. The cast over 18 when possible for legal reasons. There are a lot of concessions they have to make for child actors, limits to hours they can work, certain insurance they have to carry, it’s just cheaper and more efficient to hire adults because of child labor laws. I used to complain about it to until I realized there’s method to their madness. 😀

  12. I wonder if they use a British accent for people from Idris because it is a very old accent, they wouldn’t have american accents as the USA is a young country (& therefore accent) comparatively. I agree with Jessi that I believe they were raise & educated by people from idris with very little influence from New York, children who are raised somewhere different to their parents accent only take in the new accent because they are in the school system etc. I look forward to seeing the rest of the cast, esp Magnus, I was never able to picture what he looked like.

  13. Simon and Isabelle are just 16! and alec is 18 or 19! and jamie is the wrong for jace.

  14. That’s stupid that the casting ages are 18 and above considering that there will be 6 books all together… I can only assume that this movie will be big like twilight because everyone loves the books so why wouldn’t they want to make all the books into movies…. The actors will be like 30 by the time the finish…

  15. the actor and actress dont fit the rolls of jace and clary

  16. Magnus was supposed to look about 17. O_O

    • Actually about 20, but it’s just normal that older people would get roles of younger people. What matters is if they will l o o k right. If he looks like Magnus to me, he could be as well a 100-year-old. Also I hope they find a PART-asian person… or Miyavi! T v T

      • It’s 19. Read her website!

      • Exactly – if it only matters if they will “l o o k right” then why do the requirements for Magnus include that the actor is 25 to 30? That’s what I was wondering. But I’m just curious. I’m sure the casting people know what they’re doing and there’s all kinds of factors we don’t know about.

  17. I agree I can’t see Jamie as Jace he just doesn’t have any sex appeal sorry 🙂

    • Ah I totally disagree I think Jamie and lily will be perfect. Jamie’s eyes are soo jace and they will alter his ‘look’ to fit the role 🙂 I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised

      • I totally agree. I’m so tired of everyone complaining about the actor chosen for Jace. Make up, hair and lighting do amazing things. It’s not going to change, just wait and see I’m sure most people will like it.

      • That could be true I seen a few pictures he pulls goodlookin off in i guess we’ll have to wait for the movie to come out we all could be pleased with the makings and actors…i just had my heart set on alex pettyfer but there is another my top of fav books the fallen and they are turning that into a movie to i hope they pick him he would make a great daniel in the book fallen BY: “lauren kate” too… dont disappoint my heart twice i dont think i can take it alex 😦 i cant wait to find out who they pick for simon they make him sound hot in the book too 🙂 long dark brown hair and eyes LOVE IT!

    • vishousjayne // May 16, 2012 at 7:37 PM // Reply

      Agree! scrawny and weak looking. No sex appeal at all. He looks scary

      • Lisa-Beth // May 16, 2012 at 11:32 PM //

        Yeah, scrawny and weak looking is what we want for Simon, not Jace.. however with sex appeal. Lots of sex appeal, I mean he’s a vampire and in a band =P (Therefore Jaime wouldn’t fit Simon either, even if he had dark brownish black hair)

  18. rydswaneee // May 16, 2012 at 11:16 AM // Reply

    Alec and Isabelle are British? But I’ve been reading them with an American accent! They didn’t even grow up in Alicante! They never even mentioned England! They only ones who should have a slight accent are their parents (who wouldn’t be in this movie). Also I thought that this had the list of who was going to be in the movie, I was clearly mislead.

  19. pleAse recast for the role of Jace!!!!!

  20. I don’t think mangus was Asian.

  21. I find it hilarious people are complaining about the ages and the accents, and Jamie. If it bothers you that much don’t go.
    Jamie, will be great, you know that there is such thing as hair and makeup right? Not to mention I am pretty sure I heard he was working out to buff up for the film.
    Then the ages are for legal reason and I will tell you, I am 19 and I look the typical 15 16 years old. People tend to look younger than what they are. Hence the age casting.
    And for the accents? Come on British accents would be awesome and it makes sense, we don’t know were Idris is, and its not like they go outside and go to school, or even hang around New Yorkers enough to pick up an American accent.

  22. If Jaime follows through with this role (of which I hope he doesn’t or the choose someone else because he does not fit the part at all) he would of starred in three of the biggest hits. Harry Potter, Twilight, and I know that the Mortal Instrument series are gonna be another huge thing to hit the big screen…

  23. i think that Osric Chau would make a great magnus for sure!!!!!!!!

  24. My reaction to Jamie as Jace was the same as when I found out Ledger was cast as Joker. But as I started to see movie stills of Ledger in the makeup and saw cuts of him acting as Joker I was pleasantly surprised. With Jamie, I looked at his work up til now, and I see that a couple of the stills from Camelot when he was playing King Arthur look promising. I still want to see that show and havent gotten around to it, to see how well he acted in there. So, after my lack of faith in Ledger, I try not to count anyone out so soon.

  25. I’ve been waiting for this movie to come out for so long that I’m about to give up on it. I’ve never liked Jamie for Jace and I STILL don’t. Recast him please.

    Plus, why are they looking for British actors for Alec and Izzy??? Bizarre.

    • I know that it is just your opinion and you can not like him, but I want to remind you that Cassandra cried when she saw him and Lily screen testing because they were Jace and Clary. She LOVED him. To her, he is Jace, and I am just going believe her that he can do a prefect job.

      • I’m beginning to think she cried because she was OVERWHELMED with emotion, that finally, finally her characters are being brought to life on the screen and NOT because of the actors.

        Cassie liked him, fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to, too. I just don’t want him to ruin my mental image of Jace forever just like RPattz ruined Edward for me.

      • ^ -Likes this.-

  26. Why the hell are they so old?!? NO!

  27. shannon0228 // May 16, 2012 at 12:00 PM // Reply

    This is the most bizarre casting information I have ever seen. Why the hell does the guy playing Alec have to be gay? He is one the least stereotypical gay characters I’ve seen. Also love that there are no physical characteristics for him; you just have to be gay, British, and almost 30. Oooookay… Why are the Lightwood siblings the only British ones? They’re supposed to be from New York! LOL

    • completely agree.

    • the guy playing alec has to be gay because in the other books Alec has a relationship with anither main character.. but has anyone stopped to think that the casting maybe already done and the above is a hint as to who they may be id be jumping on google and searching who bristish actors that fit the descriptions

  28. Amy they are going to have to do a miracle for Jamie so that he can have an once of the hotness that Jace has!!!!

    • I don’t think so he is hot just look at the manips people have done of him…plus the they can do wonders in the film world they will make him look the part 🙂 I understand that Alex was what a lot of people pictured but he’s Alex not jace and I think Jamie will bring a lot to the role…

  29. I never pictured Magnus as asian… and i never pictured any one with british accents either…
    plz don’t make this movie suck.
    and i agree about jamie. No offense, but he just doesnt fit jace’s character.

    • Cassie has stated numerous times throught her whole series that Magnus is Asian. Please don’t be ignorant and just skip over these key facts. And you think they’re ruining the movie by casting an Asian actor for a character that is, in fact, Asian? Statements like yours make me lose hope in equality among humans.

      • i always forget Magnus is asian then i read something that tell me he is and change how he looks but he just fades over time back into what i he him look like from the start, so not for lack of trying

  30. why jamie as jace he doesn’t look anything like jace would do…hes like the problem they had when they cast robert pattison to play edward in twillight he was meant to be god like in the books but robert pattison didnt and the sames happening with jace……..

  31. it’s so funny that Magnus Bane HAS TO be a bisexual asian xD I thought it was an actors job to adapt the sexuality of the role, so there shouldn’t be a problem with having any other sexual orientation 😀

    • its prob a hint they prob have already cast a bi-sexual asian actor and it up to us to google and figure it out

  32. Isabelle Lightwood // May 16, 2012 at 1:06 PM // Reply

    I’m not a fan of the ages that they are aiming for, I get that it saves them a lot of legal whatever’s… but the guy that would play Magnus (if they were to keep with this age range) would be in his 40’s or possibly even 50’s by the time they finished. It’s a good idea to make the guy who will play Alec over 18 so that they don’t get legal crap for the kissing scenes, but I think right at 18 would be perfect.
    In the books it never mentions anything about a different accent (unless I missed something) so I’m not a huge fan of the accent idea, but it could make sense (with the whole parents having an accent and the kiddos being around their parents more than anyone else).
    I really do think they should re-cast Jace, Jamie just doesn’t look right. It’s a main character, so they can’t just re-cast after the first movie becomes a huge hit, no matter how much they’re going to want to. Jamie just doesn’t seem right for the part. I’m not a huge fan of Lily Collins being in the movie either, but they could’ve done worse. At least Lily can ACT (unlike, say, Kristen Stewart).
    I really hope that they actually pour some money into this movie too. Make the demons actually look real, not like cartoons, etc. I want to watch a good movie, not a cartoon.

    My thoughts…

  33. Why are they looking for British actors/actress for Alec and Izzy, they are not british they are American only their Ancestors from Clockwork Angel are British, which Is like 200 years AGO!!

  34. I really hope Jamie would back out. He’s not attractive enough to be Jace!

    • TeamEdwardJace // May 16, 2012 at 3:22 PM // Reply

      i disagree with you. I love Jamie as jace and so does cassie!

      • And I disagree with you, I would have to be so drunk off my knockers before I’d ever fuck him…. Everyone’s different…

  35. Christina // May 16, 2012 at 3:21 PM // Reply

    I wish people would stop telling people “if you don’t like it dont see the movie. This IS America and people should be free to voice their opinions especially on something so near and dear to their heart.
    Having said that, I don’t know if Adam Lambert can act, but he is exactly how I pictured Magnus. I remember the first time I saw him on AI. I was like OMG it’s Magnus!

    • AudreyGolightly13 // May 17, 2012 at 3:26 AM // Reply

      Agreed. Completely.

    • ohhh yes and i should think he can he is very theatrical and has the baby face but otherwordly look going plus fits the description someonme who has lots of makeup, outlandish clothes and black spiky hair and looks to be around he late teens..
      but i have gut feeling parts have already been cast

  36. I want to audition for Maia!!! I need to know when and where those auditions are being held for City of Ashes!!

  37. damn my overly dark skin pigments! I dont have a chance at any of these roles. And i didnt know the Lightwoods are british! Mind. Blown.

  38. I really hope Jamie is recast as jace and someone else is chosen because he does not look the part my mental image of jace is more like the cover of city of lost souls please reconsider!

  39. Question- How would Infernal Device fans feel, if Will spoke with a Brooklyn accent in the Movie ( When there is a movie) Even in 1878, you can tell who was from New York.
    Will, was welsh and grew up in England. You could not only hear it as you read, but you could see it in your minds eye. So, yes! It matters, it matters greatly!!!!

    • Look I see what your saying I am a big fan as well I think people are just trying to be comforting.However, I agree that background is important. But as you know they aren’t American either. So yes they live there and have the influences but they would still keep other influences from idris especially as they don’t go to school there. I think it would be silly for them to speak in a very clear English accent but I also think to have a new York accent wouldn’t be right either. I agree about the ID thing you said but that’s slightly different. I just hope that whatever happens at least most people are happy with it as we are all fans and want the best from it :).

    • They’re from Idris, not America or Britain. So really, we don’t know what kind of accent they would have. They don’t exactly go to school (which is where most kids lose their accent) or associate much with mundanes. Given Idris is an old old country, where they probably speak more formally, they could very well have a slight British accent.

  40. Don’t get e wrong, I could listen to a British accent all day but when in the book did it even mention that any of them were British? I think by saying your mainly looking for British actors it not only counts out a lot of good American (or even Australian) actors and actresses, but it doesn’t stay true to the book for me.

  41. Magnus was Asian??

  42. so apparently people are going to complain about this no matter what. i for one am simply happy that they are even moving forward with this project because it could have been completely shut down and forgotten about. and im glad that alex pettyfer turned the role down or whatever happened, because honestly, i prefer jamie over him any day. he’s a great actor and deserves the role! just because he doesn’t look like the guy in your head, doesn’t mean that someone else doesn’t see him there! everyone has a different version of jace. sorry. and magnus has always been described as having an asian background. go back and read it if you don’t believe it. but i agree, to a certain extent, about the accents. i thought they would have a new york accent, but someone brought up the fact that they don’t interact much with Mundanes, so they wouldn’t pick up on the accent. i agree with that, and have realized that the accent isn’t a bad idea. don’t mean to sound like a douche, but since i heard about them making the movie, i’ve read blog after blog where people complain about one thing or another and its tiring. just be happy we get a movie! a lot of other authors (libba bray and her gemma doyle trilogy) don’t have this opportunity!

  43. newface4jace // May 16, 2012 at 5:37 PM // Reply

    oh man, no offense but Jamie Campbell Bower is so not the face I would want for Jace. They could have done much better. They’ve been casting for what seems like forever and I would think they could have held out for someone else. Even a no-namer. I LOVE the TMI books, but I’m skeptical about how this movie will live up to them.

  44. I think adam lambert would make an awesome Magnus Bain

  45. Look every one I am just as upset about the entire movie as the rest of you but sitting here complaining about it will do no good don’t you see they obviously don’t care what we have to say. I mean since when has the movie industry ever stayed true to the books…..never.

  46. Could have done better for jace..i dont think jaime campbell bower fits the character very well at all.

  47. Idk what the heck everyone has their panties in a wad for. I think you all are extremely over reacting. Just my opinion. He was a good old vampire and Arthur so I think he will be fine. Everyone freaked out over the casting of lenny kravitz in the Hunger Game and he was great. Just wait it out and let it come together and stop complaining. It could suck like Twilight but until then deal with it. You aren’t going to change it.

  48. I’m pissed about that ugly guy playing jace that ruined it for me

    • it depends what pic of jamie you see when he made up as arthur or in the promo shots for the COB film he maybe not Alex but he not ugly either

    • mina blak // May 26, 2012 at 8:40 AM // Reply

      You do realise that there are a LOT of fans out there who think that Jamie is incredibly beautiful and charismatic and perfect to play Jace, don’t you?

      • Haha reall? How many? Like 10? Out of millions? And you do realize that just because a group of people (like yourself) like something doesn’t mean that everyone else should too. Just saying. You seem to be only nice to the ones that agree with you. Why don’t you stop your hating at racist peeps and realize that you are just as prejudice. Disliking someone just because their ideas are not your own, is just as fucked up as disliking someone because of the color of their skin. See, prejudicism is not just with race, and sex, but a lot of other things too. So quit being a fucking bitch!

      • mina blak // May 30, 2012 at 6:24 AM //

        I’m not hating on racist people – I feel sorry for them.

      • And I feel sorry for you. You only seem associate yourself with people who think like you. You must get really tired and bored of the same old thing…

  49. Oh and British accent really that sux cant stand British pple

    • Jamie is not ugly. He’s not to your taste perhaps, but he’s not ugly. Personaly I like him as Jace, he naturally has a cocky, sarcastic air to him and I think he’ll do great. Also concidering you can’t spell or punctuate in proper english I don’t see what right you have to be slagging off anyone. I can guarantee that you don’t know the entire population of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland therefor there is no possible way for you to justify claiming to hate them all.

      • Just for the record, I am not sticking up for christy at all, but just because you find Jamie attractive, does not mean everyone else should. I have faith he will do well, but I just don’t find him sexually attractive in the least bit. I mean, if men who look like women is your thing, then fine. I personally like my men to look like MEN. I think with some weight lifting, someone to teach him how to run a comb through his sticky hair, and to wear pants that don’t give him a camel toe, then I am sure he’ll do a great job, but that does not mean that everyone should automatically find him attractive. It doesn’t work like that, just ask any medical expert. But hopefully his full body transformation can do that. As for accents, I don’t have too much trouble with it. Jace, Alec, and Isabelle should not speak the same cultural slang though. Because Jace talks like a typical American kid, except his vocabulary is larger. So I hope they use the dialogue from the book, and not something from elsewhere. Because they use typical American cultural talk, not brit. I also pictured Jace’s voice to be rough and deep, but of course everything cannot be perfect. I just want a less girlie Jamie, and more manly Jamie… and I’ll be good. films adapted from books mostly suck, anyways. so just keep your expectations low, and it’ll be good.

      • You’re criticising Christy’s spelling, yet you couldn’t even spell ‘considering’ properly. Do you see the irony here? You should think twice before sending insulting messages.

      • Lol I was trying to hold back from pointing that out lol

      • I wasn’t trying to insult her, I was just pointing out the fact that she’s slagging millions of people she doesn’t even know.

      • newface4jace // May 17, 2012 at 10:29 PM //

        haha yep, jaime is a tad too fem for my taste…and yes, that’s my personal opinion.

      • newface4jace // May 17, 2012 at 10:31 PM //

        my bad…*jamie* LOL

      • I am 22 to be exact, and in college. I have a friend who refuses to speak a single profanity, and I respect him highly for it. But he also doesn’t judge the rest of us for doing things differently, we’ve even had that discussion. He said that what I do, don’t do, believe and don’t believe is my business. He would never expect me to act, think, or sound like him. The point of our friendship is we can talk about religion, God, Jesus, politics, books, movies, the whole nine yards without going at each other’s throats about it. I love that I can talk to him about my opinion without being slandered for it, again, that’s why he is one of my best friends. He doesn’t judge me, mainly because I’m different. Not that I don’t believe in God, because I do, I am just not religious. I don’t go to church, I rather NOT go to church, because in most of those places people inside judge you more than the people outside. I use to go, and mainly because I loved my pastor, but he left, and now I just don’t have the heart to go anymore. Yeah, I party on the weekends, not as nearly as much as my freshman year, because I learned the hard way that if you spend more time having fun in college, or spend even more time trying to fix your GPA. lol. so needless to say I failed my first year. As for my profanity issue, I will be 100million% honest, I was doing it on purpose, because just had this gut feeling that you were one of those people who hate it. So I did it again, and again, to make you uncomfortable. Yes, that was immature, greatly. But before you pin point my immaturity, take a long look at yourself first. Lisa is right, you couldn’t own up to the fact that the whole thing was a big misunderstanding, so instead you finally write back to me. That’s just as condescending as what I was doing. I apologize for the profanity use, and calling you names. but I do not apologize for calling you out. Sometimes people need to be told when they’re being a bitch, or a dick! Even if it’s not nice… I’ve learned that it’s helped others being told the truth about them, made them better people in the end…

      • mina blak // May 30, 2012 at 12:11 PM //

        @JoshQ, I don’t have a problem with swearing. I’m neither Christian, nor do I believe in God and I never go to church. I don’t like church as an institution, but that’s for another discussion. So actually, I’m not “one of those people” at all.
        And I knew that you were trying to get a raise out of me and that’s exactly why I didn’t reply to you initially. But I do appreciate you admitting to it now. And I’m sorry that you think that I’m a bitch, but if that’s your opinion – you’re entitled to it….:).
        And most definitely, I don’t appreciate when people call me foul names just for the sake of being nasty because I’m a strong believer in getting your point across without having to act like a complete rude dick/bitch to get there – and that’s why I choose not to use profanities, not because I’m some religious freak-person.
        Why did I not own up to it “all being one big misunderstanding”? Are you sure I didn’t? Please go back and re-read my first ever comment directed solely at Smalls. In that comment I made it perfectly clear that my criticism was directed at racists and homophobes ONLY and it had nothing whatsoever to do with people disagreeing with me or the casting choices or Jamie Bower….. I’m not as shallow to expect everyone to agree with me. Frankly, at the end of the day I don’t give a fuck. So, to cut a long story short – I pointed out that it was a misunderstanding looooong before things escalated to such an ugly, non-civilised level, yet she still chose to go on a lunatic-rant, completely disregardind what I wrote.
        This is pretty much the last time I’ll try and clarify this mess because I’m well and truly over it. Have a great day! 🙂

    • mina blak // May 26, 2012 at 4:46 AM // Reply

      @Christy -That’s a really offensive, racist statement you just made!
      You sound like someone that’s really, really young with a LOT of growing up to do.

      In general – So many comments here make me really sad because they reflect the ignorant, unkind society we live in.

      Some of you people don’t deserve to even call yourselves “fans” of this wonderful book series and you should be ashamed of your own narrow-mindedness. Grow up.

      • I can’ believe YOU call yourself a fan!!! People have a right to have an opinion. So just because the majority of population of women that exists in the world that don’t find Jamie attractive are shameful, narrow-minded, and a terrible fan??? Even Cassie herself said that everyone has their own image of Jace and everyone has a right to like, or dislike whatever actor they choose for Jace. There are even some people from way back when AP was being considered there were those who didn’t like AP. And he’s on the general consensus of good looking men. Jamie is not. The racist, and bigot comments are terrible yes, I agree with you 100% on that! But you seem to be calling EVERYONE out who are disliking choices made for the film. You’re a hypocrite, because I HIGHLY doubt, you agree to every little thing every single person you know does. I HIGHLY doubt you would date a guy who is absolutely un-actractive to you. Trust me, I have. It’s called pity-dating. And every touch, every kiss feels like you are being violated… even though you are not. Ask any medical expert, if you are not attracted to someone, that’s your body making a decision for you. You just simply CAN’T judge people on that!!!! Just because most of us don’t find Jamie attractive, doesn’t make us bad fans. And just because most of us don’t quite agree with the british accents decision doesn’t make us racist either. They didn’t have accents in the book, not to mention I’m from New York, and if a bunch of teenage brits were running around Manhattan you would fucking NOTICE that! Aren’t they supposed to keep on the down low from Mundanes???? I said I’m fine with the accents as long as they’re neutral, not strong, and no slang. Technically that would make me a BETTER fan than you, because I want the movie to be true to the book and in the book… they didn’t have accents…

      • mina blak // May 26, 2012 at 9:45 AM //

        @Smalls – This is what I wrote:
        ” So many comments (= not every comment) here make me really sad because they reflect the ignorant, unkind society we live in.

        SOME OF YOU (= not everyone) people don’t deserve to even call yourselves “fans” of this wonderful book series and you should be ashamed of your own narrow-mindedness. Grow up.”

        So, firstly – I don’t understand how you could draw the conclusion that I “seem to be calling out EVERYONE disliking the choices made for the movies” out of my comment??!

        Secondly – I am only disgusted with the level of racism, homophobia and whitewashing in *some* comments and those are the ones I was referring to, but obviously, you chose to ignore the entire context of my comment for the sake of just arguing and shooting your mouth off. You called me a “hypocrite” based on what exactly? The fact that I don’t tolerate racists and homophobes?

        Lastly – who gives a toss about weather *I* or *you* would “date” any of the actors in this movie, including Jamie?! Are you that shallow a person that you judge someone’s ability to portray a certain character on weather you’d “date” them?

        And please – ease up on the phrase “ask any medical expert” because it’s a dead giveaway for when someone really immature tries to sound smarter and more articulate than they actually are.

      • I think that you are just pissed that I called you out. Getting pissed about Christy’s issues with race is one thing but to come on here with the terrible attitude you have with EVERYONE is just flat out rude. You basically have an issue with anyone hi thinks differently than you. And did I say that I didn’t want Jamie I be Jace? No I did not. So who is misreading comments??? I don’t find Jamie attractive AT ALL and neither do the larger population. Most girls like their boyfriends to look… I don’t know… Like a BOY. If you’re straight and date guys that look like chicks then what’s the point of being straight????? I don’t mind Jamie. I personally never wanted a movie to be done in the first place. But it’s gonna happen and I could care less if it’s canceled or not. On the medical expert thing. I will be honest. I am not a metrical expert but a good friend of mine is. I “pity-dated” somone once and thought there was something wrong with me because I just didn’t like him. My friend told me basically what I told you. Your response just proved why I was annoyed with you in the first place. You think all of us who don’t find Jamie attractive shallow… Again…. Judgmental much? Sorry, but individuality exists…

      • @Mina blake. Well… If you don’t want anyone to take what you wrote the wrong way than be more specific. This is the Internet, if you don’t want a comeback then don’t post. Simple as that. And if you really mean that you didn’t mean to pin point everyone who disagrees with you, then what’s with the hostility towards others for being disgusted by the looks of JamieBower- or whatever his stupid name is. I’m a guy, and straight so I guess my opinion of him doesn’t really matter in all areas lol but I’ll give It anyways… In high school… In the real world outside of fame… Here in America… He would be one of the emo kids I use to see get beat up by all the alpha males back in high school. Not that I am saying that was nice, I stuck up for those kids I assure you… Even thought Emo is failed attempt at punk… But to me you are just as hateful towards others for disliking the Jamie dude as those who hate British peeps. So what if they’re being a little negative about it? Let them! They have a right. Even the crazy ones who thought Lambert should be Magnus. As long as they KNOW that’s impossible to happen, and that Magnus is part Indonesia, who fucking cares!? They have a right to picture Jesus when they read if they want. So fuck off. I only see comments on here dissing people who don’t like Jamie. I don’t see any comments from people calling you all scum of the earth just because you like the guy. The only time I see that is when one of you flat out have an attitude or an insult to someone who doesn’t like him, then hey counter back with an insult… Self defense. So you ARE a hypocrite because you have an attitude with everyone but the ones tht agree with you. That’s prejudism! And the medical expert thing, she could’ve very well lied and said SHE was the medical expert. The Internet is a great place of pretending, but she didn’t do that. So I don’t find that her trying to sound smart. That’s PASSING ALONG information. Now I AM trying to sound smart! So I just think she made you feel stupid, and you’re reaction was insult. Not any support or idea on why she wouldn’t be smart just an insult… So babe… Looks like you’re the asshole…

      • mina blak // May 27, 2012 at 6:51 AM //

        Seriously @Smalls, you must be fucking insane because I haven’t even mentioned Jamie in the comment we’re discussing! I don’t care weather YOU like or dislike Jamie – I wasn’t talking about him. I am absolutely astounded at how much you’re not getting the point and I hope that you get some medical help (from your friend) because you have some serious mental issues.

      • @mini blak wow bitch you gots some motherfuking issues. You DID say she was shallow. You said: “Lastly – who gives a toss about weather *I* or *you* would “date” any of the actors in this movie, including Jamie?! Are you that shallow a person that you judge someone’s ability to portray a certain character on weather you’d “date” them?” so it looks like you DID mention Jamie. Also she never said that she didn’t want The guy to be jace because she prefers to date men who have cocks. She only stated that she’d never date him. Seems to me that you are just as guilty for twisting words, and adding things that aren’t ther! Crazy people don’t know they’re crazy, it’s also psychological for mental people to claim others are mental. Did you know that? I bet not. I noticed how you completely ignored my comment pobably because you’re intimidated by the fact that more than one person thinks that you are a fucking cunt! And if you care to insult people more than to just end your bullshit then maybe you are a waste of life. It’s so easy for you to treat others like their stupid, then I think that maybe someone should seriously check YOU into a shrink. Because you’re
        Obviously sociopathic.

      • Whatever,
        You did mention my opinion in Jamie, but apparently I’m crazy so. Hey you dot know me, don know my name, don’t even know what I look like, but you know me so fucking well, don’t you. Well, even though I don’t know you, I’m gonna make insulting assumptions too. Why not? You’re doing it. So here it goes. You’re a fucking low life bitch who thinks she is always right no matter what. You’re cold to people, make rude assumptions, and think you are better than everyone else. Again, I’m only guessing since this is just a TEXT on the INTERNET!!!!! Whatever you fucking cow, I’m done with you! BYE!

      • @Mini Blak @Smalls you both misunderstood each other. So basically you’re both being really stupid. And to be honest @Mini Blak you’re the one trying to sound all smart, and sarcastic, when clearly everything was a big misunderstanding. You are ALSO mis interpreting her words. So for the fact that you called her crazy and said she has mental issues, I think you just made yourself look just as stupid, because you are BOTH misunderstanding each other. I have been reading all the comments, unlike most people do. And there is seriously only ONE comment where you’re nice. So I agree, with @JoshQ. That comment just happened to be with someone you agree with. You have a stuck up attitude with everyone else. At least I can say the Smalls person has been really nice, and have been talking about the movie with others. Even people who think Adam Lambert should be Magnus, she is even being nice to them. So again, you both are being stupid. So think about that before you act all high and might @Mini Blak. Yeesh

      • mina blak // May 30, 2012 at 6:50 AM //

        My name is Mina, not “Mini”. Don’t confuse my being more civilised in choosing my words with “being stuck up”. Just because my every second word isn’t fuck, cunt, bitch or asshole doesn’t mean I’m stuck up. And you’re right – I’m definitely not gonna be nice, let alone agree with people who use profanities while addressing me in their comments.

      • OKay, you just did what you blindly accused Smalls of doing. Adding words to someone else’s comment. I never said that you were stuck up ‘Just because you don’t use profanities’ I said that you seem stuck up in all your comments, because you have a little bit of a ‘you’re stupid for writing this attitude’ attitude. This home comment started out as a racist comment, so I get the hostility there. But to people who are only voicing their opinion there’s no reason for it. You can’t expect everyone to agree on everything about this film. Whether they’re excited for it or not. There are going to be things that people are just not going to like. End of story. And if we all agreed on everything, then life would be pretty boring. And you’re basically calling JoshQ immature, again, blind accusation because instead of realizing that you were just as guilty for misinterpreting text, you come back with a rant, and an attitude. Why don’t you own up to the fact that both of you were misunderstanding each other, and it’s a big ‘whoops’? So that makes you just as immature as him. Not to mention, who cares if someone else uses curse words. I have a problem with people who judge others over stuff like that. Because usually they’re people who ‘claim’ to be the ‘perfect’ christians when really, you don’t know what God will punish us for. None of us are experts, so how about we all just shut up and get along, and stop trying to be like “I look down on those who smoke a little weed, I look down on those who use profanity, I look down on those who have sex before marriage’ blah blah blah. You blindly accuse someone of being an incredibly evil person through text? That’s really sad. You don’t even know them. They’re probably pretty good people. and besides he’s a young guy I presume. It’s normal for young guys to curse. There are some out there who don’t, yes. But I have met a hell of a lot more that do, than don’t. Living in a college town, you meet a lot of people. (especially hot guys) And most of them are young immature, party animals on the weekends, but all around nice kids. So again, how about we all just shut up, and own up to our mistakes. Is that so hard? P.S. sorry, did not mean to mess your name. I wasn’t really looking to make sure I was spelling it right.

      • I am 22 to be exact, and in college. I have a friend who refuses to speak a single profanity, and I respect him highly for it. But he also doesn’t judge the rest of us for doing things differently, we’ve even had that discussion. He said that what I do, don’t do, believe and don’t believe is my business. He would never expect me to act, think, or sound like him. The point of our friendship is we can talk about religion, God, Jesus, politics, books, movies, the whole nine yards without going at each other’s throats about it. I love that I can talk to him about my opinion without being slandered for it, again, that’s why he is one of my best friends. He doesn’t judge me, mainly because I’m different. Not that I don’t believe in God, because I do, I am just not religious. I don’t go to church, I rather NOT go to church, because in most of those places people inside judge you more than the people outside. I use to go, and mainly because I loved my pastor, but he left, and now I just don’t have the heart to go anymore. Yeah, I party on the weekends, not as nearly as much as my freshman year, because I learned the hard way that if you spend more time having fun in college, or spend even more time trying to fix your GPA. lol. so needless to say I failed my first year. As for my profanity issue, I will be 100million% honest, I was doing it on purpose, because just had this gut feeling that you were one of those people who hate it. So I did it again, and again, to make you uncomfortable. Yes, that was immature, greatly. But before you pin point my immaturity, take a long look at yourself first. Lisa is right, you couldn’t own up to the fact that the whole thing was a big misunderstanding, so instead you finally write back to me. That’s just as condescending as what I was doing. I apologize for the profanity use, and calling you names. but I do not apologize for calling you out. Sometimes people need to be told when they’re being a bitch, or a dick! Even if it’s not nice… I’ve learned that it’s helped others being told the truth about them, made them better people in the end…

  50. Clary, is not going to sound Jewish, because, she is not Jewish. Read COLS and Johnathan explains their nationality. Simon is Jewish, yes. Will he sound Jewish, that depends on his up bringing. There is no reason for the lightwood kids to have British accents..Idris does not have an accent, as per Cassandra Clare. If they grew up in England, well then it would make sense. This is just annoying.

    The Lightwoods speaking proper English, would make more sense.

    • Just curious, who said anything about Clary sounding Jewish? Was it a comment I missed? And even so, Jewish people don’t technically ‘sound’ Jewish, at least not in this era. There are many different types of Jewish people. Russian, English, American, Israelis, etc etc etc. So nowadays they don’t quite have their very own accent unless they are actually born and raised in Israel. Which, obviously Simon is not from Israel, he is a New Yorker. So because he was born and raised in New York, he would have somewhat of a Jewish-New-York-Accent. I’m from New York, and most of the Jewish people there have their own distinct New York accent. lol. So technically it’s a New York accent. Not Jewish. But Simon also doesn’t HAVE to have a New York accent, I have met many New Yorkers nowadays, who just don’t seem to have an accent. But I agree about the british accents. They don’t NEED to have one, CC did not specify on any of them having some sort of accent, so I think it should just be plain American. Not New Yorker, not British, just American. HOWEVER, if they HAVE to have the accents (don’t know why it is such a necessity) I am okay with it, as long as it’s more neutral than thick, and if they use the actual dialogue from the book, and not add things. Like NO OFFENSE to Brits out there, but when Jamie isn’t attractive as he is, and acts as girlie as he does, and he goes to call Hairspray ‘Hair volumizer’ instead of just Hairspray, it screams “HELL NO!” to the opposite sex. LOL, if Jace or any of them were British in the books, there is no way in hell some mundanes would not have noticed when the weren’t glamoured. And a comment on here said that any demon would be suspicious of a British girl in the middle of Manhattan! LOL LOL LOL SO true!

  51. SimiDemon // May 16, 2012 at 7:02 PM // Reply

    Someone else should have been cast as Clary!! Or at least have Lily do something about her eyebrows…

  52. Mackenzie // May 16, 2012 at 7:22 PM // Reply

    But the lightwoods aren’t British? And the guy cast for Jace is not right for that part at all!

  53. Simon: “I thought Jace was everyone’s type?” (direct quote from book)

    Me: “Not since they casted Jamie to play him in this movie, he isn’t.”

    Jace: “Wait a minute? They cast a chick to play me? This isn’t shakespearian times, they could’ve at least TRIED, to come up with some sort of male equivalence for me.”

    Me: “Men acted as women, women weren’t allowed to act in Shakespearian times. Get it straight, Jace. and besides, maybe they figured you are just so hot, not any man could compare?”

    Jace: “Well that kind of makes me feel better. Of course no one can compare to me!”

    Me: “That’s my Jace.” =) Sorry, I just felt like doing something like this. lol

  54. I always picture jamie as jace everytime i read these books! this is gonna be awesome!!!!! And also Alex only didnt take the role cuz he didnt want to do another film adaption of a novel since he did it with many others (Beastly, I Am Number 4).

  55. I have never been so unhappy in my entire life! That is supposed to be smoking hot Jace?!?!?! And Lilly as Clary?!?!?! i dont think soooo……. this is so troubling…. i dont know if i will be able to watch the movie because it will distort my perfect mind-eye image of this wonderful book

  56. I think the casting will be great. To everyone who is complaining about british actors and their “accents”, does no one realize how many actors have accents that aren’t portrayed onscreen? Look at robert pattison as edward in Twilight, he has no accent in the movie, so don’t complain about smething that you havn’t seen yet. And for the ages, again look at how old some actors really are who are playing teens on tv, or take Twilight for example again. And as for jamie casted as Jace, just because he may not look the part now, doesn’t mean he won’t look the part in the actual movie. Take Twilight for example again, no one liked the idea of robert pattison as Edward at first either, but now, everyone loves him, and wouldn’t want anyone else. Same for Jacob, Taylor Lautner. Just look at him in the first movie compared to the second. A lot can be done with actors and their looks. Everyone threw a fit about jennifer lawrence being casted as Katnissfor Hunger Games, and she looked perfect for her in the movie. So quit complaining. I’m sure Cassie Clare and the rest or the movie crew know what they are doing, and will make MI the next big movie series. Surpassing Twilight! 🙂

  57. Isn’t anybody a little upset that Magus Bane is Asian?! I loved the books don’t get me wrong. but I won’t fail to admit I was a little turned off whenever Marcus and Alec kissed (don’t have them kissing in the movie). Nobody really understands a gay relationship.. so as emotional and as deep as you try and make it be. It just won’t connect with anybody. (well not anybody) but a lot of your fans to be honest.

    I’m not against gay marriage so don’t get on a rant peeps. But it grosses me out when i see two dicks at it. And that is essantially what a director is trying to make you feel when you see a kiss in a movie. (back in the day people didn’t even kiss in movies.. so when they did, it represented the whole action.),sex,.

    • Well if u don’t understand gay things start to. Society has changed and every girl should have their own personal gay. Get into it. As for the gay kiss… I disagree. Just BC u don’t want it doesn’t mean others don’t and its not all about u. Additionally, Claire was smart to add it BC she just tailored to a specific demographic that will ensure loyalty. Few movies show gay life step and we are no longer in the 19h center. Its about equality and if i saw u kissing someone I’d be turned off .to but don’t comment on here feeling entitled.

      • First of all I have to tell you, you are a complete lunatic. And you shouldn’t even be talking about things you don’t understand. As for society I don’t even think you know what it was like in the 19th century to be blabbing about changing it. I don’t mind gays, I just don’t peer with them. This has been proven over and over GAYS are people who have suffered some kind of psychological problem. And then they became that way. I understand.. and i don’t mind them
        All what you are saying is “get used to it” “this is whats happening” “get used to it” “were living in the future”. 1. Fuck you 2. No, we are not living in the future, we are living in the present.
        And in the present time we are still in the deciding factor. Mr. Santorum put all his manhood into his campaign. He saw the cold hard truth in every aspect of the world and brought it out. (so of course he wasn’t going to win) and he got destroyed for it.
        Although, Barrack Obama decided to accept the gays, because we cannot go medieval in this century and snipe every gay out of the world. So he made a decision like any other winning President. He will accept what the issues are, then install caps and road blocks a long the way which will eventually have people hate him.
        Sometimes I agree with Santorum because we need the cold hard truth to make us better. But of course we will always decide on the lather.
        Ellen is an amazing woman and I love her so much. I know being gay and living her life the way it is is what brought her to where she is today. But what I am saying is, if we had made better, harder, faster, stronger choices in the past we would have other outstanding figures on our television. (sorry Ellen), but if you know her, she would actually agree.

      • Ya. you really showed me i tell you. bahaha you are such a bigot and Santorium also. Being gay is not a psychological problem and I hope Alec and Magnus fuck on the damn movie and you through up you douche. Again, just because you and Santorium think alike doesn’t mean everyone else has to go along with it. People are born gay and some chose. Either way, we all should be treated equal and not bashed b/c your a dick. lol

      • Yea why don’t you read what I said before you comment. (what a retard). And I’m not saying me and Santorum think a like. I’m saying that “as ignorant as you are” their is some truth behind what santorum said because of how far he actually got. I hated Santorum as much as anyone did. Because nobody likes to be told what they can’t have or do. As much as I am not sure about in the universe.. I know for ayou are a moron.

      • Clearly u are an idiot. Also, calling people retards in normal speech/arguments is disrespectfuldo every family memb. r with an sibling that is. I’m not underdeveloped

      • So whats the difference between a retard and an idiot? (under my breath:”moron”)

      • A big difference. Autocorection on phone there. I’m bored arguing with u. I don’t think u should judge people or breathe actually

      • I just had to butt in and say something, I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I am bored while waiting to watch a movie, but whatever, I’ll do it anyways. So, huge question for Jro; why is it okay for you to have an immensely huge problem with Magnus being Asian, but it’s not okay for Joseph to have a problem with gays? Where is the difference? Now, not that I am saying you have a problem with gays, Joseph. I actually believe you when you say you don’t. Joseph is only being honest as a guy that it is a complete icky thing to see when men witness other men go at it. It’s normal. Most men feel this way, I have yet to meet a guy who isn’t slightly uncomfortable around homosexual men. I even have trouble with it sometimes, and I am a girl, but that does not mean that either of us have a problem with homosexuality. In this day and age, yes, times have changed, people can express themselves in many ways without being persecuted for it. It also doesn’t mean they don’t EVER get persecuted for it. Whether it’d be from a family member, or a random person on the street, or even an employer. So saying “We’re are living in the future, this is what’s happening” isn’t even reality, Jro. I have witnessed others being rude to them, because of their sexuality, even in these times. My own family members and I stay AWAY from the subject because we’ll fight if we don’t. I have had a few homosexual friends, both men and women, and the men KNOW that even most find it to be weird when others witness them making out. They don’t take offense, because they know and understand that the world/country is still getting use to it. That’s the truth, not bigotry. And though I do disagree with Joseph on the psychological reason why people are gay, that doesn’t mean he is wrong either. You should respect his opinion, just as much as he respects yours. He already mentioned that he doesn’t dislike homosexuals, he is only being honest that males interacting with other males makes him uncomfortable I’d rather him be honest, then fake his way through a situation. Most homosexuals agree. There are a couple of things that he mentioned that I disagree with, but I’m not going to bash him, and thrash him because his ideas and opinions aren’t my own. He has a right to express them. Besides, I still don’t understand where you, Jro, went from being bigoted against a race a few comments back to standing up for homosexuals?? When someone wasn’t even really bashing them….? I’d like to know if you have any idea what your values are, and where you stand in your opinions. What right do you have to attack him, when you’ve done it yourself a few comments back? Please tell me where you stand in your opinions and values, because you seriously have confused me….

      • He has no clue what his values are. He is the type of person who will rant on anything that he hears. I even bet he was one of those who supported the Kony campaign without even questioning it. Serious. And I really do appreciate what you said.
        You can disagree with the Psychological reason.. but that would also mean you disagree with the science of psychology altogether. And actually I didn’t express myself enough there where you would fully understand what I meant. I’m saying that the Psychological reason is for the first gays that this universe ever encountered. And I’m sure their were gays wayy back in the day. And then once people witnessed being gay as an option, it opens a persons mind into acting on sex with the same gender. Many people of every generation will have that psychological impact and become gay. But the more we open that reality into our world the more people will actually see it as an option. It is a classical psychological example of having and not having. Like saying to a five year old kid you can sit any where in this house but that one chair. Of course he will go and sit on that chair. BUT if the person who said it was physically or emotionally abusing him he wouldn’t dare sit on that chair. And you can potentially read a person by what questions they ask, what they get in response, and .. well their are billions of concepts.
        But sure you can disagree with psychology all you want. Because the big people who started the study of psychology actually agree. (or well, I agree with them :P)

      • I’m drunk right now. BC cat when doesn’t mean Asian and I think the directory is beig to litereal

      • Yeah, it’s quite clear that he just wants to start something with everyone. Now he is making a statement about calling people retarded? For the record, I don’t associate people who have actual mental disabilities with being retards. Such as, Autism, or down syndrome. I associate the word retard with someone like him, someone who SHOULD have the smarts, but doesn’t? That’s worse. lol. Most slow people are actually pretty damn smart in their own way. Yeah it insults some parents who hear the word, I get that, but most people today don’t associate the word with people with those kinds of disabilities. So whatever. lol. As for the psychological thing…
        Actually, now that you mention it, it does make sense. I only disagreed because I have always felt it was more of a choice, but then again, that still circles back to the psychological mind, doesn’t it? LOL I also do think some people were just born different, though. LOL mostly because I had a crazy experience as a kid in kindergarden. Most girls have little boys who chase them around the playground and try to kiss them. Nope, not me. lol A little girl was doing that to me. I hated her! I tried everything in my power to get that little girl to leave me alone, but she would shove me down and straddle me, and… just yuck! lol. I think if there was EVER a chance that I would have been a lesbian, she ruined it! Hahaha. No I am totally straight, but still. XP I am almost 100% convinced that wherever she is today, she is definitely gay. That was just such a young age to be chasing another little girl around and always trying to kiss her. I never experienced that with other little girls growing up… just her. lol. But who knows, maybe I am 100% wrong and it was just a weird phase she went through at age five, and wherever she is, she could be 100% straight. LOL, but I still believe she was a lesbian five-year-old! XP

      • LOL. Sorry but I laughed reading that. :p its funny
        Yea im no psychology major but im pretty sure 5 years old would be too early to tell.
        And with your only concern about the psychological thing was being just born differently.. Well thats actually no different from what ive ben saying i.e you are just born into a different atmosphere than other kids. I mean you don’t have to get those problems just from your parents, but rather could be from your living arrangement, or your neighbours or your school. Lol pretty much anything can fuck a person up. Not that being gay is a fucked up thing. Welll its not like being gay happens from something good.(its not following the natural order of life) But i do admire gays non the less for their positive aproach to like everything in life.

      • @Jro I am incredibly shocked that I understood what you meant, but I did. You meant to say that Cat eyes do not mean he is asian. Hate to burst your bubble once again, but Magnus IS Asian, part Indonesian to be exact…

        “Magnus? Magnus Bane?”
        “That would be me.” The man blocking the doorway was as tall and thin as a rail, his hair a crown of dense back spikes. Clary guessed from the curse of his sleepy eyes and the gold tone of his evenly tanned skin that he was part Asian. He wore jeans and a black shirt covered with dozens of metal buckles. His eyes were crusted with a raccoon mask of charcoal glitter, his lips painted a dark shade of blue. He raked a ring-laden hand through his spiked hair and regarded them thoughtfully. “Children of the Nephilim,” he said. “Well, well. I don’t recall inviting you. I must have been drunk.”
        ― City of Bones.

        I remember this quote clear as if I first picked up City Of Bones yesterday. I first started reading these books when they first were released, back when I was 17 in 2007. Magnus was born in the Dutch East Indies, his mother was part Dutch, and part Indonesian, his father was Dutch, well… his human father. Cassandra Clare, the AUTHOR of these books confirmed it herself that Magnus is indeed part Indonesian. I think you assume Asians with ONLY Chinese, and Japanese. Go back to school and re-take Geongraphy and World Cultures, Asia consists of…

        Sri Laka… and blah blah blaaaahhhhh!

        If you still don’t believe me, I want a source from you, a direct quote from either the books, or Cassandra Clare telling me that I am wrong, and I will cease fire….

      • I’m just saying, if being gay was against “the natural order of life”, there probably wouldn’t be any cases of homosexuality in animals, now would there? Also, there isn’t necessarily something that causes someone to be gay. Shit just happens that way sometimes.

      • Everyone goes against the “natural order of life” anyways. That’s how peeps become famous now a days. Like over powering a singer, it’s natural. And I wasn’t dissing that. Whatever you are trying to say, it has no basis and you have no argument. And if shit just happens, like you said, then that shit would cause something to happen that would make someone gay. You are not smart my friend.

    • Ok first of all i have two gay cousins and i have a lot of gay friends! There is nothing wrong with people being gay. And also I am studying to be Psychologist (final year) my dear and it has not been PROVEN that it is psychological actually we think it is biological, it has to do with hormonal inbalances in the mother and blah blah. You don’t go through a psychological trauma and then magically turn gay. And talking about the BIG people like you actually understand what they mean. Please don’t make comments you know nothing about. My cousins and most of my friends were born gay since we noticed at an early age that there was something different about them. Just because they are gay doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a place in this world. Please just try to be open minded because they didn’t choose this, it is who they are. And Magnus is part Asian, which i think is really cool. How boring would it be if people in books looked the same. I am not trying to be mean or anything so I would appreciate it if you do not attack me like you did the person before me

  58. Wish they would HURRY THE FUCK UP with casting. We’ve been waiting for at least two years! Not even any news on extras yet. Ugh. Angst. HURRY UP!

  59. Maybr it’s not the filmmakers fault for trying to use logic when it comes to the accents, but more so because the author didn’t make it clear. Not to bell mean or anything, but these are the first books that I have read that didn’t express a sort of accent or description in a dialogue. She should’ve made it more clear. And used her logic before releasing, and then maybe none of us would be worried that the filmmakers are screwing this up. Which to be honest, they’re not giving me much to go on. So the actors HAVE to be gay, and HAVE I be British? Well, apparently they don’t care about talent at all, because the job of an actor is to NOT be themselves. Period! Sorry, but either they’re prejudice, or taking the easIy way out. Doesn’t say much about production to me. If I were casting, I would open the door to anyone that can pull off homosexual behavior and an English accent. Not to mention… You are making English kids travel all the way to LA, Toronto, and NY to audition??? Gee thanks…

  60. Letticia Smith // May 17, 2012 at 2:54 AM // Reply

    I think Alex Pettyfer (I Am Number Four and Beastly) would be better suited for the roll of Jace, not so sure about Lily Collins (British) as Clary (a New Yorker), but, I think Ksenia Solo (Kensi on Lost Girl) would make a FANTASTIC Isabelle Lightwood, although she isn’t British and is older than twenty, she looks young enough for the part, she’s sexy, thin, fashionable and has long black hair, see the pattern emerging…she’s perfectly Isabelle!

    • She almost is.. I always pictured Isabelle with thicker lips.

    • Ksenia Solo! I LOVE her! She’s a fantastic actress! The first time and only time I ever watched her, I immediately fell in love with her, was in Life Unexpected. She’s totally got everything to be Isabelle, except ya – age and British-ness. But hoping maybe she’d try audition anyways.

  61. AudreyGolightly13 // May 17, 2012 at 3:20 AM // Reply

    I’m crossing my fingers for Adam Lambert to at least audition for Magnus… That’s how I always pictured Magnus in my head, lol. And in the book’s description, he’s not Asian. I think they’re drawing that conclusion based on his eyes – which are not catlike in SHAPE, but in the actual iris/pupil; that’s Magnus’s distinguishing feature that marks him as a warlock.

    • HE ID HALF INDONESIAN!!! Re-read the fucking books!!! Are all of you fucking blind???? We are NOT making it up!!! AND Cassie said he was Asian MANY times!!!! REREAD CITY OF LOST SOULS!!! IT SAYS IT THERE!!!!!

      • AudreyGolightly13 // May 17, 2012 at 3:35 AM //

        My apologies, I must have missed that detail. It’s been quite a while since I’ve read City of Lost Souls, and I don’t have access to my copy of it to re-read it at the moment. But still… Indonesian isn’t necessarily Asian. When most people think of Asians (I don’t mean to sound racist, this is just the general stereotype that exists), they think light/golden skin, dark hair, slanted eyes, like many Chinese or Japanese people. Indonesians tend to have a darker complexion and other different features. So if they cast someone with, say, Japanese ancestry and pale skin in the role, it still won’t fit the appropriate description in the book… Not that Adam Lambert does, either, really, but as I said, that was how I always pictured him in my mind before I apparently missed the part of his backstory where it mentions his Indonesian heritage. (I don’t doubt it’s there, I just didn’t remember it offhand.)

        Besides which, Adam Lambert is the only living male I am aware of who could pull off that much GLITTER all the time and still be genuinely attractive. XD

    • Yea but Adam Lambert isn’t an actor. And he’s not that tall. I always pictured Magnus Bane as a tall wizard. I mean I’m not too sure of the looks but Adam Lambert has too think of a face

      • I always pictured Magnus as part asian, or more like filipino-ish. lol. Adam Lambert looks good to some because he flaunts his sexuality just like Magnus does, but I think CC would actually get really pissed if they actually did that. She seems to really hate the idea of Lambert being Magnus. But for the record he IS described as being darker skinned like most Indonesians. But that description is more clear in ID. And again I agree with Joseph, I pictured him very very thin, and tall. Lambert is kind of stocky, and short. And they have had someone who is only part asian audition, I cannot remember the name, and I am too lazy to look it up again, but he didn’t look japanese, or chinese, he just looked like a half caucasian, half asian dude. lol. So even though his skin wasn’t that dark, I thought he looked kind of okay. As for Jq’s post, I think they were just frustrated with people who SWEAR something is in/or isn’t in the book when it isn’t/is. (lol) I have lost my temper a couple of times with the description of Jace. YES we all picture Jace a little differently, but the MAJORITY of us pictured a very hot, very intelligent, very alpha male type of guy. I came across a girl who SWORE that Jamie’s current physical appearance is EXACTLY what Jace is supposed to look like. I got pissed and asked her to give me a direct quote from any of the books that describes Jace as skinny, lanky, or girlie looking in any way. And if she could I would bow down and admit defeat. Well… needless to say she could not support her non-existent description. If that was so true, then why are they making Jamie go through GLADIATOR TRAINING 6 times a week, and eat nothing but protein shakes until filming starts in August???? To make him get girlier and skinnier? Ummm… nooo.. lol More like to get good looking XP hahahaha. His acting was fabulous (apparently) so now the producers are saying “Well, he’s a great actor, but what will we do about his face? MAKEOVER!!! Badda-bing-badda-boom!” LOL. so I know Jq’s frustration. I get that some people tend to create an image despite the description, I did that a couple of times while reading Harry Potter. But I also didn’t go around swearing my imagination was correct and not the text. lol Nothing against you or anything Audrey. XP

    • mina blak // May 26, 2012 at 5:07 AM // Reply

      Adam Lambert will never, ever come close to auditioning because not one person that has anything to do with the casting of the movie would ever consider him for Magnus. Nor would Cassie. She said so on numerous occasions.
      And Magnus’ eyes are cat-eyes and asian in shape. He is, and does look, Asian.

  62. AudreyGolightly13 // May 17, 2012 at 3:51 AM // Reply

    Also, as far as Jamie Campbell Bower… I personally don’t find him attractive, but I have faith in Hollywood’s ability to make people completely and utterly change their appearance to suit the film’s needs. We shall see. It’s the characterization I’m most worried about; from what I’ve seen of Jamie, I have my doubts as to whether he can pull off Jace’s conceit, charisma, and general bad-assery. Although, considering the extent of my knowledge of Jamie is compiled from Sweeney Todd and *shudder* the Twilight movies, I may be unaware of his potential for attitude. Again… We shall see. I’m still going to go watch the films, even if I disagree with the casting. (Wish I didn’t live so far from the audition cities, because I’d LOVE to audition! Even just to be an extra.)

  63. AudreyGolightly13 // May 17, 2012 at 3:58 AM // Reply

    (Sorry for the multiple comments in a row; I can’t sleep, my mind is so busy buzzing about this! I’m just posting stuff as I think of it, haha.)

    I still don’t understand, if they’d cast Jamie and were in need of a redheaded actress, why his lovely fiancee (Bonnie Wright, who played Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films) escaped their notice… She may look a bit old to be Clary, but it seems to me that they may potentially be aging the characters up a bit anyway (based off the ages given in the casting information, though I understand there are other reasons why they might cast older actors).

    • Lily Collins is even older than Bonnie, so that wouldn’t make sense. I agree with you though, I might actually start liking Jamie a bit if Bonnie was acting along side him, because they have real life chemistry and they look sorta cute in pictures. Because as of now, I see nothing positive about him being cast as Jace. I don’t find him attractive in the slightest. :/

    • Because Bonnie Wright isn’t hot. 😛

      • Bonnie’s pretty, but something about her makes her look like she is between the ages of 28 and 30. I pictured Clary to have a little girl look about her. Lilly is too tall, but she has the face I pictured. And nothing is ever going to be perfect. I was hoping they would concentrate on her height though. 😦 I am really short, and I was able to relate to Clary because of that, so the fact that Clary wont be short in the movie is kind of a personal disappointment for me. But other than that, I pictured Clary to be a cute little ton-boy that hasn’t quote seen her full potential to be incredibly pretty. Besides, the point of being an actor is to let go of yourself and to be someone else. Hiring Jamie’s fiance is like cheating. And even though I think Jamie looks like a chick, they did say their chemistry was wonderful in audition, so I believe it. I don’t think he is ANYTHING like Jace in my head, but I am sure their chemistry is good, but only the movie will tell, so I could be wrong.

    • mina blak // May 26, 2012 at 5:20 AM // Reply

      Lily Collins was cast first, long before Jamie, so it would make no sense whatsoever for Bonnie to have ever been considered for the part.
      Because Clary is the main protagonist, Lily Collins was the first to get cast. And after that they had to find an actor who would not only share enough on-screen chemistry with Lily, but also be able to embody Jace and Jamie fit the bill perfectly. End of story.

      • dude, seriously. You’re cumming a bit late on everything. Incase you haven’t noticed, but the above comments have already stated what you just said… sooo ummm…. what’s the point? And what’s with the attitude? Christy I can understand, she was being a bigot, but Audrey is just voicing her opinion… quite nicely soo…. you’re kind of looking like a jerk….

  64. I’ve always liked Logan Lerman to be Simon.. 😀 Hope they cast him for it!

  65. Christine // May 17, 2012 at 8:44 AM // Reply

    Is anyone aware of the Cast Directors address for primary roles in New York? There is an address on another site for extras, but the principle roles do not seem to have a place to send resumes. Thank you for your help,

  66. I really think Jamie isn’t good for Jace. I hoped that Alex will play it, but when I found out that he resigned, I lost the desire to watch this movie. (Sorry for my English, but I’m from Poland ;d)
    I think Clary will be good. I’ve always liked Lily.

  67. i wish they were doing auditions in the UK 😦 xx

  68. I really wish Jamie wasn’t cast as Jace. Ever since he got cast in the role last year, my interest in the entire series has waned. I didn’t even buy the latest book yet. Jamie just is not Jace. 😦

  69. Guys, let’s not make such a big deal about the looks of the actors and if they fit our images of the characters. The actor (with makeup, lighting, and wardrobe) can look EXACTLY like the characters but that doesn’t mean their acting will bring the character to life. Of course, as a fan, I also want the actors to look the part too but what’s more important for me is that they capture the spirit and personality of the characters they’re portraying. 🙂

    About Jamie being too scrawny, actors change themselves in order to play a character. It’s their job. He’ll probably work out for the role. 🙂

    Also. I am EXTREMELY glad that Magnus is still going to Asian and gay in the movies. These two things are seen few in the entertainment business. I heard Cassie fought for this? Major kudos to her. Remember the first script didn’t even have Magnus AT ALL. He was completely written out because he’s gay (well, bisexual). I could be wrong bout that though since this was awhile ago.

    Really though, Magnus is Indonesian. I think most people think of Asians as Chinese, korean, or Japanese – East Asians. Indians are considered asian too – South Asians. Why do some people refuse to acknowledge that Magnus is Asian? Because Magnus is an awesome character and badass? And such qualities cannot possibly exist in an asian person?

  70. Good luck, everyone! soexcitedsoexcitedsoexcited

  71. The principle roles do not seem to have a place to send resumes. Thank you for your help.

  72. i dont understand why the shadowhunters need to have a british accent….they all live and trained in new york….only the ancestors were british, so why the accents??

  73. Down With Jem! // May 18, 2012 at 1:36 PM // Reply

    WTF?!!!!!!! British?! Come on Screen Gems, why does everyone have to be British with you?!

  74. Jace – Alex Petyfer or David Walton
    Clare – Lilly Collins
    Simon – Logan Lerman
    Alec – Jamie Bower or Alex Petyfer
    Isabelle – (Megan Fox hells yes if she can pull off a British accent

    Now who can disagree with that?

    (Perri Lauren – Kate Garfield – Maddie Hasson) maybe they can be used in the movie..
    & I forget. Was Maia in the first book?

  75. Oh.. Dylan McDermott could be Clare’s uncle!

  76. Luke Wilson would also be good

  77. I just realize this post is a bit behind. Screen Gems backed out of the movie a long long long LONG time ago. It’s just Constantin doing the film now. And I couldn’t be more glad that they dropped out, because I think SG is only about profit, and that means the movie might’ve been all action and CG, but a weak ass plot, and terrible acting! Like Priest. I thought that movie was okay, pretty cool concept, but the plot was weak, and the acting was mediocre, like most of SG films are. 😦 sorry

  78. I can’t wait for the movie to come out!IT’s gonna be awsome!

  79. Personally, I think Alex Pettyfer should be play Jace. I don’t get the Jace character feeling from the previous work that Jamie has done. I guess we’ll see.

  80. All you people saying how much you wish Alex Pettyfer was Jace..

    If Alex Pettyfer got Jace, I would have curled up in a corner and cried. The guy can’t act. He might have good looks but he is flat and a terrible actor. You all should be grateful he ISN’T Jace. PS PLEASE start looking at more recent pictures of him. He isn’t the young attractive blond boy you all use for your Jace pictures; he is way older now and his looks have really morphed.

    • Somebody gets it. Alex can’t act and he looks really weird now, I would have been so sad had he been chosen. At lest I know Jamie can act, (I loved him in Sweeney Todd even though he just played a love struck young boy, but isn’t Jace that too? just add some sarcasm and hidden pain…) and he’s not that bad looking in my opinion.

  81. Thinking of Simon!
    William Moseley as Sebastian/ real Jonathan Christopher or Simon!!
    David Henry? No? Yes?
    Come ooon. :))
    Logan Lerman looks waaay younger than actress Clary-Lily.

    • Or Sean Faris! :DD
      Personally, I think he can has the looks (closest) of Simon and he can act.

      • I knew someone would mention someone from The Vampire Diaries. And no, he is too old for simon and he is not nerdy looking enough.
        I always pictured simon as a nerd. But when you take his glasses off he would look pretty hot. And simon should not be ripped at all. Not even toned. He’d be skinny and slim, but good looking and tall. LOL

      • LOL… umm yeahh… no! Sean Feris would be a better Jace,(looks wise) if they dyed his hair a golden hue of blonde, that would be pretty close to how I imagined Jace… NOT Simon!!!!!!!!!! I pictured someone like Callan McAuliffe, or Logan Lerman, or Max Ehrich. Someone who is slim, tall, and cute in his own way. You wouldn’t notice how good looking he was until he dropped the whole nerd thing. Which, in my opinion… NERD RULE!!! Just not as much as Jace. lol. We can’t have a situation with Simon looking hotter than Jace. The audience just wont take either of them serious. Picture a hot, gucci model type of a guy trying to look nerd……. I almost had a seizure from trying, just now. The main point is the fact that we will still have a very large population of people who have not read the books, so when they go to the theater and see a hot guy wearing glasses and pretending to be a nerd, that classifies as the worst acting and makeup… EVER. Someone like Jamie strutting around saying things like… “I am stunningly attractive… women have been known to injure themselves at the sight of my naked chest…. that’s probably the closest he has ever gotten to first base.” ummm yeahh… in the real world, a guy like Jamie saying all those things is a joke. Now I do think that after 4 and a half months of weight and muscle gain he’ll probably look more appropriate for the role. But if he doesn’t… I’ll still go see this movie….

        To laugh my motherfucking ass off at the terrible betrayal of characters. hehehehe

      • @Joseph. Sorry. I didn’t even know he was from Vampire Diaries. No offense, but it sucks. Read the books though – and they were fairly good enough(but not anywhere good as C.Clare). Sorry, when I meant looks I actually meant “face” with longer hair. But — yeah, I get what you mean, he’s too macho. But Simon can’t be skinny either, he’s got to be in between because there’s a part where Clary noticed “he’s filled up slightly” or something like that in the 2nd or 3rd book.

        @Smalls. Haha! I totally agree. I’d still watch the movie and comment on it…or make fun of it. And of course, I’d say I love the books way better (as it always turns out). But no, my image of Simon definitely does not look anything like Logan. Though Callan McAuliff and Max Ehrich are quite good; yeah, either one of them could be Simon.

      • @Ally Hahahaha! Right!? And actually I didn’t quite picture anything like Logan Lerman either, but I am fine with it if they were to cast him. Because I think he could pull off the nerdy best friend/vampire/sweet boyfriend lol and he is really cute. I love Logan Lerman. So yeah I actually agree with you, Logan Lerman isn’t what I pictured either, but I like him anyways. I like Callan the most in my list. But I don’t know if he would even audition or what not. lol

      • @Smalls Yeah, not-hitting-the-right-overall-looks, I can handle. But if acting sucks, I won’t be nice about it. Haha. But I’m sure they would make sure they’d get the right people for the characters since this movie is going to be a big hit (fingerscrossed!) so 🙂 there’s nothing to worry about. Which makes me more nervous actually. Hit the theaters already, I’m dying!

      • I like Keir Gilchrist as Simon (It’s Kind of a Funny Story).He’s got that kinda awkward, nerdy vibe to him.

      • N Chambers // August 1, 2012 at 4:37 AM //

        Sean Faris has the exact right look tho’ possibly older than ideal for a franchise. Keir Gilchrist is a better choice than current. Alex Pettyfer would make a great Jace. What is casting thinking of? Would be helpful if they did a closer reading of the books! This is not going well so far! Not even the Luke casting. Emma Roberts looks more like Clary than Lilly Collins! Gad. I fear this will this will totally tank!

  82. Just would have hoped that Alex Pettyfer would have been Jace, he’s so Jace already.. But one can’t have it all, happy still about the movie 🙂

  83. Tmi is my life literally. I just wish we could all accept the actors that they choose. Sure not all of us are going to like them but there is a reason they get chosen. I was also like nooooooo when i found out about Jamie but then I saw other pictures of him and I saw how passionate he was and i came around. He doesnt look like Jace to me but then again no person alive does. As soon as everyone makes peace with it the sooner you will start to enjoy this. I agree with some of the older comments, just be happy we are getting a movie. I know i am ecstatic. I hope i spelt that right hehe

  84. People have hearts and I believe everyone has good in them. I haven’t had any gay friends or cousins in my life, and that’s probably the biggest reason why I am confused about all this gay business. So because I haven’t bordered myself with gays in my life is probably why I am not so understanding of them. You clearly have more experience about the matter but you are wrong to say you are right because you are smarter than me. You are wrong mate. I do not know where you have been studying because being gay has nothing to do with biological reasons. That hormonal shit you are talking about would make a persons personality more like their mother or father, depending. (personality wise) And being gay is not a choice, I agree. It is something that happens to a person and I am okay with that. But for you to say stuff like that that you don;t understand is very misleading to the minds of our generation. If you are trying to be some gleefull prick that is trying to make society into some sort of picnic I say go to hell. Life is hard and you cant change that. That is pretty cold to say, I know. But you wouldn’t want to be mislead in a direction that will not just fuck you up, but the entire world.

    • oseph there is something inherently wrong with you. Can’t you just have a discussion like a civil human being instead of attacking people and calling them names? Half of the things you are talking about had nothing to do with my comment so why rant on about things that I do not care about since it has no particular value to me? As for me thinking I am smarter than you I never said that, if I made it look that way I apologise, I was simply stating that you know nothing about the causes of being homosexual so do not try to give people the causes and as for where I am studying has nothing to do with what is believed by psychologists worldwide so before you go off on me about it get your facts straight. Also I said that there is no proven cause. Read with both eyes open and not just what you want to read. And who are you to insult me like that? I did not insult you so do not start with your immature nonsense. I will not stand for it. You either speak to me like an adult or you keep quiet

    • AllPsych Journal


      Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture

      Ryan D. Johnson

      April 30, 2003

      In recent decades, many hotly debated topics have come under the scrutiny of sociobiologists, trying to determine their causation and origins.  One such topic is homosexuality.  Originally thought by the American Psychological Association (hereafter referred to as APA) to be a mental disorder, research into its causes, origins, and development have consequently led to its removal by the APA from its list of diagnoses and disorders [1].  Many different theories can be found regarding the root of homosexuality, as far back historically as Ancient Greece.  The current debate is whether or not homosexuality is a result of nature: a person’s environment and surroundings, or of his biology and genetics.  The debate endures because both sides have the ability to create a scientific environment to support their cause.  For example, biological theorists may argue that a monkey and human child, reared in the same setting, will develop with vastly different outcomes, while social theorists may argue that monozygotic twins, one reared normally and the other raised in seclusion for 18 years, will also develop with vastly different results, but different even more from the first scenario [4].

      In debating sexual orientation, much is unknown; according to Charles Darwin, “…we do not even in the least know the final cause of sexuality.  The whole subject is hidden in darkness.” [2].  Although the APA currently states that sexual orientation is not a choice, rather that “…it emerges from most people in early adolescence with no prior sexual experience”[1], social theorists argue that an individual’s upbringing can directly influence this [sexual orientation].  Also tied in with many of these debates is the morality of homosexuality.  But the purpose of this examination is not to prove whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, but rather to establish a thorough understanding of the biological and social theories surrounding the cause of homosexuality.

      Let us first look at the biological debate.  Biological theorists have found substantial instances of anatomical, genetic, and endocrine evidence to support their argument.  Experiments in biological research date back as far as the late 1930’s, beginning with the pioneering research of Alfred Kinsey (for the University of Indiana) on human sexuality.  Kinsey had two goals for his tests: 1) to find out how many adult males engaged in homosexual behavior, and 2) to suggest theories about it came to be [9].  When asked if they had engaged in homosexual sexual relations, a large percent of the population tested answered “no”, however when asked if they had engaged in same-sex sexual relations, the percentage answering “yes” nearly doubled.  The experiment yielded that 30% of males had experienced at least orgasm in a homosexual act.  The results of this research became the widely popularized Kinsey Scale of Sexuality.  This scale rates all individuals on a spectrum of sexuality, ranging from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual, and everything in between [7].  While establishing that as many as 10% of adult males reported having sexual relations with a same-sex partner, this research did little more than to put the word homosexual into common language.  

      Karen Hooker executed the first psychological test done to test for biological determinism in 1957, on a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health [2].  The study was meant to explore the relationship between homosexuality and psychological development and illness.  Hooker studied both homosexuals and heterosexuals.  Both groups were matched for age, intelligence quotient (IQ) and education level, and were then subjected to three psychological tests.  These three tests, the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Make-A-Picture-Story Test (MAPS), were then analyzed by psychologists, and the results were tabulated.  The results of Hooker’s experiment yielded no significant differences in answers on any of the three tests.  Because both groups’ answers scored very similarly, she concluded a zero correlation between social determinism of sexuality. 

      As a result of Hooker’s finding, the APA removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychological Disorders in 1973.  In 1975 it then released a public statement that homosexuality was not a mental disorder.  In 1994, two decades later, the APA finally stated, “…homosexuality is neither a mental illness nor a moral depravity.  It is the way a portion of the population expresses human love and sexuality” [2]. 

      D.F. Swaab conducted the next noteworthy experiment in 1990.  This experiment became the first to document a physiological difference in the anatomical structure of a gay man’s brain.  Swaab found in his post-mortem examination of homosexual males’ brains that a portion of the hypothalamus of the brain was structurally different than a heterosexual brain.  The hypothalamus is the portion of the human brain directly related to sexual drive and function.  In the homosexual brains examined, a small portion of the hypothalamus, termed the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), was found to be twice the size of its heterosexual counterpart [2]. 

      At the same time, another scientist, Laura S. Allen made a similar discovery in the hypothalamus as well.  She found that the anterior commissure (AC) of the hypothalamus was also significantly larger in the homosexual subjects than that of the heterosexuals [2].  Both Swaab’s and Allen’s results became a standing ground for the biological argument on homosexuality.  The very fact that the AC and the SCN are not involved in the regulation of sexual behavior makes it highly unlikely that the size differences results from differences in sexual behavior. Rather the size differences came prenatally during sexual differentiation.  The size and shape of the human brain is determined biologically and is impacted minutely, if at all by behavior of any kind. 

      Simon LeVay conducted another experiment regarding the hypothalamus of the human brain in 1991.  LeVay, like Swaab and Allen also did a post-mortem examination on human brains; however, he did his examinations on patients who had died from AIDS-related illnesses.  He examined 19 declared homosexual man, with a mean age of 38.2, 16 presumed heterosexual men, with a mean age of 42.8, and 6 presumed heterosexual women, with a mean age of 41.2 [3].  LeVay discovered that within the hypothalamus, the third interstitial notch of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3) was two to three times smaller in homosexual men then in heterosexual men.  The women examined also exhibited this phenomenon.  LeVay concluded the “homosexual and heterosexual men differ in the central neuronal mechanisms that control sexual behavior”, and like Allen and Swaab, agreed that this difference in anatomy was no product of upbringing or environment, but rather prenatal cerebral development and structural differentiation [2]. 

      Another line of testing done to support the biological perspective are neuroendocrine studies.  The neuroendocrine viewpoint’s basic hypothesis is that sexual orientation is determined by the early levels (probably prenatal) of androgen on relevant neural structures [7].   If highly exposed to these androgens, the fetus will become masculinized, or attracted to females.  This research was conducted on rats at Stanford.  The adult female rats that received male-typical levels of androgens sufficiently early in development exhibited male symptoms of attraction.  The same was true in the reverse when applied to the male subjects.  The female exposed to high levels of the hormone exhibited high levels of aggression and sexual drive toward other females, eventually trying to mount the other females in an act of reproduction.  In the males, the subject who received deficient levels of androgen became submissive in matters of sexual drive and reproduction and were willing to receive the sexual act of the other male rat [7]. 

      A popular route of experimentation in general psychology also did not elude the biological argument.  Twin studies have become a highly debated area of experimentation.  Ernest Kallman conducted the earliest twin study.  He found a 100% concordance between monozygotic (or identical) twins (MZ), and only a 12% concordance for dizygotic (or fraternal) twins (DZ).  Although discredited with methodological problems, the early experiment paved the way for a much-publicized team to conduct their twin studies. 

      J. Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard also studied the gayness between MZ twins, DZ twins, and non-related adopted brothers.  They examined how many of the sample population examined were gay and how many were straight.  They found that 52% of MZ twins were both self-identified homosexuals, 22% of DZ twins were so, and only 5% of non-related adopted brothers were so.  This evidence, repeated and found to be true a second time, showed to the biological camp that the more closely genetically linked a pair is, the more likely they both are to exhibit gay or straight tendencies.  Later experimenters found similar evidence in females.  One such scientist is Dean Hamer. Hamer examined the possibility of homosexuality being an X-linked trait.  He examined the family trees of openly gay men, and thought he saw a maternal link, leading him to investigate his theory of X-linkage.  He took 40 DNA samples from homosexual men, and genetically examined them.  He found that there was a ‘remarkable concordance’ for 5 genetic markers on section of the X-Chromosome called Xq28 [2].  

      Hamer hypothesized upon examining the family trees of the same men that on each subject’s mother’s side, there were markedly larger numbers of homosexual men, all stemming through the maternal lineages.  This observation, along with his startling discovery on Xq28, led his findings to be dubbed the “gay gene study”.  The statistical probability of the 5 genetic markers on Xq28 to have matched randomly was calculated to be 1/100,000 [2], lending even more support to his findings. 

      This finding of a possible ‘gay gene’ prompts a look into two evolutionary concepts, and how they are affected.  The Superior Heterozygote Theory states the phenotypic (actual) expression of homosexuality is the result of homozygosity for recessive (non-expressed but present) genes [11].  In simplification, if the person’s genetic code is heterozygotic (one homosexual gene and one heterosexual gene), if the homosexual allele (half of the genetic code) is the allele passed on to the next generation, it will become the phenotype.  Heterozygotes are only capable of being passed through to the next generation by mothers (as the Y-chromosome is incapable of heterozygosity), this again links homosexuality to X-linkage. 

      While all of this scientific experimentation and conclusion seems evidentiary, sociobehaviorists are not convinced.  This opposing point-of-view proposes that homosexuality is the result of environmental factors, not biological ones.  Most social theorists see childhood elements as the largest contributing factors to homosexuality.  Often they examine childhood play patterns, early peer interactions and relations, differences in parental behavior toward male and female children, and the role of gender constancy in the household [9]. 

      The social argument for homosexuality dates back to the ancient Greeks. Aristophanes, in his Symposium investigates homosexuality, although not termed as such, as a desire by men to share a long-term fulfillment of the soul.  He believed that two souls are longing to be together, and the sexual desire alone is not strong enough to create homosexuality, but that the cultural environment allows or forbids the relationship to occur [10].  In Greece is it well known that many men engaged in same-sex relationships, however, these were not equal relationships, they were older men to young boys going through the transition to adulthood.  Two instances where the culture is a causative agent of homosexual expression are in New Guinea and Crete.  In some tribes in New Guinea, young boys ages 8-15 are inseminated daily by the young male warriors of the tribe.  In Crete, every adolescent boy undertook a homosexual relationship as a rite of passage into manhood [10].  In these two instances, the homosexuality is accepted; however, it can be argued that it is also forced, not a natural expression. 

      Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole.  Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes.  Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children.  Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7]. 

      While it is agreed that an element of gender ID is based on the decision made by parents on how to raise the child, the other element is formed with the development of language skills, naming of sexual behaviors and the naming process related to these behaviors [9].  Gender ID is learned over time, and other contributions include the frequency of parental interactions, tolerance of aggression levels, and the vigor of play during childhood. In this, another theory is acknowledged, the Parental Manipulation Theory.  This theory is that one or both parents are able to neuter and control offspring to promote their (the parent’s) evolutionary fitness, ensuring the passage of genes into the next generation.  By selecting only heterosexual practices as acceptable, the parents are attempting to promote their passage of genes [5].  However the Kin-Selection Theory contrasts this.  This theory states that it doesn’t matter how the genes are passed to the next generation, so long as they are passed along.  For example, regardless of a homosexual outcome, the very similar genetic makeup of siblings will still allow for the passage of the family genetics along to the next generation [9]. 

      Two predominant social theorists on homosexuality are David Halperin and Jean Foucault.  Although both social theorists, both have largely contrasting ideas on the environmental contributions to the formation of an individual’s homosexuality.  Halperin believed in Planophysical theory.  This theory believes that homosexuality is a freak of nature, an error.  His theory follows in the tradition of psychological theory on this subject.  Halperin was a Freudian psychologist, and places stock in Freud’s idea that homosexuality is derived from a failure to resolve Oedipal issues [10].  Although Halperin has a large following from interest groups such as Christian coalitions, his theory is largely disrespected by the psychological community at large, as it provides only a result, not a cause.  He fails to produce any scientific evidence.  He does, however, provide examples.  He postulates that a weak father and strong mother, with an unresolved Oedipus complex will lead to a weak, and then homosexual, son, because the mother has too strong of an image, compared to the weak state of the father.  Psychologists argue that this same arrangement would also possibly lead to a stronger son, striving for compensation of his father’s weakness.  

      Jean Foucault argues, “…homosexuality became because we made it so” [11].  Foucault says that the category of homosexuality itself was only created a mere one hundred years ago, after a German neologism coined some twenty years later.  Foucault gives root to the social derivation of homosexuality believing that homosexuality appeared as one of the forms of sexuality, only “after it was transposed from the practice of sodomy into a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphrodism of the soul” [10].  The theorists believe that the homosexual had been an aberration, and had then become a species, justifying itself with a new word. 

      Although both theorists represent the major ideas of the socioenviromental belief, there are three differences in the two theories.  The first is based on the depth of desire.  Foucault believed that the depth of desire is only sexual preference, that it is nothing more than superficial tastes and preferences.  Halperin contrasts this with saying that homosexuality does go deeper than superficial tastes, and that homosexuality is a psychological condition, with much deeper roots than mere sexual preference.  The second major difference is that Foucault did not divide people into categories.  Halperin acknowledged that there are three general categories of people in respect to sexuality: heterosexual, gay men, and lesbians.  Foucault groups gay men and lesbians into the all-inclusive term of homosexual.  The third difference is that Halperin see homosexuality as a symmetrical and equal relationship, Foucault believes that historically, as far back as the Greeks, before the term was coined, homosexuality has always been unequal, differences in race, age, education and social status influencing the ‘superficial’ tastes and preferences of the men influenced. 

      We have examined many causes for homosexuality in the preceding pages, both biological and social.  And although an interesting topic of debate, no one theory or experiment leads to a definitive answer.  Some believe that the characters found on Xq28 are the Holy Grail of homosexuality research, the elusive ‘gay gene’.  Others may place stock in the theories of Foucault and Halperin.  Perhaps Simon LeVay did reveal to us that anatomy is the key to understanding the difference in sexual orientation.  Perhaps there is no one answer, that sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual; gay, straight, lesbian, or bisexual, all are a cause of a complex interaction between environmental, cognitive, and anatomical factors, shaping the individual at an early age.

      • okayy… Ive read this before. In fact I read it in 2003. Now go read something that is more recently published.

      • Do not tell me what I should read. Fact of the matter is, I know more about this than you do, I always will. Once again, do not assume to know things you know nothing about. And don’t tell me you have a right to an opinion, you have but not at the expence of others.

    • Perhaps this will educate you before you make assumptions

      AllPsych Journal


      Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture

      Ryan D. Johnson

      April 30, 2003

      In recent decades, many hotly debated topics have come under the scrutiny of sociobiologists, trying to determine their causation and origins.  One such topic is homosexuality.  Originally thought by the American Psychological Association (hereafter referred to as APA) to be a mental disorder, research into its causes, origins, and development have consequently led to its removal by the APA from its list of diagnoses and disorders [1].  Many different theories can be found regarding the root of homosexuality, as far back historically as Ancient Greece.  The current debate is whether or not homosexuality is a result of nature: a person’s environment and surroundings, or of his biology and genetics.  The debate endures because both sides have the ability to create a scientific environment to support their cause.  For example, biological theorists may argue that a monkey and human child, reared in the same setting, will develop with vastly different outcomes, while social theorists may argue that monozygotic twins, one reared normally and the other raised in seclusion for 18 years, will also develop with vastly different results, but different even more from the first scenario [4].

      In debating sexual orientation, much is unknown; according to Charles Darwin, “…we do not even in the least know the final cause of sexuality.  The whole subject is hidden in darkness.” [2].  Although the APA currently states that sexual orientation is not a choice, rather that “…it emerges from most people in early adolescence with no prior sexual experience”[1], social theorists argue that an individual’s upbringing can directly influence this [sexual orientation].  Also tied in with many of these debates is the morality of homosexuality.  But the purpose of this examination is not to prove whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, but rather to establish a thorough understanding of the biological and social theories surrounding the cause of homosexuality.

      Let us first look at the biological debate.  Biological theorists have found substantial instances of anatomical, genetic, and endocrine evidence to support their argument.  Experiments in biological research date back as far as the late 1930’s, beginning with the pioneering research of Alfred Kinsey (for the University of Indiana) on human sexuality.  Kinsey had two goals for his tests: 1) to find out how many adult males engaged in homosexual behavior, and 2) to suggest theories about it came to be [9].  When asked if they had engaged in homosexual sexual relations, a large percent of the population tested answered “no”, however when asked if they had engaged in same-sex sexual relations, the percentage answering “yes” nearly doubled.  The experiment yielded that 30% of males had experienced at least orgasm in a homosexual act.  The results of this research became the widely popularized Kinsey Scale of Sexuality.  This scale rates all individuals on a spectrum of sexuality, ranging from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual, and everything in between [7].  While establishing that as many as 10% of adult males reported having sexual relations with a same-sex partner, this research did little more than to put the word homosexual into common language.  

      Karen Hooker executed the first psychological test done to test for biological determinism in 1957, on a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health [2].  The study was meant to explore the relationship between homosexuality and psychological development and illness.  Hooker studied both homosexuals and heterosexuals.  Both groups were matched for age, intelligence quotient (IQ) and education level, and were then subjected to three psychological tests.  These three tests, the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Make-A-Picture-Story Test (MAPS), were then analyzed by psychologists, and the results were tabulated.  The results of Hooker’s experiment yielded no significant differences in answers on any of the three tests.  Because both groups’ answers scored very similarly, she concluded a zero correlation between social determinism of sexuality. 

      As a result of Hooker’s finding, the APA removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychological Disorders in 1973.  In 1975 it then released a public statement that homosexuality was not a mental disorder.  In 1994, two decades later, the APA finally stated, “…homosexuality is neither a mental illness nor a moral depravity.  It is the way a portion of the population expresses human love and sexuality” [2]. 

      D.F. Swaab conducted the next noteworthy experiment in 1990.  This experiment became the first to document a physiological difference in the anatomical structure of a gay man’s brain.  Swaab found in his post-mortem examination of homosexual males’ brains that a portion of the hypothalamus of the brain was structurally different than a heterosexual brain.  The hypothalamus is the portion of the human brain directly related to sexual drive and function.  In the homosexual brains examined, a small portion of the hypothalamus, termed the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), was found to be twice the size of its heterosexual counterpart [2]. 

      At the same time, another scientist, Laura S. Allen made a similar discovery in the hypothalamus as well.  She found that the anterior commissure (AC) of the hypothalamus was also significantly larger in the homosexual subjects than that of the heterosexuals [2].  Both Swaab’s and Allen’s results became a standing ground for the biological argument on homosexuality.  The very fact that the AC and the SCN are not involved in the regulation of sexual behavior makes it highly unlikely that the size differences results from differences in sexual behavior. Rather the size differences came prenatally during sexual differentiation.  The size and shape of the human brain is determined biologically and is impacted minutely, if at all by behavior of any kind. 

      Simon LeVay conducted another experiment regarding the hypothalamus of the human brain in 1991.  LeVay, like Swaab and Allen also did a post-mortem examination on human brains; however, he did his examinations on patients who had died from AIDS-related illnesses.  He examined 19 declared homosexual man, with a mean age of 38.2, 16 presumed heterosexual men, with a mean age of 42.8, and 6 presumed heterosexual women, with a mean age of 41.2 [3].  LeVay discovered that within the hypothalamus, the third interstitial notch of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3) was two to three times smaller in homosexual men then in heterosexual men.  The women examined also exhibited this phenomenon.  LeVay concluded the “homosexual and heterosexual men differ in the central neuronal mechanisms that control sexual behavior”, and like Allen and Swaab, agreed that this difference in anatomy was no product of upbringing or environment, but rather prenatal cerebral development and structural differentiation [2]. 

      Another line of testing done to support the biological perspective are neuroendocrine studies.  The neuroendocrine viewpoint’s basic hypothesis is that sexual orientation is determined by the early levels (probably prenatal) of androgen on relevant neural structures [7].   If highly exposed to these androgens, the fetus will become masculinized, or attracted to females.  This research was conducted on rats at Stanford.  The adult female rats that received male-typical levels of androgens sufficiently early in development exhibited male symptoms of attraction.  The same was true in the reverse when applied to the male subjects.  The female exposed to high levels of the hormone exhibited high levels of aggression and sexual drive toward other females, eventually trying to mount the other females in an act of reproduction.  In the males, the subject who received deficient levels of androgen became submissive in matters of sexual drive and reproduction and were willing to receive the sexual act of the other male rat [7]. 

      A popular route of experimentation in general psychology also did not elude the biological argument.  Twin studies have become a highly debated area of experimentation.  Ernest Kallman conducted the earliest twin study.  He found a 100% concordance between monozygotic (or identical) twins (MZ), and only a 12% concordance for dizygotic (or fraternal) twins (DZ).  Although discredited with methodological problems, the early experiment paved the way for a much-publicized team to conduct their twin studies. 

      J. Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard also studied the gayness between MZ twins, DZ twins, and non-related adopted brothers.  They examined how many of the sample population examined were gay and how many were straight.  They found that 52% of MZ twins were both self-identified homosexuals, 22% of DZ twins were so, and only 5% of non-related adopted brothers were so.  This evidence, repeated and found to be true a second time, showed to the biological camp that the more closely genetically linked a pair is, the more likely they both are to exhibit gay or straight tendencies.  Later experimenters found similar evidence in females.  One such scientist is Dean Hamer. Hamer examined the possibility of homosexuality being an X-linked trait.  He examined the family trees of openly gay men, and thought he saw a maternal link, leading him to investigate his theory of X-linkage.  He took 40 DNA samples from homosexual men, and genetically examined them.  He found that there was a ‘remarkable concordance’ for 5 genetic markers on section of the X-Chromosome called Xq28 [2].  

      Hamer hypothesized upon examining the family trees of the same men that on each subject’s mother’s side, there were markedly larger numbers of homosexual men, all stemming through the maternal lineages.  This observation, along with his startling discovery on Xq28, led his findings to be dubbed the “gay gene study”.  The statistical probability of the 5 genetic markers on Xq28 to have matched randomly was calculated to be 1/100,000 [2], lending even more support to his findings. 

      This finding of a possible ‘gay gene’ prompts a look into two evolutionary concepts, and how they are affected.  The Superior Heterozygote Theory states the phenotypic (actual) expression of homosexuality is the result of homozygosity for recessive (non-expressed but present) genes [11].  In simplification, if the person’s genetic code is heterozygotic (one homosexual gene and one heterosexual gene), if the homosexual allele (half of the genetic code) is the allele passed on to the next generation, it will become the phenotype.  Heterozygotes are only capable of being passed through to the next generation by mothers (as the Y-chromosome is incapable of heterozygosity), this again links homosexuality to X-linkage. 

      While all of this scientific experimentation and conclusion seems evidentiary, sociobehaviorists are not convinced.  This opposing point-of-view proposes that homosexuality is the result of environmental factors, not biological ones.  Most social theorists see childhood elements as the largest contributing factors to homosexuality.  Often they examine childhood play patterns, early peer interactions and relations, differences in parental behavior toward male and female children, and the role of gender constancy in the household [9]. 

      The social argument for homosexuality dates back to the ancient Greeks. Aristophanes, in his Symposium investigates homosexuality, although not termed as such, as a desire by men to share a long-term fulfillment of the soul.  He believed that two souls are longing to be together, and the sexual desire alone is not strong enough to create homosexuality, but that the cultural environment allows or forbids the relationship to occur [10].  In Greece is it well known that many men engaged in same-sex relationships, however, these were not equal relationships, they were older men to young boys going through the transition to adulthood.  Two instances where the culture is a causative agent of homosexual expression are in New Guinea and Crete.  In some tribes in New Guinea, young boys ages 8-15 are inseminated daily by the young male warriors of the tribe.  In Crete, every adolescent boy undertook a homosexual relationship as a rite of passage into manhood [10].  In these two instances, the homosexuality is accepted; however, it can be argued that it is also forced, not a natural expression. 

      Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole.  Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes.  Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children.  Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7]. 

      While it is agreed that an element of gender ID is based on the decision made by parents on how to raise the child, the other element is formed with the development of language skills, naming of sexual behaviors and the naming process related to these behaviors [9].  Gender ID is learned over time, and other contributions include the frequency of parental interactions, tolerance of aggression levels, and the vigor of play during childhood. In this, another theory is acknowledged, the Parental Manipulation Theory.  This theory is that one or both parents are able to neuter and control offspring to promote their (the parent’s) evolutionary fitness, ensuring the passage of genes into the next generation.  By selecting only heterosexual practices as acceptable, the parents are attempting to promote their passage of genes [5].  However the Kin-Selection Theory contrasts this.  This theory states that it doesn’t matter how the genes are passed to the next generation, so long as they are passed along.  For example, regardless of a homosexual outcome, the very similar genetic makeup of siblings will still allow for the passage of the family genetics along to the next generation [9]. 

      Two predominant social theorists on homosexuality are David Halperin and Jean Foucault.  Although both social theorists, both have largely contrasting ideas on the environmental contributions to the formation of an individual’s homosexuality.  Halperin believed in Planophysical theory.  This theory believes that homosexuality is a freak of nature, an error.  His theory follows in the tradition of psychological theory on this subject.  Halperin was a Freudian psychologist, and places stock in Freud’s idea that homosexuality is derived from a failure to resolve Oedipal issues [10].  Although Halperin has a large following from interest groups such as Christian coalitions, his theory is largely disrespected by the psychological community at large, as it provides only a result, not a cause.  He fails to produce any scientific evidence.  He does, however, provide examples.  He postulates that a weak father and strong mother, with an unresolved Oedipus complex will lead to a weak, and then homosexual, son, because the mother has too strong of an image, compared to the weak state of the father.  Psychologists argue that this same arrangement would also possibly lead to a stronger son, striving for compensation of his father’s weakness.  

      Jean Foucault argues, “…homosexuality became because we made it so” [11].  Foucault says that the category of homosexuality itself was only created a mere one hundred years ago, after a German neologism coined some twenty years later.  Foucault gives root to the social derivation of homosexuality believing that homosexuality appeared as one of the forms of sexuality, only “after it was transposed from the practice of sodomy into a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphrodism of the soul” [10].  The theorists believe that the homosexual had been an aberration, and had then become a species, justifying itself with a new word. 

      Although both theorists represent the major ideas of the socioenviromental belief, there are three differences in the two theories.  The first is based on the depth of desire.  Foucault believed that the depth of desire is only sexual preference, that it is nothing more than superficial tastes and preferences.  Halperin contrasts this with saying that homosexuality does go deeper than superficial tastes, and that homosexuality is a psychological condition, with much deeper roots than mere sexual preference.  The second major difference is that Foucault did not divide people into categories.  Halperin acknowledged that there are three general categories of people in respect to sexuality: heterosexual, gay men, and lesbians.  Foucault groups gay men and lesbians into the all-inclusive term of homosexual.  The third difference is that Halperin see homosexuality as a symmetrical and equal relationship, Foucault believes that historically, as far back as the Greeks, before the term was coined, homosexuality has always been unequal, differences in race, age, education and social status influencing the ‘superficial’ tastes and preferences of the men influenced. 

      We have examined many causes for homosexuality in the preceding pages, both biological and social.  And although an interesting topic of debate, no one theory or experiment leads to a definitive answer.  Some believe that the characters found on Xq28 are the Holy Grail of homosexuality research, the elusive ‘gay gene’.  Others may place stock in the theories of Foucault and Halperin.  Perhaps Simon LeVay did reveal to us that anatomy is the key to understanding the difference in sexual orientation.  Perhaps there is no one answer, that sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual; gay, straight, lesbian, or bisexual, all are a cause of a complex interaction between environmental, cognitive, and anatomical factors, shaping the individual at an early age.

      • Educate me or Educate you? This man here is not picking a side. He did research on both and said it is possible for any to happen. Then if you read his conclusion. (maybe you dont know this but when you give a conclusion that is usually what they give from the whole essay) and in his conclusion his is actually supporting my argument. His doesn’t say it as a fact, he only puts a probably so people like you don’t go on about bitching.
        And 2. This was posted in 2003. Try researching something more updated. I read this a long time ago and it actually supports my argument. So peace.

      • ok listen here you stupid human being, did you actually see the conclusion????????? it says what i have been saying the entire time!!!! THERE IS NO PROVEN CAUSE!!!!!!! and no it says nothing throughout the entire artical about PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA. Did you know it was different from a psychological condition? No of cousre you didnt. When you go through a Psychological trauma and miraculously turn gay please let me know. I just Posted one of the RANDOM articles i HAD. i didnt have to do research because i already know the truth.

      • OMG. You are really moronic. Actually I take that back because calling you anything remotely stupid will have no effect on you. cuz you have too much of it already. What this guy is saying is everybody matures sexually in the same way. So on that basis, when you come to right and wrong. cunts with cunts and dicks with dicks are unnaturally wrong. I have to say this but you are beyond anything stupid.
        Whoever is better at swearing at each other, okay you’ll probably win at that, because you have more experience at it. But about this whole topic about being gay and what not, I definitely have more experience than you. You clearly do not understand a thing.
        Peace bitch.

      • this dicussion is over. I will not speak to someone who uses such vile words and only sees what he wants to. have a nice day.

      • Of course there is no definite answer. I don’t think there ever will be. But as for opinions go, I think all theories are the answer. Because you cannot speak for all homosexuals. Everyone has a different story. For instance; my cousin is a lesbian, but I do trully believe she CHOOSES to be. Because she has been sexually abused repeatedly by men, and so therefore psychological trauma made her too petrified to have any relationships with men. She can’t even have a friendly relationship with a man. She goes on a tantrum saying all men are scum. I never judge her, for I do not know what it is like to be raped. So I can understand to some extent and not take it personal. She refuses to have a very close relationship with me but has no problem being friendly with the girls of our family. Then you have what Smalls posted wayy back. That is very unusual behavior for such a young child. IF she is gay, wherever she is. It was either genetic, OR she had lesbian mothers who would of course kiss in front of her just like any couple does, and she didn’t quite understand at such a young age that not every girl likes to kiss girls. Lol. Which also doesn’t mean she is gay wherever she is, but it is trully an understandable reason to assume she grew up that way since I have yet to meet a five year old girl that acts that way with other girls. Then there’s my friend who is gay as gay can be. Lol. He is feminine and flamboyant. He, at least in my opinion, was not only born the way he is, but I do believe there are more of the feminine chromosome inside of him. I also have a gay friend who is as manly as myself. I believe he too was born with the genetics. You also have to remember that the person mentioned ancient Greek times in your article that you posted. It wasnt far from those times that the world was dark, and orgies happened on the streets. People just did not care who they fucked. And I know some people like that now. They’re not gay, they just don’t give a shit. Which are- what we all know- bisexuals. So really. It all depends on the person. All homosexuals are different. All have different environments they grew up in, some have had psychological experience to make them to never again trust the opposite sex. So neither of you can who’se right and who’s wrong. Those are my many opinions of homosexuality, and you plan to disagree with me Kelly that’s fine, but you can’t bash me for my opinion either. Especially since- like you said- there is no factor. I just happened to believe that each theory could be the answer depending on the person. P.S. if you’re a college student, get use to profanities. It’s everywhere. You sound like one of those chicks who get so worked up over her boyfriend calling her a bitch. When I think there are worse things a guy could do than lose his temper and call you a name. Wow, the horror. Call demostic violence line! Chill.

  85. Why not have Alex Pettyfer as Jace. Jace has all the complex looks & Alex would be perfect for the souldering, brooding Jace.

  86. Darian Faith // June 13, 2012 at 6:06 PM // Reply

    He does not look like Jace to me. He looks more like he should play Sebastian. Benjamin Stone would make a great Jace!

    • N Chambers // August 1, 2012 at 4:26 AM // Reply

      I agree! Much more Jace! Casting of Jace & Clary are absolutely critical to the films. This is all so disappointing!

  87. Adam Lambert needs to be Magnus!

  88. I feel so bad…that guy Jamie that they have in mind isn’t pretty at all 😦 Poor Jace… Alex Pettyfer Is more Jace material.

  89. N Chambers // August 1, 2012 at 4:24 AM // Reply

    So far Casting seems to be failing at it’s mission. One wonders how closely they’ve read the series. Jamie Campbell Bower would make a good Sebastian, not such a great Jace. Lily Collins, not even close–a bit to pert in her appearance. And need someone who looks like a real redhead! More the Kate Mara look. Ed Westwick would make a more believable Magnus Bane (remember M.B. was raised in Madrid?) Can we please have a closer reading of the books for characterization? We want this to be the first of a multi-film franchise! Not the disappointing first & last. So far quite disappointed & unimpressed. Hope this won’t be the last of the series to be realized but really, casting makes all the difference! Hope Unique Pictures doesn’t do the same thing to _Shiver_ by Maggie Stiefvater!

  90. I think I’m out on the movie. The casting is so screwed up. I’ll be surprised if all the books make it to film. With casting like it now they should just make it a TV show.

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    \”For delivering to your household even though you’re taking house although guys… cheers, Mum. \” females throughout nearly each place on the state ar still compensated yet
    adult males — perhaps when profession and also education amount ar
    accounted for. that’s why we want your check Fairness Take action,
    which might beat harmful discriminatory shell
    out techniques in this nation\’s locations.

    \”For accomplishing your entire best in a really state wherever females ar still discharged or forced away from their own work for turning out to be expecting… cheers, Mum. \”
    Six to eight throughout twenty women WHICH produce start in an exceedingly yearly quantity in addition do
    the job through that time, nevertheless expectant employees ar however compelled
    out from the operate by recruiters in which won’t develop these individuals affordable hotels
    — like transporting a package : that will let these to continue operating.
    This Expecting personnel Fairness React would help to be able to prevent this kind of blatant elegance.

    \”For qualified as well as delivering for your loved ones though you do not have access to the precise to be able to acquire one compensated sick and tired day… many thanks, Mum. \” whenever they receive the asthmatic illness or a infant gets streptococcal aching neck,
    in excess of 45 trillion workers within this region got from which to choose
    health insurance and a examine due to that they can\’t
    earn paid tired days. These kind of staff,
    and also hundreds of thousands WHO ar mother, would like this national paid for ill times routine
    this Balanced Individuals Act could provide.

    \”For expecting in the only very commercial nation in which doesn\’t assurance you just about any compensated time devoid of function to try and to therefore… thanks, Mom. \” Instead infographic from your Nationwide Alliance
    demonstrates, your u. s. is usually just one in most solely most of
    claims which doesn\’t promise settled depart for brand-new
    parents. purely eleven v. chemical regarding personalized sector
    personnel gain access to paid for spouse and children abandon as well as only 40 r.
    c from the personnel is usually eligible for paid for healthcare abandon. it\’s extra time activity for a nation’s settled keep insurance system.

    These kinds of announcements — and that they incredibly exclusively scratch the surface of the issues America\’s running parents deal with — illustrate
    the particular amazing toughness and also strength regarding moms WHO store tasks during this land.

    however they additionally reveal some sort of stark in addition to unacceptable
    truth: we all usually tend to ar removed from ensuring mums this equal rights, genuine cure
    along with assist they merit.

    Fortunately, many states carry out increased. Recently,
    the actual Country wide Partnership released a written report, Planning on increased,
    particularization your legal guidelines some declares possess put
    into law to complete this holes with country wide standards.
    everybody knows of which a minimum of ten expresses
    will need many recruiters to produce cost-effective
    rooms in order to expectant staff. knowning that most of us ar seeing ridiculous momentum about as
    well as support regarding paid out sick and tired days to weeks insurance policies.
    just inside the full week, the particular ny authorities accepted a are
    living to be sure nearly 1, 000, 000 staff members the best to make compensated sick days
    and nights. This particular historic motion generates around the success associated with settled unwell days and nights laws
    which exist currently throughout Connecticut, San francisco bay
    area, Washington, N. G., urban center and also, soon, Portland, Or.

    Nevertheless any patchwork connected with plans isn\’t the result managing parents want — or
    perhaps merit. simply think: Could members of Our
    elected representatives end up being prepared to send most of these emails on their moms?
    Then exactly why are certainly not suggestions
    similar to the look at Fairness React, the particular Expectant
    staff Fairness Behave, the actual Balanced Families
    Act and also a nation’s settled loved ones as well as health-related depart insurance plan between their best focus?

    This specific Mother\’s Morning, let\’s guess the $64000 communications we\’re causation mother by faltering to determine the household helpful work criteria they have got.

    As well as let\’s persist that will lawmakers do another thing relating to the item.

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