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Video: Cassandra Clare reads from ‘Clockwork Princess’

Fans that have attended Cassandra Clare’s ‘City of Lost Souls’ book tour have been rewarded with a special reading from ‘Clockwork Princess,’ the conclusion to the bestselling ‘The Infernal Devices,’ which will be released on March 19, 2013.

Lucky for fans who weren’t fortunate enough to attend a signing, a fan in attendance recorded it (in two parts).

The scene features Will and a certain someone. Don’t watch if you haven’t read ‘Clockwork Prince.’

What are you most looking forward to in ‘Clockwork Princess?’

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

29 Comments on Video: Cassandra Clare reads from ‘Clockwork Princess’

  1. So excited for that to come out!! I wish there would be 6 books like Mortal Instruments, but still SOOOOO excited for Princess to come out 😀

  2. I’m not looking forward to what happens to Jem if that counts.

  3. can someone right what the video says, i cant understand

  4. I can’t even describe how excited I am. March 2013, why won’t you hurry up? 😀
    I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out, and where my favorite characters will go from here.

    • Oh my god YES!! Ahhh I just want to read it soo bad. words cannot describe how excited I am 🙂 Hahha I just want to know everything. I don’t want to wait 😦

  5. Can you write what video says, I couldn’t understand.

  6. Cassandra // June 8, 2012 at 4:17 PM // Reply

    :'(….no…i want more!!! it’s not fair!!! D: Wen does Clockwork Princess come out again??

  7. GraceLightwood // June 8, 2012 at 6:48 PM // Reply

    I really shouldnt be saying this, but….. Just think about the EPILOGUE. like if they mention Jace or wat it will include. Just think about it. Now u want the book even worse. Im sorry but i had to say it.

    • I just don’t want it to end!! I want her to keep writing until it reaches Jace and then continue after it like have 50 books 😦 hahhaha they are just so good. I am going to cry when they end

  8. Jem better get a happy ending ❤

    • JaceLover // June 9, 2012 at 8:33 PM // Reply

      um NO WAY!!! You Jem Lover! I hope he dies! UNless he falls in love with Cecily and ditches Tessa

      • Natalia // June 9, 2012 at 8:53 PM //

        Me and my best friends actually predicted that her twist would be that Jem leaves Tessa for Will’s sis haha since Cassie always throws in a twist at the end of her book

      • well, i think cecily will end up woth the youngest lightwood brother, because the lightwoods in the present look a lot like will and cecily (when lady belcourt compares alec to will)

  9. ~TMI & TID Fangirl~ // June 8, 2012 at 7:36 PM // Reply

    I agree!Jem needs a happy ending too!

  10. Herondale 101 // June 8, 2012 at 8:03 PM // Reply

    my theory…. jem becomes the silent brother zachariah
    in city of lost souls describe him as younger than the rest and
    slender fingers and high cheekbones and he cares most abbout the herondales
    makes perfect sense…!!!

  11. ~TMI & TID Fangirl~ // June 9, 2012 at 2:37 PM // Reply

    I was thinking about that too!But why not keep his name?Why not be Silent Brother James instead of Zachariah?

  12. TeamEdwardJace // June 9, 2012 at 7:56 PM // Reply

    i’m so excited! and it will lessen the wait between cofhf (a we have to wait 2 years damn it!)

    • Yeah that and the Movie 😀 Thank goodness. I would die if I had to wait 2 years without anything else from Cassandra Clare

  13. Tbh I actually love both Jem and Will! When Tessa and Jem finally had their kiss I was like, crying! But then I was crying when Will realised he couldn’t be with her, after all the struggling. If I were to have my way with the next book I’d say that Jem does die – because then, at least, he would have died having been with Tessa, and that would have been HIS happy ending. And then, being his parabatai, Jem would probably WANT Will to be with her – to look after her, and to finally be happy himself.

    • The problem with your theory is that Jem has to get someone pregnant because in Dark Artifices Emma is a Carstair

      • What’s to say he doesn’t get Tessa pregnant, but she finds out after he’s already dead? As his parabatai I’m pretty sure Will would love that kid like it was his own :’]
        But then again, I see your point – that storyline seems almost a bit too “adult” for TID.

      • Natalia // June 11, 2012 at 6:22 PM //

        Yeah I guess we will find out soon enough

      • For all we know Jem could have a long lost brother or cousin with his last name…. Or him and Tessa do it when Jem’s on his death bed. I leaning more twords the brother or cousin.

  14. The scene features Will and a certain someone. Don’t watch if you haven’t read ‘Clockwork Prince.’

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  1. Read ‘Clockwork Princess’ excerpt! | The Mortal Instruments Fandom
  2. Read: ‘Clockwork Princess’ excerpt featuring Will « The Mortal Instruments Source

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