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Jamie Campbell Bower gives a shout-out to TMI SOURCE and fans

Jamie Campbell Bower (Jace Wayland) has a personal message for TMI SOURCE and fans of THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS.

In case you haven’t heard, TMI Source is headed to the set of CITY OF BONES on Friday, Sept. 21 for an exclusive on-set event with Cassandra Clare and the cast and crew!

We will be interviewing Cassandra Clare, Harald Zwart and the cast on Friday.

But just in case you didn’t get your questions in before the Monday deadline, submit them in this post below as we will be sending the cast questions throughout production on the film and they just might answer yours!

Stay tuned for scoop from the set of THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES here at

Any hateful or disrespectful comments will be deleted

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

473 Comments on Jamie Campbell Bower gives a shout-out to TMI SOURCE and fans

  1. Message for Jamie:

    How does it feel to be in a such a big franchise as TMI is compared to Twilight and Harry Potter?

  2. When is Godfrey supposed to be on set as Magnus?

  3. eeeekkk!! That’s just fabulous!

    Jamie: What has been you favorite location to film at so far?

  4. My Message For Jamie: What’s the most rewarding and fufilling as being an actor? Also how did it feel when you found out you were cast as Jace! Also you’re a great actor!

  5. teamedwardjace // September 18, 2012 at 8:22 PM // Reply

    most rewarding part?

  6. Tgis is so great. Thanks to TMI Source and all the great fans out there keeping us updated on the goings on surrounding the movie. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. You people rock so hard it’s insanity!

  7. Question for Cassie; did you ever think your books would be so popular they would become a movie?

  8. Cassandra Clare: How does it feel to see your book becoming a movie?

  9. Jace campbell lightwood (; // September 18, 2012 at 8:28 PM // Reply

    Funniest moment on set?
    Are u excited to play the WORLDS BEST FICTIONAL CHARACTER?
    Did u know that the haters are only like 5% of the fans and the rest of us are like #JamieISJace?
    Like oh my geepers i have 522 pictures on my phone of the cast…. Its just that my favorite book is coming to life and im wayyy too excited
    Well anyway have fun making the city of bones (*cough cough* city of hot men *cough*)

  10. Ria Jace Herondale // September 18, 2012 at 8:29 PM // Reply

    For the ENTIRE cast:

    Have you guys read the City of Bones? If so, can you each please tell us your favourite part/scene from the book and why?

    P.S my favourite part was the Midnight Flower scene where Jace and Clary FINALLY kiss 😀

    JACE AND CLARY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! ❤

    *(your all AMAZING actors and I couldn't have pictured any other cast for this movie)*

    • I second this one above me.

      • I second this to above me n above it lol I think use all look great cant wait to see this movie

      • werewolvesrsexierthanvampsjustsayin // September 19, 2012 at 6:55 PM //

        my question(for the whole cast): which scene(s) from the bok are you most excited to play out on screen.

        my comment: he sounds so british. i know im slow and this is the first time ive heard him speak.

        my rant: how can we have the hotel dumort scene without a rapheal???? when do i get my sexy latino vamp. YES I KNOW HE ISNT REALLY LATINO!!!!!!! CAN I HAVE MY DREAMs PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!

  11. Question for the crew; I went down to one of the locations early on in the filming and parts of the crew would always be around, what did you guys think when we (the fans) would wait 3-7 hours to meet the cast?

  12. Omg, I really love you guys! So how soon is Godfrey Gao going to arrive on set? Also, how is Kevin preparing for those Malec scenes? Are they sort of long-distance chatting with each other? Thanks. 🙂

  13. Question for Cassie: Do you think that when the characters were cast, it changed how you viewed your characters? The actors playing the characters are technically not the same (not complaining I promise!), but do you personally think that it changed the way you felt about your characters?
    P.S. You are my favorite author ever, and I will forever read your books<3

  14. TMI Cast: Have you read the book(s)? What scene are you looking forward to filming the most in the next movies?

    Jamie: What is the best/most exciting scene that you guys have filmed so far? Any funny moments that you guys can share? 😉

    {keep up the amazing work I am so excited for this movie!!}

  15. Message for entire cast: first of all, I have to know if you have read the books and how many of them, and second of all, do you think you are at all like the characters you are portraying and how so? Thank you so much, I very strongly believe you are all incredible and I absolutely cannot wait to finally see all of your brilliances on the big screen on August 23, 2013 (I have officially marked my calender!) And once again thank you so very much!

  16. Questions fit the whole cast:
    What has been your favorite part of filming so far? Also, how are the costumes? Any funny moments on set? Have you guys read the books? If so, who was your favorite character? What part are you most excited about filming?
    Sorry for bombarding you with questions, but I was sooooooo excited when I saw this video there arent even words to describe it!!!!!
    So, I also wanted to tell you guys that you are awesome!!!!! And I think that all of you were perfect for the parts! This will be the best movie ever!

  17. Question for Kevin:
    Have you met Gofrey yet? Do you think that filming will be at all *cough cough* awkward? I just wanted to say that you are perfect for Alec and can’t wait to see you portray one of my favorite characters in the big screen. Thanks!!!! 😄

    • For the whole cast, if you were stranded on a desert island infested with demons, what character from the book would you want to be with most?

  18. Cassandra Clare: how do you think of these amazingly funny and incredible characters and books in general? You are literally one oh my favorites authors and I hope you continue writing more series after the highly anticipated Dark Artifices. Thank you so much! You are absolutely incredible!

  19. For the whole cast: what were your reactions when you found out you were cast in the movie?

    Ps: I love you all so much and I can’t wait for the movie!

  20. Karina Alvarado // September 18, 2012 at 9:31 PM // Reply

    Will you go to prom with me?

  21. Everyone: what is your favorite book from TMI? why?

  22. Will you give a shout out to my friends Helen and Gisele

  23. Sorry I forgot to inculde its for everyone

  24. Jamie, what do you like most about your character, Jace Wayland? And what is your favorite scene in the movie so far?

  25. To the cast: do you think that this series will be up there with movies such as Twilight, Hunger Games ect. when the filming is done?

  26. It’s for Jamie:
    You have a lot of support from the fans!!… you’re are great with your performances !!… 😀 I’m very happy that you will play as Jace
    for Kevin:
    You’re awesome … Thanks for answer my tweets and for keeping us informed ! 😀 I love that you will play as Alec ;D
    For Robie:
    You’re my perfect Simon!!.. LoL xD I want a friend like you!! 😀
    To Godfrey:
    o.O you’re perfect Magnus!!. I cant wait to see you at the movie as the best warlock that the world has ever known
    To Lily:
    I know you when you was a kid, now i saw you and said “it could be real” .. You’re the Clary that i imagine ..
    To Jemima:
    You’re as Izzy , I Love u smile 😀 .. and the your video made me jump for joy
    To Cassie:
    I don’t have words to describe how much my life changed with your books, you destroyed and built again my life in a moment with your book 😀

    All the cast and the production are incredible!
    You made me feel better every day with all TMI news 😀 You make my dreams come true , and for all of that , THANK YOU

  27. To Jamie:
    I don’t care other people but I like you will play as Jace 😀 you’re perfect to the rol…and more for the phrases you’ve said in several comments, like: “I’m after the hair?..
    You have a lot of nefilim support, don’t forget that 😀

  28. for Jamie, Lily, Jemima, or Kevin,
    if you could use one Shadowhunter weapon in a fight with a demon, what would it be?

  29. For any cast member,
    what is the one scene you are looking forward most to see brought to life?

  30. For Jamie Campbell Bower,
    are you excited to bring Jace’s sarcastic and loving personality to life?

  31. For Lily Collins,
    What is it like to bring such a strong character to life? is it difficult or a fun challenge?

  32. To Robert Sheehan,
    What would you name your band if you had one?

  33. to Jemima West,
    What is your favorite part so far about being Isabelle? Do you have the same fashion sense?
    (nothing less then 7 inches!)

  34. To Kevin Zegers,
    Since Alec is skilled with archery, do you think you could hit a bulls eye? what is your favorite shadowhunter weapon?

  35. to Lily Collins,
    Your character Clary is a very talented artist, are you skilled with a pencil and paper too?

  36. To Jamie Campbell Bower:Have you read anymore of the Mortal Instruments series, if so which book are you excited to film besides the City of bones?

  37. For the cast: have you guys had any funny moments on set? Which is the most prankster of you all?

    For Jamie: which scenes are you most excited to shoot (or already shot) action scenes or romantic scenes??

  38. Have any of the cast members read the books? If so, what book is their favorite and who has read them?

  39. For all:
    If you have some scene as funny moment …
    can you add it for the movie?? at the end !! 😀 that will be great

  40. To Kevin and Godfrey are ya’ll as excited about us in regards to your future kissing scene? Have ya’ll started practicing? Will you? Please? and Please take pictures of your bromance for the TMI fandom! Please and thank you!

  41. Hi! Well, I’m a big fan 🙂 I’m really excited about this movie(I already started counting down the days.) Anyway, do you think you can relate to Jace as a person?

  42. What made you interested in the role of Jace Wayland?

  43. Jamie; I lovee you! What’s your favorite part about being Jace???

  44. Mrs. Carstairs Herondale Wayland Lightwood Bane Morgenstern ( I have that one soft spot for Sebastian..) // September 18, 2012 at 11:02 PM // Reply

    So Jamie, what are you most excited about with playing the role of Jace?

  45. if you could be any creature in the Downworlder world, what would you be?

  46. One more: To Jaime: You’ve conquered all three juggernauts (Twilight, Harry Potter and TMI) Would you ever want to take on a role in the Hunger Games?

  47. Hi Jamie!! How did you prepare physically and mentally for the role of Jace? Was it difficult to get into character? What attracted you to the role of Jace?

  48. are there any inside jokes between the cast members or pranks? 🙂

  49. For Aidan Turner:
    Hiya – So, what made you say “yes” to the role of Luke Garroway? Besides that he’s as BADASS as he is relatable, of course. Also. Please tell me the fight with Valentine is in this… And, naturally, thank you. ^_^

  50. What’s you favorite thing about Jace you love? Do you think you’ll be able to pull it off in the movie?

  51. Question to Jamie: are you exited to play the most elaborate character I’ve ever read about??
    And : do you think that you will have girls fawning over you like girls do for jace??

  52. Question for Jamie: what is a must have for you while filming? Certain music, food, literature?

  53. TO Jamie:

    What scene was the most fun to shoot and why?

  54. Hey Jamie! What is your biggest pet peeve?

  55. To Jamie & Cassie: Did either of you ever want to take a bath in spaghetti?

  56. I think the TMI cast is absolutely phenomenal. I’ve been following the series since CoB came out in paperback, so I’m SO excited for this movie. My question to the cast is: What is the craziest thing you’ve seen a fan in Toronto do while you guys were on set/signing autographs?

  57. What was your first reaction when you got the part as Jace, and how do you feel being part of such a big movie? Love you ❤

  58. Hey Jamie! At first I wasn’t crazy about you as the choice for Jace (wait wait don’t get mad!) but the more I see you, and now hearing your voice, I’m pretty pleased as a fan! So my question to you, is: Do you feel up to the task of being a main character for such a great book? Why? (Are you ready to ruuuuumble!?)

    Good luck, Jamie 🙂 I’m (finally) rooting for you!

  59. Jamie: How do you view Jace’s character? Are you two similar in any way? And what do you like/dislike about him?

  60. What do you think is, or has been your favorite scene to film?

  61. Jamie: I heard Lily say in a recent interview that you do most of your stunts. So what has been the toughest stunt so far? And how do you prepare yourself for them? OH & thanks for taking the time to address the fans! It means a lot! And I’m hoping that you know (based on all our support on twitter & tumblr.. #JamieISJace) we love you and think you are perfect for Jace!

  62. To Jamie:
    What is the hardest part of portraying Jace’s charater? An what do you love about his character? 🙂

  63. Jamie: after filming is over, are the Darling Buds going to make an album

  64. Will we get to see the cast auditions?

  65. at first, how did you react when you were chosen as jace wayland? do you feel sad because of those comments that you don’t deserve to be him?

  66. Hey I was wondering if u guys are fans of the book like we are.

  67. There are five books published in The Mortal Instruments series. How many have you read? How many had you read before landing the role?

  68. Jamie: What quality or qualities does Jace possess that you find admirable in a person? Did these attributes draw you to audition to play him?

    Last, you are the most perfect Jace anyone could have ever imagined. Thank you for bringing him to life.

    • I second this!

      Jamie: you are the ONLY actor capable of bringing Jace to life – in fact, Cassie can back me up on this, lol!
      I’m eagerly awaiting to see you in “City of Bones”! 😀

  69. Hi jaime, I was curious to know is if there was any hesitation on your part to say yes to the roll of jace. Knowing all the attention and fangirling you would receive. You may have seen a bit of that with Rob Pattinson on the twilight sets. So glad you said YES! You are truly talented. I hope you like mangoes : -)
    Kind regards,

  70. For Robbie: What do you feel like you have the most in common with Simon, and how are you liking your new, super nerdy cute look? 🙂

  71. For the actors, when you read the novels do you picture yourself playing your character? Super excited about this film!

  72. To Jamie:
    First off, I’m so excited that you’re playing Jace – I think you’re the perfect choice and I can’t wait to see you and everyone else in the movie.
    As for my question, it can apply to anyone in the cast. What scene are you the most excited to shoot?
    Thanks for being awesome to fans!

  73. To Jamie, Kevin and Jemima : How was it training for those action sequences you guys have? ‘Cause we all know how hard you have to train to be a shadowhunter 😛 And how do you like your characters? Do you identify with them?
    Good Luck and much love to all of you and the cast! xox

  74. 2 messages for Jamie:
    1. How much do you see yourself as Jace, and do you identify with any other characters from the movie?
    2. When did you get your ear pierced?
    (3. can I marry you?)

  75. What has been your favorite scene filmed so far and what scene are you most looking forward to filming?

  76. Question for Jamie
    How does it feel to be playing the role of the beloved character Jace Wayland? is it hard to get into character or does is just come naturally? Also have you read the mortal instruments series, if so whats your favorite book and/or part?!:) 100% supporter of you by the way;) #JamieISJace

  77. Question for Jamie
    How does it feel to be playing the role of the beloved character Jace Wayland? is it hard to get into character or does is just come naturally? Also have you read the mortal instruments series, if so whats your favorite book and/or part?!:) 100% supporter of you by the way;) #JamieISJace<3

  78. Hi Jamie! I know you got alot of crap about being Jace in the beginning but are things turning around now? Personally, I’m super excited! I think you’re the PERFECT Jace!

  79. For all cast members:
    ~What was your favorite scene that you have done so far? or what scene are you most excited to do?

    And I just want to say that the whole cast is beautiful and amazing. Can’t wait to see all of you on the big screen. Especially Jamie and Lily playing Jace and Clary. CLACE<3

  80. Hi Jamie! Jace Wayland is a character who has undergone a lot of personal conflicts, internally and externally. How do you prepare to portray these types of roles? And if, hypothetically, he was a real person, what would be your personal opinion about Jace?

  81. For everyone:
    Why are you so perfect? It makes me cry tears of joy.

  82. Question for Jamie:
    What was what inspired you to audicionar for Jace? Apart from the clear fact that I find you perfect for the role.

  83. What is your favorite book? -To everyone

  84. Question for jamie : Can you do an American accent?

  85. Celey Creature // September 18, 2012 at 11:43 PM // Reply

    Questions for Jamie:
    What’s been your favorite thing about working on TMI so far?
    How do feel about your cast members

  86. If you could have any weapon what would you have?

  87. For Jamie: How did it feel when you first got casted as Jace? And what was your first words and action? If i can ask another question how did you feel when you find out all the fans support on twitter Hashtag Jamieisjace?

  88. So I have a question for Jamie, What’s it like seeing all the dedticated TMI (The Mortal Instruments) fans show up to watch filming? 🙂

  89. Question for Jamie: what is your favorite band?

  90. Hi, I’ve read and loved the Mortal Instruments book series and now I’m super excited to watch the movie! Everyone one in the cast seem to be excellent candidates for all the characters and I can’t wait to how everyone portrays them. 🙂 To all the cast: what are your favorite qualities in each character you play and how do you make the character unique to you? Thanks! I hope everyone has fun shooting this film. 🙂

  91. Brittany J Burton // September 18, 2012 at 11:48 PM // Reply

    Jamie: Though you have already played roles in two major movies/ film franchises, they have been comparatively small roles compared to yours as Jace Wayland. What is it like to go from a background charcter/ antagonist to one of the two leads?

  92. My question is to Jamie. Have you read all of The Mortal Instruments books? If so, which one do you like best? Also, did, or do you do anything specific in order to connect to the character of Jace?

  93. To Jamie:
    Do you feel that this role is going to change too much your life? That is to say, already it has changed it into certain aspects… but are you conscious of it?

  94. Jamie, have you readthe books and do you think readers will be satisfied with the way the movie portrays the characters and plot?

  95. Question for Jamie: You could do a song for the soundtrack of the movie?

  96. my question for jamie:

    how to prepare emotionally for the role of Jace?

  97. Hi Jamie. 🙂 I was just wondering what your favorite thing about playing Jace is, and what initially made you want to be a part of the film/play him specifically?

  98. For Jamie:

    Can you relate you relate with Jace’s character at some point? What are your similarities with Jace?

    I LOVE YOU JAMIE!!! You are the perfect Jace ❤

  99. Question for Jamie: You could do a song for the soundtrack of the movie?

  100. For Jamie: Would you like to participate in the soundtrack of the movie?, Your voice is Beautiful.

  101. If you could have any weapon what would you have? 😉

  102. Is Cassie gonna be making an appearance in the movie? 🙂

  103. For Jamie: what is your favorite rune?

  104. If you found a very strange boys in a club Will you follow them?

    Love you!!

  105. Jamie, why are you so perf- Okay, the real question: Have you taken this personage as a challenge for you itself? Do you feel that this has changed you or affected somehow?

  106. For Jamie: If you could create a rune, what would?

  107. Jamie (Jace), can I touch your mangos?

  108. JAMIE: what is your favorite thing about being
    Jace? Btw your perfect for the part!! 🙂

  109. Wish you luck on Toronto! 🙂 xx
    For Cassie: How does it feel getting your book into a movie? Are you excited for us to see people’s reaction of City Of Bones? Love you!
    For Jamie: What is your favorite part of portraying Jace? Who’s your current best friend from the set? Who is your fave character besides Jace or Clary?
    For everyone: Do you ship Malec or Clace?

  110. Jamie: Have you read The Infernal Devices if so favorite character?

  111. For Jamie: I absolutely love you and Lily together, but if you guys ever decide to go your seperate ways, do I have permission to hop on that?

  112. TMI cast: have you done any stunt training yet??

  113. For jamie! Are you excited to be taking a role in part of such an incredible series? First Harry potter, then twilight (it wasn’t that incredible) and are you also nervous For the hype and fame that comes with it?

  114. Cassie, Jamie, Lily: Was there any time in your life that you would do-over or re-live again?

    Thanks 😀

  115. weasleygardizi // September 19, 2012 at 12:30 AM // Reply

    Robert I fucking love you. You honestly made me love Simons character even more. And I’m obsessed with misfits.
    Jamie, you’re legit perfect as jace. Honestly. If you and lily ever go your separate ways don’t be surprised if I ask to touch your mango.
    Lily, you’re gorgeous. Almost too pretty to be Clary, but I’m really starting to love you as her.
    Kevin you’re just ridiculously sexy with your black hair and rune tattoos and shit and I think I’m in love with you. And it’s you PLUS Godfrey. Jesus.
    Jemima, you’re gorgeous. I absolutely love your accent, and you’re looking more and more like my perfect Isabelle every day.
    Couldn’t have asked for a better cast

  116. To all the cast members: Were any of you fans of the novels before it was announced that it was going to be a movie?

  117. To: Cassie – Why did Magnus lie about his age to Alec during the war in Idris? Does Alec find out and will it be addressed in CoHF? Also do Izzy and Simon along with Tessa and whoever she choses deal with the immortality “issue”?

  118. For Jamie: People are saying that TMI Is the new twilight, and the books have even turned a few twihards(Including myself) Into shadowhunter fans. Jamie, after seeing what Robert Pattenson (whos charector did not have one tenth of the attraction Jace has) went through with fan girls (IE: Stalking, Screaming, mauling) . Are you at all worried? Or excited?

  119. This is for the entire cast how does it feel to work all together? what do you do when theres a ittle break between scenes and for lily and robert how does it feel to play the clary and simon duo dynamic is it fun playing the best friends in the TMI series?

  120. To Cassandra Clare: what influenced you to start writing? Did you just know writing is what you wanted to do, or did it take time for you to find it…. or should I say amazing 🙂

  121. Sarah T (Perth, Western Australia) // September 19, 2012 at 1:35 AM // Reply

    For the cast: What’s it like bringing these characters to life? What advice would you give to someone interested in acting as a career? 🙂

  122. sorry didn’t mean to put that last part! (:

  123. Just a fun question for the cast, crew and Cassie: If you could marry one of the characters (so not the actors portraying them), which one would it be?

  124. jamie i love you i wanted to ask what is being jace?
    is the movie what you expected?
    do you love playing jace?
    what do you love about the movie so far?
    what is it like working with the other cast members?

  125. jamie i love you i wanted to ask what is being jace?
    is the movie what you expected?
    do you love playing jace?
    what do you love about the movie so far?
    what is it like working with the other cast members?

  126. JAMIE IF YOU were going to get a TMI tattoo what would it be of?

  127. to kevin: Is it your first time to kiss a guy?
    ph loves all the cast! Good luck!

  128. Reblogged this on Writing Haven and commented:

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  131. Jamie, forgive me for the mass amount of questions

    – do you enjoy Jace’s personality?
    – do you find his witty attitude fun or challenging?
    – how do you feel about the runes?
    – which rune is your favorite? least favorite?
    – i’m going to assume you’ve read the series, when did you start reading The Mortal Instruments?
    – we’re you a big fan of the series before you were chosen for the role?
    – what was your first opinion of Jace?
    – are you ready for the fan girls to attack you? trust me, it will happen. sorry, bro.

  132. jamie, forgive me for the mass amount of questions.

    – what do you think of the runes?
    – which rune is your favorite? least favorite?
    – do you like jace as a character?
    – do you enjoy his witty attitude and scarcastic remarks? do you find it hard or fun to play?
    – i’m going to assume you’ve read the series (or part of it), when did you start reading TMI?
    – i’m i the only one who thinks “too much information” when i read TMI?
    – make any klutzy moves on set? blooper worthy moments made by you?
    – are you prepared for the fangirls? trust me, it’s gonna happen, bro.
    – i heard that the greenhouse scene was filmed (or i could be wrong), how many times did it take to get the kiss just right? (if you and lily did that scene yet).

    well, i hope you and all the cast have a great time filming! i’m sure you’ll all do a great job. i can’t wait to see it, less than a year away! thanks for taking your time to answer questions. (:

  133. Dear Jamie, this is more a request than a question, but can you please please please improvise a joke about Simon/Robbie’s eyebrows so it’s in the film. That would be hilarious :’)

  134. Jamie:
    HEYY first of all 🙂
    Why did you decide to audition for the part of jace??

  135. Hey Jamie!
    I was just wondering, are you excited to be in a relationship with Clary (Lily Collins) and do you have anything in common with her?

  136. Jamie, after being involved with such iconic film franchises (Harry Potter, Twilight) how does it feel to be in a leading role of one of your own?

  137. OMG! Jamie you’re amazing and i love you;DYou’re my dream Jace:) – do you have a similar character to Jace?
    – how long painted runs for you?
    – what do you think about TMI books?
    – what was your reaction when you heard you’re Jace?
    – what are seraphic knives?

  138. To JAMIE:
    1. In what ways are you most like Jace?
    2. Do you like mangos?

  139. Siana Wardell // September 19, 2012 at 3:59 AM // Reply

    Hi, This is a question for the whole cast.
    What aspects of personality do you and your character have in common?

  140. Emily Castellanos // September 19, 2012 at 4:02 AM // Reply

    Jamie, what’s the chemistry like between you and church?

  141. Jamie, if you had to choose only one of your lines from the movie, which would be your favourite?

  142. (Question to the whole cast) – Out of all the scenes which you have already filmed, which scene are you most excited to see in the movie/what scene are you excited to film in the coming months?

  143. JAMIE, first I would like felcitarte because you’re a great actor, besides extremely handsome. ^^
    Now the question: What do you like most about your character?
    1. Excellent fighter. 🙂
    2. Tremendously sexy. 😉
    3. Adorably sarcastic. 🙂
    4. Kissing to Lily. 😀
    5. Another?

  144. JAMIE, first I would like to congratulate you because you’re a great actor, besides extremely handsome. ^^
    Now the question: What do you like most about your character?
    1. Excellent fighter. 🙂
    2. Tremendously sexy. 😉
    3. Adorably sarcastic. 🙂
    4. Kissing to Lily. 😀
    5. Another?

  145. Ok wow 🙂 kinda excited 😀 soooo
    Jamie, what’s your favorite part of the book? Oh do you have a twitter account? There is one but I’m not sure if it’s yours if it is then you should tweet more 🙂 Love you!!!-Shaks

  146. Question for Jac- I mean Jamie: Why were you born so perfect?

  147. do you guys ever visit the fansites/tumblrs? 🙂

  148. Jamie, you’re just inimitable! You perfect Jace! How am I happy about this video address. I and all your fans are just wild delight! I have to translate it into Russian, so your fans in Russia, too, saw this appeal. Sorry for my bad english:(
    And I have a wish(not a question): Jamie, do not pay attention to the haters. You have a lot of fans and we love you very much!
    From Russia with love;)

  149. Qustion: When will the place and the date of the Premiere be announced? Will there be a big Premiere with all the Actors in London? And anywhere in Germany?
    Greets from Hamburg, have a wonderful time, Ida

  150. Question for everyone 🙂
    What’s your favourite thing about your character?

  151. Hi Jamie! Jace is known for his snarky and sarcastic remarks in the book, and I was wondering whether you’d have the exact same lines in the movie or would it be cut out/different? With love, from Singapore! ♥

  152. what scene r u most looking forward to filming and what is your fav scene from the book?
    What is your favourite line from the script?
    Do u have any common traits with your character?
    Who r u closest to from the cast?

  153. For Jamie: What scenes did you read for your audition?
    -What has been your favourite scene to film so far and what scene from future books are you looking most forward to filming?
    -Do you share any traits with Jace like his wittiness or sarcasm?

  154. what do u love about jace the most?

  155. A message for everyone (ANSWER THIS PLEASE I BEG OF YOU): why are you all so perfect

  156. question for jamie: what is your favorite joke or knock knock jokes or whatever so far? :((((((((((

  157. were you stoked to know that you are playing jace wayland and also, i like your hair and your everything that is all thank you.

  158. Question For Jamie : There is a character trait that you think you have in common with Jace? What is it?

  159. Would I be correct in saying playing Hace with his quick dry wit is not a stretch for you?

  160. Question for Jamie:
    If you could have one super power what would it be? 🙂

  161. So exciting!!!

    Message for Jamie:

    Many of us fans are #JamieISJace, how did you Prepare for role? What’s been the gratifying moment being Jace?

    All the way from Hawaii, wishing to be in Toronto, A.L.O.H.A!

  162. Jamie: Do you have a favorite song or band at the moment that you listen to between your work on set? maybe an inspiration for your role as jace? Greetz ida xxx

  163. For Jamie:
    What is the best part of being Jace? (not the actual filming but just knowing that YOU are the perfect guy to BE him?? If that makes sense :/)
    Also, who are you closest to out of all the cast?

    for Cassie:
    What do you do when you see the actors? Are you like “oh my god that is MY CHARACTER THAT I BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD!!” ??
    Also, how do you inspire yourself if youre having an off writing day??

    For Kevin:
    Are you comfortable with the fact that sooner or later, you and Godfrey are going to be possibly kissing while all the fans scream about how awesome it is youre kissing??

    For Lily:
    Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Anyway, what is the part of CoB, or any of the other books you could potentially film, that your most excited to film?

    For Robbie:
    Are you overwhelmed by the number of girls that want to faint when they come within ten metres of you, let alone when you agree to hig them? (i live in Australia and am absolutely dying of jealousy right now. I WANNA LIVE IN TORONTO!!)

    For Jemima:
    Are you excited that you get to play one of the gorgeous most badass girls ever? What are you most excited about?
    Who are you closest to out of all the cast?

    For all of them:

  164. Questions for Jamie:
    1) Have you seen those hate messages/comments about you being cast as Jace? If yes, what do you think about them? How would you respond to these comments/messages?

    2) Do you have a tumblr/facebook account? If yes, what’s your link/url? If no, can you make one for us (your awesome fans)?

    Message for Jamie.
    Sorry if question #1 was a personal question.
    PS: At Shadowhunterscodex, we definitely love you as Jace! Prove them wrong 🙂

  165. Question for Jamie:

    Before you auditioned, did you realise what a huge following Cassie and the Mortal Instruments had, or were you completely overwhelmed once news broke about your casting?

    A very belated congratulations by the way, I think you’ll do a great job and it’s so great to hear how much effort you’re putting in to the role! Thank you 🙂

  166. Hi!
    Questions for the whole cast:
    1. Do you feel the pressure of being in such a great franchise? (If the answer is yes, I can say that the fandom loves you all and you guys are going to be great in the movie, don’t be worried)
    2. Do you think this experience is going to change your life? Are you afraid to be overwhelmed by the fame?
    3. What’s the quote you prefer from your own character in the “City of Bones” book?
    Thank you and goodbye to Cassie, the Cast, the Crew, everyone.
    Much love from Italy.

  167. I’m just going to start off by saying that you are a perfect Jace (even though that’s not a question), but I was just wondering how did it feel to bring to life sarcastic, sassy Jace and actually get to be part of the world of the Mortal Instruments? How did you prepare for playing such a dynamic role?

  168. Jamie, first of all I think you’re going to be an amazing Jace Wayland. I have a few questions.
    1. How does what you learned about major franchises (Harry Potter and Twilight) help you when filming The Mortal Instruments?
    2. Which other cast member do you seem to have the most fun filming with?
    3. Which scene are you most excited about filming or having fans see when the watch the movie?

  169. Hey Jamie!
    What is your favourite scene from the book?
    PS: I really like your accent!!

  170. Hi Jamie!
    What have you done to get into character and also how much do you relate to Jace?

  171. what do you appreciate the most about Jace, and how have them influence on your life?

  172. Hello, this is a question for Jamie: Is there any way he’ll be making any more music for The Darling Buds? < 3

  173. what do you appreciate the most about Clary, and how have them influence on your life?

  174. For the dear cast this is one of my general question):

    How does it feel to be part of one of the best series i ever read? What dou you like in your characters, what do you hate? favorite scene in the book?

    Producers: what does it take to make this kind of productions ( i’m really curious about all the things that are extreemly needed and without them we would have any movie :)) And also What cativated you: Harald Zwart, to direct this series (by the way, thank you SO MUCH for directing this series ^^ i was waiting to see the movie verison of the first book the moment i finish it :))

    Jaimie: what do you think of your character? is it a great honor to play jace? and do you feel connected to Jace?
    Where did you like to work more in Twilight or in Mortal instruments?

    Robert: Do you connect with your character? (god i have so many questions that i bloqued basically in the cast is the main questions i have for the cast :))
    How do you feel to play a very great friend in this movie?

    Godfrey: How its like to be the Great warlock of Brokelin ? Magnus is one of my top fave characters of the entire serie and i think you (and your character) play a very important character in Mortal instruments because he makes many sacrifices in other not just to help/save our main characters but he also cares a lot for another fave charater of mine: alec 😀

    Kevin: are the gears comfortable? How do you feel playing Alec? What are your thoughts about the Mortal instruments?What is your favourite quote of Alec and of Magnus? How did you know that you would be alec? ( don’t need to awnser this last :))

    Lilly: How do you feel in the skin of clary? Do you connect with her? In your opinion which quote of jace is the most funny and how did you react when in the books clary is telling all the true to simon and then simon says “THATS AWESOME!” ? Are we fans gonna be disapointed are very impressed with the movie in your opinion?

    Meyers: hows is like to be the big badass of Valentine? What was reaction when you thought that Jace and Clary were brothers in the first book ? in the intire book and movie what is your favourite scene and quote of your character?

    dear Cassandra Clare: Thank you a lot for write this series of Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices 🙂 I dying so much to see the final of both and i think you’ll inpress me much in the final of both 🙂 (too bad that once i’m gonna to university in 2014 i might not have many time to read CoHF but i’ll try :))

    oh yes – i’m willing to ask you this: what do you loved in your series?, favourite character and why?, where did came the inspiration for both Mortal instruments an Infernal devices? what is your favourite couple? do you prefer Sebastian or Valentine as a bad guy? What did you felt when you wrote that transformation of sebastian (he starts to confess that it wasn’t his fault of all those horrible things that happen in city of bones and then he turns the same old bastard he was but worse than ever)?

    and i think this is all

  175. Cherry.Vulturi // September 19, 2012 at 11:19 AM // Reply

    Q for Jamie, How do you feel when you are on JACE MODE? Where do you find your inspiration to portrait him?

  176. How was it shooting a video with Florence from Florence and the Machine? (:

  177. Q for Jamie: Are you ready for thousands of screaming fangirls asking to touch your mango?

    Q for all the cast: who do you think is the hottest out of the cast?

  178. To Jamie
    How does it feel to play the most attractive shadowhunter in the series?

    To Robert
    You make a perfect simon! Do you relate to simon in any way?

    To Kevin
    What made you want to play Alec lightwood?

  179. to the entire cast; any pranks on set yet? if so, tell us about one! (:

  180. Jamie, will you use your English accent for the movie? I didn’t imagine Jace with an English accent, but I admit it would be kinda cool. 😀

  181. Madi Schoenthaler // September 19, 2012 at 11:35 AM // Reply

    What scene are you all excited to begin shooting?

  182. Like Will and Jace’s hatred of ducks, is there any animal that you particularly dislike?

  183. Hi Jamie, I think you’re the perfect Jace, but let’s talk about your personality: in what you are like jace? In what are you different, in your opinion?

  184. Jamie, what makes the film different from all the other films that are coming out about fiction/fantasy?

  185. are you going to be speaking in an accent or your normal voice? 🙂

  186. Jamie: How’s it going with The darling Buds? And how do you cope with all the haters? You are the perfect Jace and the whole cast is amazing.

  187. What sort of changes are they making you (Jamie) under take to fulfill the role of Jace? Because in the books they describe him as a strong, muscular guy. You’re pretty tall and skinny. Have you had to start any work out regiments?

  188. Message for Jamie: When did you find out that you were cast as Jace and how did it feel to be cast in such a recognized role?

  189. My question to Jamie is: If you could be any other character from tmi (other then Jace) who would it be and why? 🙂

  190. Jamie: Can you relate your own personality to Jace’s personality?

    Jamie: What has been your favorite role in your film career?

  191. Question for Jamie:
    In what ways, if any, are you the same as Jace, or in what ways are you completely different? And how has your experience so far playing Jace been for you?

  192. Message for Jamie: Before you even found out that there would be a Mortal Instruments film, had you been following the books? If so, do you have a favourite part in City of Bones that you’re looking forward to acting in the movie?

  193. Can’t come up with anything original right now due to this nasty flu that has probably killed my brain, so I won’t ask anything, but I would like you to know that we love you no matter what and if you love what you’re doing with this movie, we will love it as well! You’re all crazy talented and we are honored to have you play our favorite characters. Lots of love and sunshine from Estonia! xx

  194. Hi Jamie, i couldnt be more happy that your playing Jace, your perfect for the part. What do you like most about the books? and why?

  195. my question for jamie = how did you feel like playing such a badass character?

  196. To all the actors: How did you guys prepare for your roles? Tom Cruz prepared for his character Lestat by watching videos of lions attacking zebras, Johnny Depp prepared for Jack Sparrow by studying Pepe Le Pew. Did you guys do anything wierd like that?

  197. I love Jamie to death, he is quirky , cute and u hope he’s as sweet in person as he seems to be. My question is , conventions , I WANT MORTAL INSTRUMENT CONVENTIONS WITH JAMIE THERE !?

  198. What was your first reaction when you knew you had got the part?

  199. Does everyone have great chemistry, and get along on set?

  200. Is Lily going to dye her hair the right color for the movie???

  201. Jamie: What is the best thing so far about playing Jace?

    What is a great thing that has happened to you because you got cast in this movie?

  202. Hey Jamie! You look just as Jace!
    My question is:
    Have you read the 5 books of the Mortal Instruments? and have you talk to Cassandra to really get to know your character?
    Which is your favorite book part?

  203. Question for Everyone:

    1. What made you guys audition for the roles? Was there something that attracted you to the character? Did you guys read the books before auditioning or after the auditions?

    2. Did you expect that the movie would have this kind of following? What are your reactions with how the fans are receiving the movie?

    3. Who are your favorite characters from the book?

    4. Do you go online and just read about how fans are reacting to the movie? If yes, what are your reactions to that?

    Question for Jamie:

    1. Since you’ve been in other franchises such as Twilight and Harry Potter, as Caius and Grindelwald respectively, How do you feel that you’re going to play the main character of yet another great franchise?

    Question for Lily:

    1. Being a fan of the books, What was your reaction when you found out that you will play as Clary? Also, Have you read the infernal devices?

  204. So Jamie, besides the character Jace, who is your favorite character in the seires? And who are you most looking forward to working with?

  205. Question for Jamie:

    Since you can sing very well (big fan of Anthony in Sweeney Todd), would Jace sing at some point in the movie(s)?

  206. Georgina Daniels // September 19, 2012 at 12:47 PM // Reply

    Question for the whole cast:
    What were your reactions prior to being cast?
    Also for Cassandra: What was your reaction to everyone’s casting?

  207. To Jamie:What is the funniest thing to happen on set?

  208. Question to JAMIE C BOWER: Would you please consider cover somes bruno mars songs? you like BM? have you listened to him? i’d like

    please your songs are amazing too. love them.

    to the crew: Would you please consider that Jamie sing a song of the movie soundtrack? that would be amazing! lot of people including me would like somethiig ilike that of course!! Only if you agree

    last comment i hope you still have part of unicorn hahaha love your wit

  209. Hey there! This is a question for everyone. I just wanted to know what you all think of our big fat crazy fandom family in general? Were you expecting this many followers, or was the scale of the fandom a shock? How does it compare to other movies you’ve been in? Love you all, the movie’s going to be amazing! We couldn’t have asked for a better cast!

  210. Question to Jamie: How similar are your character traits to Jace’s?

  211. Question to Jamie: what is the best part of being Jace?

  212. Pedro Sánchez // September 19, 2012 at 1:45 PM // Reply

    Hi everybody, I love the books and I think that this movie will be incredible, so I have a question:
    When will be the first Trailer of the movie released?
    Thank you 🙂

  213. What led you into trying out for Jace?

  214. Jamie: If you could use any rune in your day-to-day life, what would it be for and why??

  215. Question to Lily: Have you read the Infernal Devices? Will or Jem?

  216. Robbie: Do you actually know what happens to Simon in City of Ashes (2nd book)? :K

  217. For Cassie: Do you remember writing the first sentence of City of Bones?

  218. What does you like the best from Jace?

  219. Hola Jamie! How are you! How’s the shooting? is as you expected? 🙂 You are the JACE PERFECT! You know? <33 Greetings from Chile (South America) te amo, you are Amazing!

  220. Jamie:
    Why can’t I just… hug you and get your autograph and omg by the Angel! Why?!!
    Also what has it been like hanging with all of the other cast members, and what characteristic do you most admire in Jace?

  221. Jace, I’ve been looking for a video of your screen test everywhere. What was it like, what kind of things did you say or do? Little help for an aspiring actor? 🙂

  222. Hey Jamie! Glad that your our Jace! You will do him justice I am sure 🙂 what are you looking forward to the most in this series? I can’t wait to see you do so many scenes! What do you like most about your character? And what do you think is his greatest flaw? – Sarah

  223. my question for Jamie is as a fan of the series (or waiting so long to film) which scenes was he most looking forward to and which was he dreading, or nervous about? also which was the most fun or shocking to film?

  224. How do you feel playing Jace at the movie?
    What scene has been your favourite until now?

  225. How did they decide to use the English accent for our Shadowhunters? I’d imagine an Idrisian accent would sound almost Austrian.

  226. What made you want to play the role of Jace Wayland? Did you read the books before-hand and thought it would be an amazing opportunity, or did you hear about it from somewhere else?

  227. We are so excited for this movie!!! aahh! For Jamie: what is your favorite thing about Jace? and for the whole cast: what has been your favorite scene to shoot so far? We Shadowhunters love you!!!!!

  228. Whats it like being the almighty gorgeous Jace? It has to be interesting?

  229. Genevieve (Gen) // September 19, 2012 at 3:28 PM // Reply

    Are there any scenes that you are beyond excited to get started with, being that you have a lovely love interest for the films and such great actors that you get to work along with?

  230. Is your personality similar to Jace’s personality or are you guys complete opposites? 🙂

  231. Jamie: What’s been your favourite scene to film so far, and why?

  232. Sooo first off to Jamie:

    I’m sorry I was one of the handful of fans who didn’t believe you fit as Jace Wayland. Now really looking at you though, and watching clips of your acting and facial features/expressions, I think you’re going to be perfect. Please forgive those of us who had a hard time accepting you? Because I do want you to love your role and this fandom since you’re becoming an essential part of it ❤

    Second thing for Jamie tho:
    Have any of your previous fight acting skills paid off in this movie? And are you aware of what's happening/ Have you read all the books yet?

    Is Will ever going to find someone to love? Someone he really actually loves??? Or is he settling for less because he won't have Tessa. Also, so I know Tessa lives for like ever- does she [like Magnus] have many a lovers over time. Maybe not many, but more than 2? Or more than Jem really??

  233. Hannah Strawberry // September 19, 2012 at 3:54 PM // Reply

    How are the sets and costumes comparing to what you imagined when you read the book?

  234. Jamie, what is your favourite thing about Jace and how are you going to portray that in the film?

    I’m so happy you’re Jace! I can’t wait to see you on the big screen x

  235. Jamie! I am a very strong believer in those who work the hardest, gain the most. I have been given a taste of your acting through Camelot, and I believe you will portray the role well, I hope you don’t let us all down! What will your number one goal be for this movie?

  236. To Jamie: Whats the most challenging thing to play about Jace?

  237. question to lily: what do you like the most in clary?

  238. Have you done any demon/Foresaken killing scenes yet? What was it like? Was it hard having to imagine the demons/Foresaken? You’re the perfect Jace, by the way!! 😀 ❤

  239. Hey! I’ve been following your Twitter and Tumblr avidly with all the TMI updates, but haven’t been able to comment because I don’t have either one of those. I do have to say I really love this blog, and I want to thank you all here at TMI Source for your painstaking update efforts 😀 But I do have a question for the cast and Cassie! Here goes:

    Who is your favorite character BESIDES the one you play yourself? (Cassie, who’s your favorite character, in general?)

  240. Hi! First off, I’d like to say that even though I usually don’t judge the cast until I see the movie, I have to say that seeing all the pics from the shooting, I am definitely loving the cast and I’m getting more and more hyped up each day! 🙂

    So, my question is for the entire cast: Do you share any characteristics with the characters you’re playing or wish you did?

  241. Hi Jamie!!! I’m so excited we are going to be on this long journey with you 🙂 Are there any angles you identify with?
    Hugs From Texas

  242. Jamylet "Jamie" // September 19, 2012 at 4:06 PM // Reply

    My Message to Our Jace, Jamie:

    I know at the beginning it must of been hard for you with the whole “Alex Pettyfer is Jace, not Jamie” thing and the fans not taking the instant liking to the idea, but now that everyone has seen you and are rooting for you and are supporting you all the way, how do you feel? Also, how has it been working with the crew?

    Oh and P.S:
    I’m so happy that your our Jace and I wouldn’t want another for the world! Can’t wait to see you and the others on the big screen! 😀

  243. My question, honestly, is for anyone who can answer it: how optimistic is it looking for the ENTIRE series to be adapted into film?
    AND I’d like to know if the cast (ahem, JAMIE!) would be on board for that kind of commitment? (no broken hearts please!!!)

  244. omg sorry angels!!! I got excited to get a question in!!

  245. How fun is it verbally sparring with Simon (Robert Sheehan)? And just generally being sassy saracastic Jace?

  246. Tara Cappadona // September 19, 2012 at 4:14 PM // Reply

    Jamie, I’m a huge fan, LOVED you in Camelot!! What scene are you looking forward to filming, or have you filmed it already?

  247. Ask like a normal question involving Lily like about his audition with her or something just so we can see if he gets some cute little smile at talking about her

  248. Melody Knight-Brown // September 19, 2012 at 4:21 PM // Reply

    First I just wanted to say I love your voice, sorry if that’s creepy but just remember you signed up for freaky fangirls when you took on the role of Jace.

    Second It’s not really a question so I’m not actually expecting a reply but I wanted to say I’m sorry you weren’t feeling that accepted by the fandom. I’ll admit I was all for Alex to be Jace before the part was actually cast but that was just fancasting and honestly when does fancasting ever go right? I’m a big fan of all your other acting roles(I was crush, I mean crushed, when they canceled Camelot) and was really happy when you got the part. Anyway, longer than this should be, but what I’m trying to say is Welcome to TMI.

    Oh third, and this actually is a question, or several…. What’s your favorite part of playing Jace? Did you read the books? Are there any noticeable differences bookJace and movieJace? Do you see any similarities between you and Jace? Which of his last names do you prefer? What’s your favorite rune/s?

  249. I am soo excited to see you as Jace on the big screen next year, and i know you are the perfect person to play him because you are good looking and charming. I was wondering. If you were to get a rune tattoo, what rune would you get, and where ?

  250. To any of the cast members – which of the books in the series is your favourite and why?

    P.S. Jamie, I love you and you are the PERFECT Jace x

  251. For anyone: Have any of you learned any fighting techniques before starting filming, and if not, was it difficult for you to pick up?

  252. Question for Jamie: After reading the source material, or perhaps just the script, was there a scene or an aspect of the story that made you nervous? Something you weren’t sure how to deal with?

  253. For Jamie: In what ways do you think you’re like Jace?

  254. Rachael Elise // September 19, 2012 at 4:29 PM // Reply

    Hi! First of all to the whole cast: You guys will be perfect! I am a HUGE fan of just about everyone! *insert a comment here about how attractive everyone is* AND a quick question for anyone really: How did you know that you wanted to spend your life acting and having people fangirl over you? ( I would say congrats for being able to deal with the not-so-nice things said about you by mean people…) Can’t wait for the movie!

  255. Question for Jamie:
    What is the thing you love most about Jace? Why did you decide to take the role?

  256. Daniela Herondale // September 19, 2012 at 4:50 PM // Reply

    Are all scenes from the movie from the book? Or will we be seeing new scenes??

  257. BiancaRachelle // September 19, 2012 at 4:50 PM // Reply

    Question for Cassandra Clare:
    I noticed that on the movie page they labeled Raphael Santiago as “Vampire Lieutenant.” Are they calling him that in the movie or what?

  258. Question for Jaime:
    How does it feel be cast in a role that so much pressure was riding on the casting? Do you feel nervous because this is such a huge franchise and many people had preconceived notions on who they wanted to be Jace, a sort of mental image that everyone needed to be perfect?

  259. Pranks?

  260. I love you jamieeee! And so do all my friends 🙂 you’re our jace and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!!! ❤

  261. What aspect of Jace from the book is your faviorite to act out? his smugness, secretiveness,kick ass-ness?

  262. Mary Lois Dela Paz // September 19, 2012 at 5:21 PM // Reply

    Hello Jamie and Ms. Clare !!!! 😀
    i really love Mortal Instruments and i’m looking forward to the movie. I know that you can satisfy my urge for the movie 😀
    Will it be more based on the book ? i really wanted to see how the sets and costumes looks like. it’s the part i’m waiting for. and also, Jace and Clary’s love story 🙂
    For Ms. Clare, when you going to make Infernal Devices into a movie ? Thank You for answering Jamie and Ms. Clare 🙂
    I’m Mary Lois Dela Paz from the Philippines.

  263. Questions for Jaime:
    When filming the movie, I know some scenes have to be shot multiple times. Which scene so far has had to be shot the most and why? Also, what is your favorite scene to shoot and why? Besides Jace, who is your favorite character in the series?

    Question for Cassandra Clare:
    As of right now, are you happy with what TMI has become in reference with the movie? Also, is the City of Bones movie going to be a combination of the first three books or so, or is it just going to be about the first book, City of Bones?

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  264. What kind of training did they put you through before the movie?

  265. Hello 🙂
    My dear Jamie I what to know what similarities do you have with Jace .

    Hello 🙂
    Ms. Clare thank u for writing these Books … I can’t wait to see this movie .
    hugs and kisses ..

  266. Cassandra How involved are you in the process are you on the set at all times? Will you ever come to Austin Texas for a book signing ❤

  267. To the Cast: I am so commited to the series, that I have whole board dedicated to The Mortal Instruments on a website called Pinerest. Can you please check it out?

  268. What’s the training like for the role of Jace? Have you gotten any big bruises?

  269. oh my gosh! I’m so existed for the movie to be finished! I’m reading the 5th book now. and am in love with Cassandra Clare’s characters, your books are so well written that when Jace finds Simon wit his throat cut and his wrists cut from valentine i jump when i read “Simon moved” i literally jumped and yelled a little. Jamie you have the perfect voice for Jace! its exactly how I imagined it.

    my question’s to you Jamie, is. why did you decide to take the role as Jace? did you feel like you shared things in common with Jace? are you a lot taller then the actor that plays Clary? I really hope you are.

    I’m so existed, and I’m so happy with hows playing the characters, cant wait!! 🙂

  270. To the cast: There is always so much pressure on actors who are portraying characters from a popular book series such as The Mortal Instruments. How has this affected your preparation for this movie and what kind of things did you do to get in the mindset of your character? Thanks!

  271. I so cannot wait for this, I love how the movie comes out in a year and the book comes out a year after that!!!!!

    My question to everyone is, have you read the books? And if so who is you favorite character(that you at not playing) and why?!?!?

  272. Question for Jamie:
    How sarcastic is Jace in the movie?

    Question for Cassie:
    Hello, I’m from Venezuela his books are excellent.
    The Silent Brothers are inspired by the prophets of noncanonical book?

  273. What biggest change from movie and the book?

  274. you felt the first few days to play jace?

  275. which is what you most liked to playa far jace?

  276. jace: how it feels to kiss clary?

  277. isabell: you feel when you were accepted for the role?

  278. Question for Jamie:

    How does it feel knowing you have such a big role to play? Is it tough to try and live up to the role? Or a piece of cake?

  279. I actually have a couple of questions. I am a teacher and always look for the “life lessons” in the books I read. What is something you hope viewers take away from this particular film adaptation of TMI?

    Second question. Are you nervous/anxious/excited about how this film could change your career (like it did for those in Twilight) and do you feel any particular pressure portraying your character?

  280. jace: do you say to your fans in mexico

    what has been the best thing about filming this movie so far?

    What has been your favourite scene to shoot?

    Who is your favourite character in the books? (besides Clary)

    Would you rather be a badass nerd or a nerdy badass? hehe

    i love you all 😀

  282. Lily: How did you act when you found out you got the role of Clary.?

  283. Which of the mortal instruments books your favorite?

  284. The question above me is for Jamie Campbell Bower

  285. Do all the comments from fans about you “not being right for Jace” and so on, have a negative impact on you? Or does it just make you strive harder to prove them wrong and show them that you ARE Jace? Personally, I think the whole cast is great and you’ll do an amazing job.

  286. for jamie: would you cut your hair if the fans wanted you to for the next movie?
    also, please thank the entire cast for supporting the fans and telling them a lot about the movie 🙂

  287. sorry i forgot some questions 😛
    Are you happy about being in such a big production or are you a bit nervous for when it comes and and the fans don’t like the movie?

    this one is for malec. Is it weird that Kevin is married and he is playing the role of alec?

    i will have more questions when i think of them

  288. Hi jamie!

    What was the first thing that make you want to play jace?

    How do you identify with him? Do you think you have some things in common?

    If you can describe Jace in less than 10 words ..

    If you could have a rune, which one you choose?

    What can we expect of Jamie’s Jace?


  289. Jamie, how does it feel to be playing the guy that every girl is gonna be in love with as soon as this movie comes out?

  290. what is the most difficult scene you’ve done until now? talking TMI

  291. Do you feel a lot of pressure being cast in a role as big as Jace? And even though this doesn’t happen till the fourth book, do you like mangoes?

  292. Hi everyone I’m just really happy that one of my favorite books it’s going to be a movie and thanks Cassie for write it and everyone for bringing this book to life C:

    For Everyone:

    Are you anxious for filming a specific scene or part of the book?

  293. This question is for Jamie. Are you going to be keeping your accent for the movie or are you going to do an American one?

  294. What is your favorite book of the series? Do you plan on staying around for the other books (the correct answer is yes:))?

  295. will you cut your hair for the end of the second movie? In the second book in the epilogue page 445 last paragraph it says that Jace cut his hair

    • Jamie doesnt decide when to cut his hair, the producers do.

      Thats why i hate it when people say ‘his hair isnt jace’ because obviously the movie people think it is and its not his fault they didnt cut it.

  296. Jamie: I think you’ll do a great job, you are an AMAZING actor. Can’t wait to see you as Jace ❤ so you can prove all the haters how wrong they are and shut them up!
    My question: which is your favorite book (besides TMI) and why?
    Salutations from Mexico 🙂

  297. Hello! For the entire cast of TMI are the best!! My question is for Jamie, Lily, Jemima, Kevin, Robert, Godfrey what they love their characters and what they most want the scene to film? And thanks to Cassandra Clare for writing all these wonderful books and we are all waiting for the next! and eager to see all the work of the cast! Greetings from Argentina

  298. What’s the hardest thing about being Jace?

  299. Being as gorgeous as the character Jace you’re playing, have you ever fallen for someone you couldn’t have ?

  300. To the entire cast: if you could spend a day with your characters, what would you do?

    Ps: much love from Kentucky!!<3

  301. Jamie, can you play the piano or any instrument like the character Jace that you are playing?

  302. Hi I wish you coming to the uk to eternal twilight 8 in october 12th at the Hilton hotel
    Birmingham uk
    Jean xxxxx

  303. What do you find the most interesting about your character? Also, want to say I think the casting for CoB is amazing! ❤

  304. Jayce is portrayed as completely and utterly sexy. Exactly how much are you going to buff up and fill out for the roll?

  305. why doesn’t your character have gold eyes?

  306. Hey jamie,
    do you wear contacts to play as jace? oh, is lilly’s hair feirey red like clary’s??? and hows shooting the film with everything like the costumes, settings and working closley to lilly?

  307. Hi Jamie,
    How long do you have to stay in make-up to get the marks drawn on?

  308. Broad question for the entire main character cast (Jamie, Lily, Kevin, Jemima, Robbie, Godfrey)… when you auditioned for the role of your character, did you have any idea what you were getting yourself into? Like, the force of the fandom (because we’re like a powerful force of nature, ha)?

  309. Everyone: What has been the funniest moment on set so far? What has been your favorite moment?

  310. Hello Jamie, I just realy want to know, have you read all TMI books? if yes, what is your thought about Jace (his life, anything deep about him?), like if you know, Jace have last name “keep changing” throughout the books? just that all, i know you could potray a great Jace! May the angel bless you~

  311. Hello again. I found a fan made video about the cemetery scene in the second book and it is most hilarious thing ever! if you could watch it and show it to the cast it will make my day!

  312. Questions for entire cast:

    – Have you read the five books of TMI? and what about TID?
    – Have you asked Cassandra what happen to your character at the end of the saga?

  313. Shewhat. (shaw-hat) // September 20, 2012 at 1:15 PM // Reply

    WHY ARE YOU SO HOT?!!!!!
    Ps. I love you 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

  314. Hi Jamie 🙂
    How are you? (I Asked you because I bet many fans are typing up Questions about TMI)
    So I’m going to be the random fan 🙂 so how was your day? And guess what? I LOVE YOU! (you already know that :p) I talk to much…love ya hope you read this 🙂

  315. Hi! I have a question for Cassie Clare. In City of Bones on page 19, it was stated that Simon was the youngest of three children, but we’ve only heard about Rebecca. Are we going to hear about Simon’s other brother/sister in COHF?

  316. A question for Jamie: Jace is by far my favourite character in the series so how does it feel to bring him to life and put him in Shadowhunter action?
    Question for everyone: Have you read the books and if so what are your favourite parts? Or what are the scenes you are most looking forward to play?

  317. Can you come to Australia/Brisbane for the premiere!?

  318. Katherine Carstairs Herondale Lewis Lightwood Bane // September 20, 2012 at 7:29 PM // Reply

    Question for Jemima: Parlez-vous français? (I did say that right?)

  319. Katie Campione // September 20, 2012 at 8:21 PM // Reply

    What is it like playing the role of Jace? I mean, he’s described as this super sexy, angelic guy..and of course I think you fit that part perfectly, but what is it like for you to portray him?

  320. Mariah Guidella // September 20, 2012 at 9:48 PM // Reply

    Hello, Jamie. How are you? So today’s my birthday, and I’d love to hear you saying something sweet for me. Okay, that’s not my question, but… What about The Darling Buds? Are you writing something while you’re on set? Talk just a little about your band, I miss listening to your beautiful voice in some beautiful songs. And would you come to Brazil in Olympic games? Btw, I’m from Brazil, so that’s why I’m asking. lol Love ya so much.

  321. To all the cast – I think you are all perfect for your roles! This is gonna be a super, awesome movie. I can’t wait!!! If there are movies made of the subsequent books, are you all willing to film them, even though it may take several years?

  322. Ummm so has everyone in the cast tea the books

  323. Question for Jamie. I read that you auditioned for the part using both an American accent and a British accent. How easy/hard is it to change from one accent to the other?

  324. Question for the whole cast: Do you realise what your getting into? Cassandra Clare’s series are one of the most popular EVER, there are tons of us Shadowhunter fans across the world. We are all expecting great things (which I’m sure you’ll deliver, I LOVE the whole cast), and you’re going to get mobbed by fans ALL the time. You’d all better be prepared, us fans are really excited for the movie!!! Love you all!!! [;xxx

  325. Hi Jamie!,

    I know this is a stupid question but I was just wondering if you can lift one eyebrow like Jace can in the book?


  326. @WHOLE CAST: Have you (the cast) read all the Mortal Instruments or the Infernal Devices? Also, BIG HELLO to Robert Sheehan! G’wan the Irish! It must be terrible everyone asking if they know Séamus from Wexford and leprachaun jokes! BTW Im Irish!:D

  327. When you got the role of jace, what were your thoughts and feelings about it?

  328. What were your thoughts and feelings when you got the part of Jace?

  329. Hi Jamie, I was just wondering how the role of Jace Wayland, and the atmosphere and support on set; from fans, crew and other actors, compare to past productions you have been apart of, specifically Camelot, Anonymous and Twilight.

  330. Jamie im in love with your band!!! And i was wondering if you guys were releasing any songs in the U.S., or may be on the mortal instruments soundtrack….

  331. what you felt the change to go from Cayo to Jace?

  332. For Jamie Campbell Bower: Are you going to get a rune tatoo? If you do, i think it would be cool if it was the fearless rune.

  333. For everyone: Do you know Gangnam style?? 😀

  334. Jamie, Which rune do you reckon will become the permanent one? { tatt}

  335. Question to whoever is in charge of the haircuts:
    How are the chances of Jamie getting his hair cut just a little bit? Because I know that filming started already and everything but I just pictured Jace with hair that was not…that log?

  336. To the amazing Jamie C. B.,
    How are you feeling about playing as Jace? Jace is supposed to make ALLL of the girls swoon–I’m Verryyyyyy sure you’ve got that down! 😉 How are you feeling about Lily as Clary? Any spark of romance? ;3

  337. Question for Jamie: What made you want to audition for Jace? (whatever it was, it was a great decision. I cant picture anyone else playing Jace) 🙂 love you! ❤

  338. For Jaime: had you read the books before you even got the part for the movie? whats your favorite thing about Jace’s character?

  339. Are you going to get a haircut?

  340. Katherine Carstairs Herondale Lewis Lightwood Bane // September 23, 2012 at 8:51 AM // Reply

    Question for Robbie: How do you like being the amazingly incredible, and outstandingly hilarious Simon Lewis?

  341. Saniya Herondale // September 23, 2012 at 12:23 PM // Reply

    Question for Jamie:
    What made you want to play Jace?

  342. Questions for all the cast:Do you like being on the tmi set and , have you read the books? If you have does the script mainly stick to the book, becuase i always act out some senes in my room. thx!

  343. JAMIE- GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS. Is it an intimidating feeling that the fans of TMI are expecting so much from you to become Jace’s character as they imagined it in the books?! 🙂

  344. Will you be using your accent in the movie?

  345. Will you or The Darling Buds appear on City of Bones soundtrack?

  346. nevertrustaduck // September 23, 2012 at 6:26 PM // Reply

    Jamie: What made you want to become an actor? And were you excited or nervous when you got the part of Jace? Please, please, please do him justice, though I have no doubt that you will! 🙂
    Lily: What has been your favorite scene to film so far?
    Cassie: I don’t really have a question for you. I just wanted to say that when I’m an adult and married, if I have a son, I have every intention of naming him Jace. 🙂
    Robbie: Is it fun playing our belovedly sarcastic Simon?
    Kevin: I loved you on Gossip Girl, and I hope I’ll love you in TMI! 🙂
    Everyone: Has there been a cat cast as Church yet? I love him. ♥
    I can’t wait for the movie!!! Thank you all so much for making it come to life!

  347. Jamie, how did you feel when you were playing the greenhouse scene, since it was the scene of your cast audition?

    – Brazilian shadowhunters love you!!

  348. This questions were made for all brazilians fans:
    1. Jamie, when you really noticed that you want to play Jace? ‘cause we all know that to get a role like this you have to be prepared, since auditions until be casted. When did you noticed you want this role and when you started to prepare yourself to get it?
    2. Jamie, what do you like the most about Jace?
    To Godfrey:
    3. Godfrey: How’s to play the role of Magnus Bane, one of the fans favourites? Do you think you’ve something in comom with him? And what about challenges to play him?
    4. Godfrey, don’t you ever get tired of being sexy?
    To all cast:
    5. What you guys think about Cassie Clare’s world?
    6. Which scene you guys liked the most?
    7. How did you guys react when casted? And what is the most difficult part in come together your personal life and your work

  349. What got you interested in getting this role? Have you read any of the mortal instruments book? how different is it from going to a big franchise like harry potter and twilight series and than getting to be in this big hit of mortal instruments as the famous jace wayland.

  350. Teresa & Jasmine // September 24, 2012 at 2:41 AM // Reply

    Dear Jamie,

    In what ways are you similar to Jace? In what ways do you guys differ?
    Ps. I love you ❤ (:

  351. Tell us everything!!! XD (Q: What did you learn about Jace from acting?)

  352. Awesome! Hey question were you in The adventure of merlin? I can’t remember witch Camelot based show/ movie you were in.
    Can i Get your autograph?…(Sadly I’m asking a randon question from miles away…I’m in bolingbrook IL.)
    Are you guys ever gonna vist Hollywood Blvd. Theater near me sometime? Like when your done shooting and I get the movie ! ><! I can't wait to see the midnight flower scene! Good job Jamie!

  353. dear robbie
    i love you in misfits so is it weird going for a character like nathan who is so rude to simon who is a nerd and really sweet?

  354. Jamie:i am a big big big fan how do you deal with such a HUGE role and was bringing Jace to life easy or hard for you and what is the number one thing you and Jace have in common???

  355. TeamEdwardJace // September 24, 2012 at 7:24 PM // Reply

    Note: this is the same TeamEdwardJace from twitter.

    Message to the entire cast: I love all of you guys! thank you so much for being amazing and bringing this to life! We love you! I hope I get to meet you guys!
    To the crew including karen and Harold: a big thanks to you too!
    Jamie:I am a huge fan and you are one of my fave actors. My question is: What’s the most rewarding part of being an actor. What is the most challenging? Also which scene(s) are you looking forward to the most of being protrayed on screen.
    To Lily: How did you feel about being cast as Clary? Which scene is your favourite? Any special words for your fans(me included lol)?

    To Robbie: You rock! To Jemima, Godfrey, Kevin and the whole cast(including Lily, the other Kevin, Jamie etc) : you’re awesome! to the whole cast: favourite scenes to film? How do you feel about your fans? Are you excited to film the rest of the TMI films!

    btw it’s the same TeamEdwardJace from twitter. wordpress was being lame lol

  356. TeamEdwardJace // September 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM // Reply

    also to the whole cast, Harold and cassie: is Jace as protective of Clary as he was written?

  357. Jaime, did you expect this from the fans? Most of the world is so excited to see the movie, and to see you. What was your rection when you found out you will play the role of Jace? Did you expect it?

  358. To Jamie:
    At first I believe you was receiving a bit of grief from fans about you playing the role of Jace. How do you feel about this and what are you planning to do to ‘win them over’?

  359. I LOVE the TMI series, but i have to ask these questions that do not relate at all to it 🙂 What was it like to star on Florence and The Machine’s video Never Let Me Go? Will you ever ever come to New Zealand?

  360. Hi guys 😀 I’m so excited about the movie :DD this question is for all the cast members
    Have you read the books? which is your favorite and why?
    thank you!

  361. Hi Jamie!! I am such a HUGE FAN! You are unbelievably amazing as Jace. I have seen pics and GOD you look so great 🙂 Question: How is it like acting in another “world”? I mean in the books, I fell deeply in love with the world, do you? What is your favorite part in the City of Bones book? I LOVE YOU JAMIE!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

  362. Michaela 'V' Ravenscar // September 25, 2012 at 8:18 PM // Reply

    Your favorite line that you say?

  363. teamedwardjace // September 25, 2012 at 8:43 PM // Reply

    Note: this is the same TeamEdwardJace from twitter.

    Message to the entire cast: I love all of you guys! thank you so much for being amazing and bringing this to life! We love you! I hope I get to meet you guys!
    To the crew including karen and Harold: a big thanks to you too!
    Jamie:I am a huge fan and you are one of my fave actors. My question is: What’s the most rewarding part of being an actor. What is the most challenging? Also which scene(s) are you looking forward to the most of being protrayed on screen.
    To Lily: How did you feel about being cast as Clary? Which scene is your favourite? Any special words for your fans(me included lol)?

    To Robbie: You rock! To Jemima, Godfrey, Kevin and the whole cast(including Lily, the other Kevin, Jamie etc) : you’re awesome! to the whole cast: favourite scenes to film? How do you feel about your fans? Are you excited to film the rest of the TMI films!

    also to the whole cast, Harold and cassie: is Jace as protective of Clary as he was written in the series?

    same thing but with my primary email now(and wordpressacount

  364. Hi Jamie!! I wanted to know if You were going to come to Australia at any point to see your Australian shadowhunters? I love all of the previous work you have done and City of Bones is going to be absolutely amazing because you have been cast as jace 🙂 I hope one day I get the chance to work on set with you xxx

  365. hey jamie! I’m so excited that you’re Jace! I was wondering what material you guys use to apply your runes. They look like they’re real!

  366. To Cassandra Clare:
    As an identical twin, will we be seeing any twins in the Dark Artifices???? It seems that you have touched on nearly all types of relationships except twins….thank-you!

  367. Which scene was the hardest one to shoot?

  368. Dani Harrington // September 27, 2012 at 6:09 PM // Reply

    How mind-blowing is it for you guys to be taking on these amazing roles? It must feel so unreal knowing that some of you are actually fans! What is it like for you?

  369. Robert, do you miss your long hair?

  370. Jamie, do you prefer butter or olive oil?]

  371. hi Jamie I was just wondering.. there has been a bit debate between my friends as to weather the movie will be as good as the books. do you thing that they will?

  372. Other then Jace, who is your favorite character?

  373. For Jamie:
    Hey, you have been in so many successful franchises, but how does it feel playing the protagonist this time?

  374. A question to Jamie:
    Are you ready for millions of fangirls to ask you if they can touch your mango?
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Please answer, sincerely the mortal instruments fandom.

  375. You’re the ugly one get a mirror look at yourself and compare yourself with him!!!!!! And by the way don’t waste time posting here since it’s for the ‘fans’ and I repeat the FANS and I don’t think Jamie would be bothered or would want to waste his time reading your useless comment


    • True. Thanks and i think not. as well who would read such a thing as to be bothered by some one who isn’t a Conclave member of this fan group stie and Is SO Rude And Ignorant!
      You are good Shaks… I appreciate the help with this Idiotic Non- fan.
      And Sorry Jamie if you had to read it… We think and I Know Your Beutiful!
      Were Rooting For you!
      Love Ya more Jace! XD
      To Camelot and now the Mortal Instruments!
      ❤ you all who Are loyal Fans who agree that he is perfect and wonderful!
      Love you!

      • Jamie is THE ONE AND ONLY, BEST JACE ever!!! He is perfect and wonderful and handsome and funny and amazing and a super talented actor. Check him out in Camelot. He is totally awesome. He gets so into his character!!!!!! And check out his fabulous voice in Sweeny Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. There is NOTHING that Jamie cannot do perfectly!!! I just can’t wait to see him in COB!!!!! Love you Jamie!!!!!! XOXOXOXO <3, ❤

      • Yay! Less than 299 days! I love you too!
        Thanks for replying back! XD I appreciate it. Wait He was in Sweeny Todd!!!I Never saw him! Which one! The Johnny Depp one or another?

  376. Anais Breytenbach // October 2, 2012 at 2:24 PM // Reply

    To the cast, I can see you have thousands of other comments and questions to attend to, and I’m sure you would really appreciate it if no more were to be expressed, but I am so sorry as to the fact that I MUST ask you this question, and make your list a little longer: How much of the movie is being changed and altered so as to appeal more to the viewers? Please do not change too much. I have viewed a picture of Lily Collins on the set as Clary Fray in full Shadowhunter gear. She was also wearing a pair of stilletos, which is definitely not her style. I’m enquiring about this as I know that she does not dress in Shadowhunter gear until the thrid book. If there are to be anymore drastic changes like this one, please would you inform me? I’d just like to get a heads-up before watching the movie, because the book is brilliantly amazing, and you know, NO ONE likes a good story ruined in a movie. It just puts one off. I’m not saying I expect it to be word-by-word like the book – of course small details will be taken away, but it can really ‘upset’ some people if you add a few small details, and however it gets to the point that Clary would be dressed as a Shadowhunter before the (hopefully to come) third movie would be rather a large detail added.

    If I have misjudged this picture, cast and fans, PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW. Otherwise, I hope you (the cast) will have time to attend to my enquiry.

    Thanks 🙂 xxx

  377. And your a dunce for just saying that in front of someone who is going to try to audition. And will be an actor one day and is an author in training with Clarys help?
    Your a basturdy persion yah know ya’ll bein’ rude! So Shtop it and read the flipping books! Again!
    And quit wasting our time with such rude, ignorant, and selfish comments! We all love Jamie As Jace! And all agree as the Conclave that he is PERFECT!

    That is all. so stop! Now and Be QUiet If YAH have nothing nice to say Sip it!

  378. The mortal instruments are probably one of my favorite series along with harry potter and the hunger games. So im just super exited thier making a movie!!!!! 🙂 I think it will be great!!!

  379. To the entire cast and espacially Jamie: How does it feel to be in a movie that’s going to be the next big “Twilight-thing”? Do you think about the attention and hype about TMI and does it influence your work? And Jamie: Do you think about being compared to a “teenage-girl-dream-boy” like Robert Pattinson?
    And one last question for Elyas M’Barek: Grüße aus Deutschland =) und Glückwunsch zu der Rolle! Wie ist es, bei so einem tollen Projekt arbeiten zu können?

  380. how many of you are ACTUALLY American?

  381. David Armos // October 8, 2012 at 3:50 AM // Reply

    Heath Ledger would be good for the pictures of Stephen Herondale. I also wonder what the shadowhunters would think of Hellboy. A demon hunting other demons. “Listen, Sammy, I’m not a very good shot, but the Samaritan here uses reeeeal big bullets, so whaddya say we just take this nice, easy… aw crap.”

  382. Jamie, I love you and I think you would do a brilliant job as Jace. That’s all I want to say. No questions because I know this movie is going to be awesome with such a talented cast. And I want to be surprised – no spoilers. *HUGS* xo

  383. Jamie, do you use your accent in the film? dont really care-just curious.

  384. zoe louise wilson // October 9, 2012 at 8:17 PM // Reply

    Are there any similarities between the cast members and the characters they are portraying????

  385. Shaylin Adams // October 10, 2012 at 11:00 AM // Reply

    Jamie, you have been calling yourself “A franchise whore”… now that you are staring as one of the biggest character in one of the best selling novels “The Mortal Instruments”, do you feel pressured? Do you think you can take on the role of Jace easily?

  386. Jamie, are you afraid of being typecast as a teen franchise star?

  387. Romany FireStar Latham // October 12, 2012 at 6:24 AM // Reply

    Does Jace smell like primrose and cinnamon?

  388. Is he actually going to answer the questions?

  389. To jamie: How do you feel about Jace? (I mean he’s a real jerk sometimes) And what are your feelings towards Valentine/Jace’s “father”? I guess I should have asked first have you read all the books? Which is your favorite book? favorite scene? Have you read the prequel series, Clockwork Angel, or ” ” Prince. The Infernal Devices? If you have do you think that Will and Jace are similar?

  390. how does it feel to not talk in a brtish accent while playing jace jamie?

  391. Have you and/or the cast read ALL of the books?

  392. i live near toronto and you guys are so close it hurts ugh

  393. Q: for Jamie.
    Do you think TMI is going to be as big or even bigger than Twilight and Harry Potter ? Fan and movie wise.

  394. seekingscandalandlowcompanionshipwithwillherondale // October 24, 2012 at 7:09 PM // Reply

    Hi Jamie, how hard was it to get into a character that so many people were all like “RAWR JACE MUST BE PERFECT!!!!”? And IM SO HAPPY THAT UR JACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean, you weren’t my first choice but im sure you will make jace is as badass as we all know he is! also, how was the greenhouse scene???????? :)))))))))) we are all DYING to see it!!!!

  395. Good post. I certainly love this site. Continue the good work!

  396. A question for Jamie: Can I please be your date for the Mortal Instruments movie premiere? It would only be just that one time and then you can go back to Lily. 🙂

  397. Message for Jamie: Hi Jamie I’m a huge fan! Anyway, I’ve read on the Internet a lot of people saying harsh things about you being cast as Jace (which I don’t agree with). What I’m asking is do react to what these people say about you and how do you move past the hate?

    Thanks!! xoxoxoxoxo

  398. Jamie- My friend and i loved you in Sweeny Todd can’t wait for City of bones 🙂
    is it difficult getting into the role of Jace ? do you feel pressured at all because of the expectations of such a large fan base?

  399. Hey, Jamie. I love your work! Thanks for this opportunity for us fans to ask questions. I have a pretty big one. I want to know if there is any chance for me to audition for a role in the second movie, City of Ashes, as Maia Roberts. I’m a huge fan of the TMI book series and it would be a dream come true if I had even one chance to show I can fill her werewolf shoes on screen. I have a couple audition videos that I’m still waiting for to be edited so I can submit them somewhere (youtube maybe). You wouldn’t just make my day, you’d make my LIFE if I could get this opportunity of a lifetime! 😀

  400. Jamie,
    I would never of picked you as Jace. I just can’t see it but I won’t completely judge until I see the movie. I hope it turns out to be a great movie and that you do a great job. The reason why I don’t think that you fit for the role was because I had pictured Jace differently. Its not that your a bad actor it just that I had my opinion on how Jace would look like, sorry. But like I said I won’t judge until I see the movie and like I said I hope you do a great job. Can’t wait until the movie!!!!!!

  401. Message for Jamie
    I’m in love with you!!!!!! Not only are you hot and British but you can sing and that makes a lot of girls scream!

  402. Question for cast:
    Is there any chance that you guys will be attending any of the City Of Bones premieres in Australia?

    *couldnt be more happy with the WHOLE cast choices, couldnt think of anyone better for the roles!

  403. i believe you need a very very condescending/dark approach t’wards Jace

  404. To my dearest Cassie, how are you enjoying your life as one of the coolest, greatest author so far? *at least in my eyes you are one*
    To Harald, thank you for directing this movie. I know it’ll be one of the best movies in my best-movies-list!
    To Jamie, what do you feel about you being known as Jace after the movie is slated next year?
    To Lily, I just want to say your eyebrows are beautiful and you are one of my motivations. :3
    To Robert Sheehan, I really LOVE your eyes and your hairstyle in COB. Love you in Misfits too! 😀
    To Jemima, what can I say… I adore your accent and I’m in love with your smile. Never stop smiling! 😀
    To Kevin, your relationship with your cute dogs is freaking adorable! Love your smile too! 😀
    To Godfrey, *swoonnnnn…* :3

  405. A few Questions For James (Jamie)
    Do you have via email…so i can talk to u words to words…i need to tell you something off site. (Off set.) I need help with something perso. if its ok. How often do you guys check this?
    Do you know what facetime is? i used it for the first time on my Uncles phone…it was pretty cool. I like how you see the person and your own face in it. If i ever get a phone or twitter ac. someday after the Order of protection i’m have to help testify and get, will you be my first friend?
    I know I’m a big fan of you and the movie(‘s) but, I’ve been alone and Isolated most of my life, picked on, bulied, and hurt alot. From the world except for at school and on the site. It’s hard for me to make friends…and I plan to go to college and start with Broadway at least in my acting carrer… Instead of failing at school auditions for the plays, i felt like you may be able to help me with the emotion thing…I guess I must be used to showing ‘no emotion’ XD.
    Can you help possibly if your not busy? Sorry if I’m bugging you…If I annoy you just tell me…I will understand Jamie Campbell Bower.
    So you actually from Scotland? How is it? Can you show me If you have pic.s one day? Awesome Job on “The Mortal Instruments City Of bones!” And “Anthony in Sweeny Todd.” ttysomeday…when your free.

  406. A question for the whole cast! What was the weirdest/strangest thing to happen on set? 🙂

  407. Gay Sparkly Warlock // November 14, 2012 at 6:46 PM // Reply

    For Jamie Campbell Bower
    *not exactly related to Mortal Instruments, but who cares*
    What is your weirdest/most creepy fan experience ever? Also, do you feel a lot of pressure having been in the films 3 MAJOR book series (Harry Potter, Twilight, Mortal Instruments)?

  408. For Jamie and Lily:

    I love that the two of you will play Jace and Clary, but my question is will your eye colour’s be golden and green? because from the trailer I didn’t really see either of those colour eyes. My other question isn’t really for either Jamie or Lily, it’s kind of a question over all. Why is Valentine’s hair black? I read all the books so far and my imagination was completely connected to the way everything was described in the books, I guess by that I mean I don’t really want to be disapointed…

  409. I have to ask- Are Chairman Meow and Church being included in the film?
    How much like Jace do you think you are? Would you like to be him in real life?
    Do you actually get to use a flamethrower?

  410. Firstly-Are Chairman Meow and Church going to be included in the film?
    How much would you say that you are similar to Jace? Would you like to be him in real life?
    Do you actually get to use a flamethrower?
    Cassandra Clare
    If you had to call Jace by his last name which one would you use?
    Thank you for your amazing books!!!

  411. Hi Jamie!
    I want to know if there are any similarities between you and Jace. And if so what are they?

  412. Do you think you are suited to the role as Jace? Why?

  413. I’ve 2 things to say
    1- PLEASEEEE! Leave greetings to your latin-american fans!! (please! )

    2-What do you like about the books?

    (for everyone) XD

  414. hi there I was wondering are u guys going to make a movie for the clockwork series and the guy who plays Jace your cute:)

  415. Mackenzee Mauer // January 2, 2013 at 9:54 PM // Reply

    Can’t wait to see the movie.BTW LOVE that he’s playing Jace.He’s HOT and seems to fit the part.Love the books.People shoud read them befor they see the movie though.

  416. How does it feel to be in such a big movie and have everyone depending on you to make a good Jace?I hope that i see you in the rest of the series’ movies.Hope you reply.Bye!!

  417. HerondaleForever // January 3, 2013 at 1:04 PM // Reply

    Hey! I’m a huge fan of the series and I watch the trailor almost everyday…..I’m not from America/Canada but I’m wondering if you (the cast & Miss.Cassandra Clare) would be doing a book signing anytime soon..

    Much Thanks (:

  418. hermine oroujian // January 4, 2013 at 3:40 PM // Reply

    Was always a big fan of u btw i am planning to become an actress my question is what’s it like playing jace wayland

  419. For the whole cast:
    Did you expect when you auditioned for the roles that there was going to be this much hype? And what do you think it is that makes TMI so special and so different from all the other fantasy novels out there?

  420. to Jamie: What is your favourite thing about your character, Jace Wayland? Do you have any favourite scenes, or lines he says in the movie?

    p.s. We share a name 🙂 we should start a club ;P

  421. Question for all cast : Had any of you guys heard of / read the books before you were considered for the movie? And if you guys have read them, which book was your favourite and which scene are you most excited to film?

    Question for Robert and Jamie : There is a lot of tension between your characters. How do you two get along when you’re not filming? 🙂

    Message for all cast, crew, author etc: I love these books and I just want to let you all know that every single person involved in the making of the movie is fantastically awesome and amazing. 😀 The dedicated fans of TMI will love you guys no matter what, so just be your awesome selves and ignore the haters.
    Much love to everyone. ❤

  422. Oh! and by the way Jamie, I loved you in Sweeney Todd, Twilight and Harry Potter 😀
    Aidan Turner: The Hobbit and now TMI 😀 yay

    That is all.

  423. Amelia Herondale // January 12, 2013 at 4:40 AM // Reply

    Message for EVERYONE: WHY ARE YOU ALL SO AMAZING???? No, seriously. WHYY. Cassie, I think you are the most amazing writer, Lily, you are an amazing actress, Jamie, you suit Jace perfectly! LOVE YOU ALL!

  424. Mary Rungo-Farr // January 12, 2013 at 7:44 PM // Reply

    I just wanna know where the heck the nicknames came from. I see them all over and It’s killing me.

  425. Jamie: You all ready been in Harry Potter and Twilight… How does it feel to be now in a movie like this one of the main characters?
    Ps: I love you 🙂

  426. Hey Jamie! What made you interested in playing Jace?

  427. for Jamie, whats it look taking on such a big role? Is it hard to make sure that you fulfill what everyone imagines?

  428. For lily,
    Clary is very artistic are you an artsy person?

  429. To Robert,
    In the book there was always trouble trying to find a name for the band if you had a band in real life what would you name it

  430. for Jamie
    Jace is pretty serious but he also has a pretty funny side to him is it easy or hard to combine those two

  431. For the whole cast
    What part in the movie are you looking forward to the most

  432. For lily, Jamie, Jemima and Kevin
    If you could chose 1 shadowhunter weapon to use what one would it be

  433. for magnus
    was it weird having to wear a ton of glitter. but personally I thought it was pretty cool

  434. for simon,
    what was the most awkward scene between you jace and clary

  435. for lily
    was it uncomfortable having to wear thigh high boots and a miny dress during the action scenes

  436. for rob and Jamie
    in the movie and book there is lots of tension between you two what is it like on set with you two

  437. for the whole cast,
    what was the weirdest, sadest, funniest and most boring thing that happened on set

  438. for lily,
    is it hard playing a role that so many people fantasize about

  439. for the whole cast,
    are you excited to film the rest of the series

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4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. VIDEO MESSAGGI: Il cast risponderà alle tue domande! | The Mortal Instruments Italia
  2. Vídeo de Jamie Campbell Bower saludando a los Fans de “The Mortal Instruments”.
  3. Video: MORTAL INSTRUMENTS cast give shout-outs « TMI Source
  4. aksesoris handphone unik

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