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MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES theatrical trailer to debut TONIGHT at 7 p.m. ET on iTunes Trailers


UPDATED: The new theatrical trailer for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones will debut online TODAY at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on iTunes Trailers

The trailer premiered at WonderCon on Saturday to much excitement, along with two new character posters.

What are you hoping to see in the new trailer? Sound off in the comments!

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

77 Comments on MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES theatrical trailer to debut TONIGHT at 7 p.m. ET on iTunes Trailers


  2. I planned to go to bed on time all this week, but now I have to stay up until midnight to check itunes, and if it isn’t there, check itunes as soon as I wake up. It is Hunger Games ( my other obsession ) all over again. When they first said the trailer would play in times square at 8 am New York time, but that would be 5 am California time, I got up a 4:45. I think this year might kill me of amazingness because BOTH City of Bones and Catching Fire are coming out. Now that my inner fangirl rant is over…. by the angel, just let me se the trailer. I will give the first person to post it a virtual party, hug, cookie, monkey, etc.

  3. I want the hug and the monkey xD

  4. Please tell me the trailer will be made available elsewhere immediately?!! My kindle fire doesn’t support iTunes trailers!

  5. I want to see more of Jace in action!!!! I just can’t get enough Jace/Jamie!!!!! I love the entire book and series so I will be happy to see it all – especially, Jamie!!!

  6. Someone finds the FIRST available trailer… POST THE GOD DAMN LINK PLEASE!!!!! It’s 12:30 AM where I’m at and I am actually willing to wait awhile in order to watch the trailer since I’m not sure if my Nook will properly play the trailer. 😦

    Seriously, please?

  7. Haha lucky it’s only afternoon here in Australia! So I can stay up for ages!!

  8. where is it? i don’t want to wait anymore!!

  9. I’m in Germany. Please tell me when can i watch the trailer. I’m so tired of waiting.

    • The trailer we’ll be released this afternoon or evening in America. I think we have the same hour in our countries,I’m italian. Aaand,right now it’s 11.30 in America,so we have to wait till this night,or tomorrow morning. Waa,waiting is killing me!

  10. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Idag, Måndag kommer den nya officiella trailern till Stad av Skuggor släppas på iTunes!! Exakt vilken tid är ännu inte avslöjat.

  11. just give us the trailer now and no one gets hurt. someone sneak into apple headquarters and steal the trailer then put it online.

  12. Time differences will become the death of me. Just give me the trailer all ready and no one gets hurt!

  13. I read that they ate not releasing the trailer until this afternoon or tonight. Which stinks because I’m dying to see the trailer now!

  14. By the Angel, it’s 17.26 here in Italy. Just give us the trailer and no one will get hurt.
    I’ll come to the dark side,if they’ll give me the trailer instead of biscuits!
    Can I have a rune that makes the time run,so I can watch the film right now?

  15. it’s not fair i have to wait till midnight to watch it over here in the UK

    • Same! 😦

    • Life is bitch, I feel your pain. Say hello to coke to keep me away, because knowing me I’ll feel compelled to watch it 200 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANNOYED.
      Mundanes… They just enjoy torturing us!

  16. omg, i am logging on at 7:00 to watch!

  17. It feels like forever to wait till midnight.

  18. It’s currently 1:10 here in Canada – another 6 hours……well actually 5hours 50 minutes…..can’t wait that long…….

  19. Another 5 hours and 45 minutes here in the UK.

  20. Which means that it will be 1 AM where I live when the trailer debuts ! 😦

  21. How long until it premieres in USA, because some kind soul will more than likely film it and put it on yt! :O CRIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  22. KikiLOVESJace // April 1, 2013 at 1:38 PM // Reply


  23. I live in Germany. Please someone tell me when can I see the trailer, at what time? I get so confused with the different times.
    Can’t wait to see the trailer!!!

  24. jaceyourmine! // April 1, 2013 at 1:40 PM // Reply

    i dont care what time it comes on at!!! im staying up for it no matter what ive given in to my excitement over it i can no longer control my self over it!!!! eeeek!! Cant WAITT

  25. lol

  26. AHHHHHHHHH I got to see it at Wonder-Con this weekend, and it was SO much better than anyone can imagine…I CANT WAIT to see it again!!!!!!!

  27. I am so excited!

  28. Super excited!

  29. I’m so angry! I’m from Poland and I will watch this trailer on midnight. I waited for this all day 😦

  30. let it be there already!!

  31. WHY?!?!?! i have to wait like 3 more hours!!!!! WHY?!?!?!

  32. RubyLovesTMI // April 1, 2013 at 4:32 PM // Reply

    Is it going to be showing anywhere other than iTunes Trailers because I can’t download Quicktime 7 😥

  33. AnnaLovesHerondales // April 1, 2013 at 4:41 PM // Reply

    EEP! Only 2 hours and 20 mins!!!! CANT WAIT!!!

    Mundane mother: “Time flies when you’re having fun…”
    Me: “Shut up mundaneeee! Well, guess what? This waiting is torture – of the worst imaginable kind!”

  35. I just need to post a comment so I can see what time it is when I sent it cus I’m still confused with time diffs! It isn’t even monday anymore here!

  36. only iTunes? Not youtube or something? And for the UK that’s midnight? I’M BEYOND CARING NOW! THANKS. A BUNCH!

  37. anyone know around what time this will be in australia?????

    • I’m not sure, I think that there is less than an hour to go. I think that Australia is about 2 or 3 hours behind NZ (prob wrong??) so I guess it’ll be like 9 in the morning hahaha that is probably completely off 😛 Just ignore me and my lame attempt at calculating time diffs 😛

    • 10 AM for AUS 🙂

  38. time goes by so slowly!! is anyone else as annoyed as i am? i kind of thought they would release it sooner


  40. only waiting for the movie will be worse 😀

  41. im wondering, who else was bored and drew runes on them selves waiting for this? because i did. and i look a bit shadowhunter like too.

    For those that are dying from the wait, go to this page that I’m about to post, in the photos there are 18 stills from the new trailer! THIS IS SPOILERY, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

    • Those pictures are awesome! I’m even more excited for the trailer if that’s even possible!! 29 mins to go!!

  43. 27 MINS!

  44. 23 MINS!

  45. guys its up early!!!

  46. ITS UP!!! ITS UP!!!

  47. oh by the angel it’s epic

  48. omg!!!!

  49. please someone post it on youtube

  50. OMG OMG O.O

  51. i’m gonna post it
    i love simon!!

  52. ForeverJem // April 1, 2013 at 7:05 PM // Reply

    Holy Raziel!

  53. Im having a heart attack the trailer is awesome!

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