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Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

41 Comments on New MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES promotional image from Cineplex magazine

  1. Komi Moss // May 31, 2013 at 8:47 AM // Reply

    There’s something about Alec…I’m not sure what it is though. I’m trying to like him, I really am. I’m just not feeling it.

    • Maybe you’ll feel differently when the movie comes out, I mean it’s not like Kevin Zegers has had many opportunities to show us completely what his portrayal of Alec will be like.

    • IrishShowhuntersAnonymous // May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM // Reply

      I know I’m kinda the same, but I’m holding out hope. Kevin Zegers always comes across as really nice in interviews and stuff it’s just……. I don’t know….

    • He’s supposed to be like that – quiet, introverted, sour (to Clary especially) and very much in the closet. Maybe that’s what you don’t like. He progresses throughout the books and with a certain ‘fearless’ rune and a certain beloved warlock! 😉
      So Kevin does a great Alec portrayal judging only by the little somethings we’ve seen so far. Have a little faith. 🙂

    • I feel the same :/

    • VannahSav // June 2, 2013 at 6:21 PM // Reply

      I fell ya. I feel the same way about Izzy

  2. they look deadly!
    i love it!

  3. I thought Clary had red hair lily doesn’t have red hair in most of the pictures I see she not playing her part very well Jamie love you look sexy as ever besides the other two. Just saying

    • She does! In most of the promo images there are a lot of lighting filters and photoshopping to make the images darker and her hair darkens with that. But in the movie stills and trailers you can see the red in her hair. But either way I don’t think her hair color has much to do with how well Lily can play the part.

      • I Agree with you, her hair doesn’t not determine whether she is portraying Clary to her best extent or not, and yeah her hair looks a lot lighter red

    • Well not to be a bitch or anything but if she going to okay her part she got to do it right she not petite or have freckles she has no freckles like the book

    • I too, at first, wasn’t happy with her hair color but I read in an interview that Lily had her hair colored quite a few times for other movies in the months before shooting and that if they had dyed her hair again they would have fall ! And Jaimie/Jace oh my my grrrrr… Sexy beast ! LOL ! Have a good day !

      • *Jamie

      • I think that a exuse I don’t like them together but ay least he happy even thought she turning him preppy and I love him as a Puck not preppy like her. Just saying

  4. Is Jamie pushing his right bicep up with his left hand to make it look bigger?

  5. By the Angel the boys look so sexy! >///<
    I'm going to swoon ❤
    And the girls *v*
    They look so badass. X)

    Conclusion: Shadowhunters DO look better in black. XDDD

  6. I always imagined the runes smaller and thinner. I need a bit time to like them… .

    • Me too- I’ve always imagined them thinner and smaller.

      • Me to im not sure I like the runes n alec is to short jace is meant to be a lil shorter than alec oh well

    • Same! I’m not trying to hate or anything, but the runes look like someone’s literally drawn them on with a permanent marker…

      • Lol, see that’s exactly what a stele is – a pen-like object leaving permanent runes! 😉
        They are RUNES people! Not tats! They’re supposed to look different than MUNDANE TATTOOS lol. And they are described exactly as pictured above – black marks covering most of their bodies.
        They look just perfect! So bad-ass!
        *spreads positivity around*

  7. love it lily , and everyone looks very shadowhuntery an jamie wow! you can see the muscle tone

  8. Does anyone notice that the date is wrong. It’s supose to say August 21st!!!!!

  9. lorraine/g // May 31, 2013 at 3:14 PM // Reply

    If jace was posing for a photo he would look like that !! Love Jamie as jace!!!

  10. abc123456 // May 31, 2013 at 4:55 PM // Reply

    🙂 love the pictureeeeeeee

  11. I LOVE Jamie – so badass and sexy!!!!! You just gotta love Jamie – he’s the BEST ❤ ❤ ❤

  12. IZZY! 😀

  13. the lightwoods look hot

  14. i may just buy ciniplex magazine!

  15. Israel Leon // June 1, 2013 at 6:09 PM // Reply

    Super cool pic

  16. this image was just in my cosmopolitan magazine July issue w/the hair product “splash” ad.

  17. I still have a problem with Jemima as Isabelle.
    She’s so short and looks more cute than Clary..
    That’s not Isabelle. She has to be tall! It says in the book, Clary can wear her tops and their like dresses on her. But for Izzy their too small.
    And she has to look badass 😀 That’s what makes Isabelle! Jemima looks too…cute for Isabelle.. Sorry.. that’s my opinion

  18. VannahSav // June 2, 2013 at 6:22 PM // Reply


  19. Writergirl98 // June 2, 2013 at 9:45 PM // Reply

    OMG I frikkin love it!!

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