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‘CITY OF ASHES’ Fan Casting: Raphael Santiago


The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones has been in theaters for over 24 hours, and we are already thinking The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes. Judge us, it’s fine. But with filming starting soon, we want your voices to be heard. TMI Source, Mundie Moms and Fangirlish asked for your suggestions on who to fan cast for parts in City of Ashes.

Raphael Santiago makes his book debut in City of Bones, but we have been assured that Raphael will be in City of Ashes, as we know he has a big part to play in the second installment.

When asking for fan casting, there was a little bit of a backlash. Fans who have seen the movie said that Elyas M’Barek is meant to be Raphael. But he is not. According to IMDB he is a Vampire Leader. He dies in City of Bones. As we have all been assured that Raphael makes his appearance in the The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes – how can Elyas be Raphael? Simply put, he cannot.


Raphael is described as having black, curly hair: slightly built with honey-colored skin. He’s shorter then Jace. His eyebrows are so thin that Simon wonders if he has them drawn in. He is around 15, but his age in vampire years is unknown.

We have collected your suggestions. Here are your top five.


Tyler Posey – He’s the fan favorite. He has a huge following from Teen Wolf so he could attract new fans to the franchise. He has experience playing a supernatural character, and he could make a nice transition from werewolf to vampire.


Avan Jogia – He has a sinister quality about him. He has a huge following from television shows such as Victorious and Twisted and this could be his break to the big screen.


Diego Boneta – He’s proven himself in a variety of roles, including Rock of Ages and Pretty Little Liars. He was named 2012 GQ Latin American Actor of the Year. He also won the Alma Award for Best Actor in 2012.


Shiloh Fernandez – He has had big screen starring roles in Red Riding Hood and Evil Dead. named him one of their ‘Breakout Stars to Watch For in 2011.


Michael Trevino – He has a huge fan-following from Vampire Diaries. He has experience playing a Downworlder of a different sort than what City of Ashes calls for, but he has experience working with vampires and could make a nice transition.

Did your favorite make our list? Which of these five actors would you like to see as Raphael? Sound off in the comments!

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

94 Comments on ‘CITY OF ASHES’ Fan Casting: Raphael Santiago

  1. Elyas M’Barek is Raphael 😉 Martin Moszkowicz said that at the European premiere in Berlin 😉 Elyas also said that in an interview 😉
    They said that he has just a small role in the first movie but his role will be bigger in the second or third or fourth movie 😉

    • No, no, no, he’s NOT. He gets killed in City of Bones, duh!

      • allilynflorence // August 22, 2013 at 3:40 PM //

        Yes, he was CONFIRMED as dead!

      • We’ll see 😉 In the video (the interview is in german) they said that…. I’m just repeating, what they said 😉

      • sorry not in the video in an interview in a german newspaper 😉

        – Elyas M’Barek, known from “Turkish for beginners”, gets his first role in an international production in City of Bones. He plays a vampire leader.

        Moszkowicz promises: “In the second or third movie his character becomes more important.” –

        that’s what he said 😉 I don’t know if it’s true, but it sounds like it ^^

      • That just wouldn’t make sense. In the books he’s a pretty major character in the sequels…no matter how far off the adaptations are, they wouldn’t kill off an important character and just take him out of the plot completely.
        “Some scenes or characters may be cut to accommodate the short time frame. The character that fell victim to that in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones was vampire Raphael Santiago, as there wasn’t enough time to introduce his character.” – guys…confirmed that the dude who died was NOT Raphael.

  2. Diego would be a great choice, imo. I’ve known him for a long time and he’s good. Trevino, idk, he’s a good actor but I don’t think he can play cold blooded. But I’d like to see tho. The others, I don’t know any of them ahahah I just know that they’ll cast someone capable of portraying such a beloved/hated character.

  3. Melissa Ann // August 22, 2013 at 3:04 PM // Reply

    Avan Jogia!

  4. Lightwoodshadowhunterss // August 22, 2013 at 3:04 PM // Reply

    I REALLY want Tyler Posey! He is so perfect for him! Just go out and get him casting directors!

  5. Avan Jogia 😀

  6. Well, I like Tyler as Scott and Michael as Tyler.. and actually I don’t think they’d have time for COA because of TVD and TW (love these shows!!)

  7. Lol if you’re hispanic or speak spanish there was this mexican soap opera for kids where Diego Bonita comes out when he was a kid 😀 I choose him !

  8. Avan Jogi!! He looks how I imagined Rapheal!!

  9. Linda_Shadowhunter_4life // August 22, 2013 at 3:10 PM // Reply

    I think avan jogia would make an awesome raphael. he is a wonderful actor and i think he would make an awesome vampire

  10. OMG Shiloh Fernandez as Raphael – HELL TO THE YEAH! *sexy overload*

    • Loved Shiloh in Red Riding Hood but the dude is 28! Too old for Raphael. Hell, he auditioned for the part of Edward Cullen . . .

      • In case you didn’t realise the age of characters from the books are IRRELEVANT. They aged the ENTIRE cast in case you were watching the movie with your eyes closed. So your point is invalid.

  11. JaceIsMine! // August 22, 2013 at 3:12 PM // Reply

    hmmmmmm yeah i like the look of Tyler:) And Diego ive seen him in something before i think he’d be a really good Raphael i likeeee himmm:L hahah cant wait to see the final cast just thinking of MAX and Maia and i soo hope Sigourney Weaver definitely turns out to be the inquisitor:D

  12. Reblogged this on hanielsariel14678gl and commented:
    Who’s playing Maia!!!???

  13. Avan Jogia!!!!

  14. I think Michael Trevino has the right look

  15. shouldn’t they have a Hispanic actor for Raphael? o 3o

  16. From these pics I like Michael Trevino, yeah he’s a nice guy in TVD but put a hint of smirk into that smile and I think he’d pull it off. I think this pic is sexy with a touch of menacing. Might be biased though so maybe Shiloh as a second choice.

  17. Shiloh Fernandez without a doubt! He is PERFECT

  18. Having previously posted Michael I actually think he may be too old so probably Tyler would be good

    • As I have already stated, age is irrelevant so far as the movies are concerned. They aged the entire cast from fifteen/sixteen, to eighteen and above, which means a lot of the surrounding characters were aged too. There isn’t a specific look to how someone can portray or convince us of a younger age.

      Look at Carly Rae Jepsen. Based on her childlike nature, the way she comes across as so innocent and naive, you’d never know she was 27.

      • TalullahTarzan // May 7, 2014 at 5:30 PM //

        Exactly . Kevin Zeger who portrays Alec in the movie is I think 32.
        So the point is slightly inapt.

  19. Saleen Wallace // August 22, 2013 at 3:21 PM // Reply

    Tyler Posey as Raphael!

  20. Um no. Tyler Posey, please and thank you.

  21. I would love if Avan Jogia were to be casted as Rapheal. I love him I imagined that he was Raphael when I read the first book. 🙂

  22. Tyler Posey or Avan Jogia would be good, but I don’t know how it would work for Tyler with Teen Wolf fliming

  23. Avan and Shiloh are NOT Hispanic. Michael is too old for the role and I’m okay with aging him a little but Michael is clearly in his mid 20s. I like Tyler Posey the best, though I much rather see a fresh and new Hispanic actor. Diego is a good actor but he is white (Latino) and Raphael has tan skin.

    • lol and robert sheehan isnt hebrew either lol, jonathan rhys meyers is not scandanavian and madame dorothea was meant to be white…. so your point is

    • Yes, thank you! Please cast someone Hispanic. The diversity is one of the many things I love about this series. There’s plenty of work out there for actors of the vanilla variety.

    • The portrayal or essence of the character is what’s important. For instance, Robbie isn’t Jewish and look how perfect he is as Simon. Avan has the look and can portray the age (someone whose age is frozen in their youth when turned), just as Jamie played a believable Caius.

  24. Tyler posey!!

  25. Elizabeth murray // August 22, 2013 at 3:41 PM // Reply

    I have to go with Tyler posey all the way he’s amazing in teen wolf as a werewolf

  26. Avan or Tyler ! If I remember Tyler said he might consider the role of Raphael.

  27. I would go for Tyler Posey (LOVE Teen Wolf!) or Diego Boneta or Michael Trevino………..but if I had to decide, I’d probably pick Tyler Posey.

  28. Avan Jogia or Michael Trevino!!!!!

  29. Avan or Tyler

  30. Mishelle Macías // August 22, 2013 at 4:26 PM // Reply

    Diego Boneta is a good choice… (y)

  31. Definitely Avan Jogia or Michael Trevino! Either can come across as wickedly sinister!

  32. diego boneta please!!

  33. Tyler Posey or Michael Trevino pls

  34. Isn’t that vampire leader the guy from “Türkisch für Anfänger”?

  35. AVAN JOGIA AVAN JOHIA he wold be a asom Raphael I want him in the real movie

  36. Avan Jogia!!!
    Just PLEASE!

  37. Avan Jogia for sure
    As a second choice: Tyler Posey

  38. Diego Boneta! He is perfect!

  39. Jamie the Canadian // August 22, 2013 at 6:40 PM // Reply

    Diego Boneta!!

  40. I feel like all of these guys are too attractive xD and much too well known. Idk. Just my opinion.

  41. I feel like Tyler or Avan look closest to to correct age and to what I have as Raphael in my head. I think Michael travino should me Meliorn (if he gets cast). Just imagine him with Legolas like black hair. Yum 😛

  42. I was glad to see the actor who was cast as Santiago get killed in City of Bones movie (no offense to the actor) because he is not who I picture in the role. Avan Jogia is great in Twisted, is young enough, mysterious enough, and likable enough that I think he would be great. Diego Boneta looks perfect for the role too – young, could pull off insecure and sympathetic, yet willing to do whatever it takes to hold onto power.

    Tyler Posey is really sexy and sweet, a perfect Jordan Kyle…don’t you think?

  43. teamedwardjace // August 22, 2013 at 10:08 PM // Reply

    I’m glad tyler made it!

  44. I think that personally Shiloh Fernandez would be the best choice. Tyler posey and Avan Jogia are both already pretty popular an I think that Shiloh Fernandez should get more recognized. I mean the guy at least deserves some recognition

  45. none of them but i have to choose one and the most acurate for me is Shiloh Fernandez

  46. i have top 3 choices Tyler Posey orShiloh Fernandez orDiego Boneta

  47. Shiloh Fernandez is the best choice because he is the best actor my second choice would be Tyler

  48. I dont mean to be rude and judge other people’s ideas and opinions, but I think the top two are completely wrong. Tyler Posey is too cliche and the other dude from Victorious doesnt seem like he could play a vicious character and a leader. He has to light of a quality to him. Sure, girls think Tyler Posey is perfect because he is “so hot” but do you really want to have a supposed 15 year old being a cliche hot guy? I dont think it is right for the film. Either of them. Again, not putting the opinion of others down, just expressing why I believe it is wrong.

  49. Honestly, the guy they had in the film, I wish they would have just went with him and called him Raphael. He looked perfect, to me. Another thing about the film, I FRICKEN LOVE IT!!!! :DDDD Ive seen it twice and I think the did the best they could, which is pretty damn good. But…. I dont understand…. why didnt they let Valentine have the cup? I thought that was too big of a change. Other than that, complete perfection.

  50. OKAY GIRLS LOOKS I SAY Avan Jogia OR Tyler.. they both are good actors and have the look just depends on how dark they take rapheal.. if he is gonna be more evil but sexy i would say Avan Jogia.. he is literally amazing on Twisted.. like EPIC. ACTING…

  51. Shiloh Fernandez is quite a great idea !

  52. Tyler Posey!!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!!

  53. moviemusicmama08 // August 23, 2013 at 11:28 PM // Reply

    I don’t see any of them as Raphael. I always saw him as a lot younger looking than those guys. He is supposed to look 15 & if you’ve seen any 15yr olds these days, they are a bit shorter and leaner, but that’s just my opinion. I don’t really have a suggestion, but I was thinking more the age (or the look of the age) of the little brother from “The Host”.

  54. Anybody BUT Avan Jogia, I’m sorry but he would ruin the movie for me. I think Tyler Posey


  56. My first choice would be Avan Jogia.

  57. steampunkgirl // August 25, 2013 at 4:39 PM // Reply

    Although I did imagine Raphael as looking younger than any of these guys…

  58. Diego or Shiloh!!

  59. AVAN JOGIA ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!! He has always been my ideal choice for Rapheal. He has great potential as an actor and will leave no one disappointed.

  60. Michael would be the best role for city of ashes people please look at the similarities of the book to the character role playing absolutely not Avan

  61. Diego Boneta!! I thought Raphael is a mexician.

  62. payton collins // October 19, 2013 at 8:36 PM // Reply

    Tyler posey if he can playa werewolf he can play a vampire to

  63. millinuimlint // November 16, 2013 at 3:06 PM // Reply

    If I could choose any actor to play him it would be Shalim Ortiz but if I had to choose from this list it would be Diego Boneta

  64. OMG I want Shiloh to play the role second choice would be Avan

  65. AVAN JOGIA ALL THE WAY!! he is a very talented actor i have seen his other movies and he is and exceptional actor. He is exactly how i imagined Raphael. He has the hair the figure and just the over a lll face for it. PICK AVAN

  66. craig roberts would just be the perfect raphael in my opinion

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  68. Avan jogia!!!!!!!!!!!! ♡.♡

  69. Avan Joga !!!!!

  70. Try Gavin Casalegno… he’d be perfect playing Raphael. No, seriously. GAVIN CASALEGNO.

  71. Diego would be the perfect fit. Hands down.

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