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Cassandra Clare Shares Will-Jem Scene Cut from ‘Clockwork Prince’

Cassandra Clare is definitely in the Valentine’s Day spirit. She shared a scene cut from Clockwork Princess, in which Will discloses to Jem his “secret.”

Earlier in the day she shared a scene featuring Jace and Clary taken from the final draft of City of Lost Souls.

Scene cut from Clockwork Prince – Will tells Jem about his secret

The Whole of It

“And that is it?” Jem said. “That is the whole of it? The truth?”

He was sitting at his desk, one of his legs bent up on the chair beneath him; he looked very young. His violin was propped against the side of the chair. He had been playing it when Will had come in and, without preamble, announced that now was the end of pretense: Will had a confession to make, and he meant to make it now.

That had been the end of the music: Jem laying his violin down with a startled look and leaning back, tensed as if he were readying himself for whatever Will might throw at him.

“That is all of it,” said Will, who had been pacing back and forth as he spoke, and had only now paused to look at Jem. “And I do not blame you if you hate me. I could understand it.”

There was a long pause. Jem’s gaze was steady on his face, steady and silver in the wavering light of the fire.“I could never hate you, William.”

Will’s guts contracted as he saw another face, a pair of steady blue-gray eyes looking up at his. “I could never hate you Will, no matter how hard I tried,” she had said.

In that moment he was painfully aware that what he had told Jem was not “the whole of it.” There was more truth. There was his love for Tessa. But it was his burden to bear, not Jem’s. It was something that must be hidden for Jem to be happy. “I deserve it,” Will said, his voice cracking. “I believed I was cursed that all who cared for me would die; yet I let myself care for you, and let you be a brother to me, risking the danger to you —”

“There was no danger.”

“But I believed there was. If I held a pistol to your head, James, and pulled the trigger, would it really matter if I did not know that there were no bullets in the chambers?”

Jem’s eyes widened, and then he laughed, a soft laugh. “Did you think I did not know you had a secret?” he said. “Did you think I walked into my friendship with you with my eyes closed fast? I did not know the nature of the burden you carried. But I knew there was a burden.” His voice softened. “I knew you thought yourself poison to all those around you,” he went on. “I knew you thought there to be some corruptive force about you that would break me. I meant to show you that I would not break. That love was not so fragile. Did I do that?”

Will shrugged once, helplessly. He had almost wished Jem would be angry with him. It would be easier to face. But how could he tell Jem that that forgiveness would haunt him, every time he looked at Tessa and wanted her, every time he remembered how much he wanted what he could not, did not deserve, to have. “You saved my life, James.”

A smile spread across Jem’s face, as brilliant as the sunrise breaking over the Thames. “That is all I ever wanted.”

Clockwork Princess will be released sometime in 2013. The date is not finalized.

Catch up on Clockwork Princess teasers.

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

10 Comments on Cassandra Clare Shares Will-Jem Scene Cut from ‘Clockwork Prince’

  1. Oh. My. Gosh. I now love valentine’s day!!!!

  2. TeamEdwardJace // February 15, 2012 at 12:59 PM // Reply

    love it!

  3. I don’t know who to pick now. I used to Luv Will then i read CP and then i absolutly loved Jem. But Will liked Tessa first but didnt believe he could have her so pushed her away for what he thought was her own good. So then Jem stepped in. IDK? Oh and loved this teaser(:

  4. Dammit WILL!! Tell. Him. You. Love. Tessa. You. Iddiot. ❤

  5. Victoria, I totally agree with you. 😐 :(( </33333 Jem should find his own girl!

  6. i love will but i don’t like that he calls his love for tessa a burden

    • Its only a burden because he has to hide it. I cant help thinking Tessa just felt bad for Jem and she couldnt say no just because he had been just a great FRIEND. She didnt get a chance to even decide whether she wanted Will (her soulmate) or Jem (her best friend).

  7. nevertrustaduck // December 28, 2012 at 11:46 AM // Reply

    This is beautiful. I don’t know how on earth I didn’t find this sooner, but now that I have, I love both Will and Jem a million times more. I am going to go in book hangover for CP2 forever if Jem dies. 😐

    • What are you kidding!?! I’ll go into book hangover no matter who dies!!! which means about a 99% chance. (considering even if no one dies, I might, which still counts so 99.99%)

  8. ShadowhunterObsession // December 30, 2012 at 9:35 PM // Reply

    LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! MARCH 2013 COMING RIGHT UP!!!!!!!!

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