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Cassandra Clare shares ‘mystifying’ new snippet from CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE


As a reward for THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES advancing to the MTV Movie Brawl Finals (against The Hunger Games: Catching Fire), Cassandra Clare has shared a ‘mystifying’ snippet from CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE, which she says “does refer back to something in Lost Souls…”

She turned to look at Sebastian, lying on the bed. He was shirtless, and even in the dim light the old whip weals across his back were visible. She had always been fascinated by Shadowhunters but had never thought she would find one whose personality she could stand for more than five minutes, until Sebastian.

Keep voting for THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (voting ends Monday, Jan. 28).


What do you think of the snippet? Whose perspective do you think we’re reading from here? Sound off in the comments!

About Alyssa Barbieri (2800 Articles)
Alyssa is the Managing Editor for Bears Wire. You can reach her at or follow her on Twitter @AlyssaBarbieri

75 Comments on Cassandra Clare shares ‘mystifying’ new snippet from CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE

  1. Could it be the vampire girl he had over at the apartment?

    • Maybe… that is a good option.

    • That’s what I’m thinking…

    • I thought it might have been Maureen, but I think your guess seems more likely.

    • My first thought was Jessamine!!!! But then I was like wait she lived a long time before this so unless she is still alive somehow(no idea how) it might be her coz she can’t stand shadowhunters even tho she is one herself. And yea I can’t wait for Clockwork princess to come out!!! Even tho I could wait if Cassandra Clare swapped the release date with Cohf. I know NOT POSSIBLE but a girl can dream right?!?!?!

      • Horsesbooksandcoolstuff // March 27, 2013 at 4:24 PM //


        Jessamine died. In CP2, when Tessa was abducted.

  2. Is it the Seelie Queen? It can’t be a Shadowhunter, I am thinking it’s a downworlder. Though it could be a mundane that can see the shadow world. Mystifying is right – I am not making the connection to CoLS yet….

  3. Could it be the vampire girl that killed Camille?

  4. But Clary’s the one who noticed his whip marks… when i read it i hinestly thought it was her…

    • sheilathethongbarbarino // January 26, 2013 at 3:09 PM // Reply

      But Clary is a Shadowhunter, loves Jace, wants to murder Sebastian, and she can stand being around a Shadowhunter, and Clary never knew about Shadowhunters until recently so how could she “always be fascinated by Shadowhunters”? I thought Clary too, until I finished reading the snippet.

  5. Megan, you mean Maureen? It’s possible. I’m still trying to think of who it could be. I’ll keep on thinking and post if I come up with anything. All this thinking is making my head hurt!!!! Cassie you stumped us all!!!!!

  6. Mia?

    • I don’t think it would be Maia, she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would like Sebastian’s personality. He is kind of similar to Maia’s evil brother (beautiful on the outside, but evil and twisted on the inside).

  7. The other part of this that is so intriguing to me is the line “never thought she would find one whose personality she could stand for more than five minutes, until Sebastian.” Sebastian has a dangerous completely cruel, uncaring personality. What has happened to him that this has seemed to change.?

  8. She’s the girl he writes the letter to. His ‘beautiful one’. I don’t think we’ve actually met her.

    • How about Lilith being the “beautiful one” one? It’s not like normal acceptable relationship options mean anything to Sebastian or Lilith. And Lilith is the only one Sebastian has shown any real emotions to.

      • I don’t know if Lilith would be fascinated with Shadowhunters. She’s been around for a long time. Maybe a mundane with The Sight?

      • nevertrustaduck // January 26, 2013 at 11:57 AM //

        Plus she’s kind of dead at the moment.

      • nevertrustaduck // January 26, 2013 at 7:03 PM //

        And Sebastian thought of Lilith as his MOM.

      • nevertrustaduck, Sebastian thought of Clary as his sister, yet he still tried to get in her pants. But I do agree that it isn’t Lilith, and like you said, she’s kind of dead at the moment.

  9. I don’t like you..-_- you tease me on everything!

  10. I really thought “Beautiful One” letter that was in his desk was to his sister….he has always been so warped and twisted in that way. I don’t think it’s Clary, although, she was the first person I thought of after reading this. I agree with the others, I think it’s a downworlder. Downworlders and Shadowhunters don’t normally hang out. Might be that vampire chick. All I know is although it’s nice and exciting to see snippets and teasers, it’s like opening a wound all over again. 2014 is so far away. 😦

  11. I thought it was clary because she was the one who noticed his whip marks before and she is fascinated by the shadow hunters but then again it could be the seelie queen she does like to learn more about the shadow hunters. Intriguing because the only I can think about is clary, by the way Sebastian does care for clary in a weird way he wants her because he thinks she is the same as him.

  12. Maybe Emma from The dark artifice

  13. Depthsofthemind // January 26, 2013 at 2:12 PM // Reply

    Emma, your jokeing right? Emma IS a shadowhunter. She has been around herself, her parents, the Blackthorns ( accourding to C.C. Emma became friends with them when she was five) and who knows who ealse. Clary is equally stupid guess becausse Sebastion so far is one of the two shadowhunters she can’t stand to be around. Mareen doesn’t know or has only resently learned what shadowhunters are and this person seemes older. The Sedie Queen is a pretty good guess, but I still say it’s probably Lithe or some deamon; who ealse would like Sebastion the most.

  14. TeamEdwardJace // January 26, 2013 at 3:11 PM // Reply

    It’s awesome that Emma is going to be featured in cohf. This snippet is brilliant as it amazingly written like the rest of the book will be and because it gets all speculating on what this exactly means. it is like a downworlder (perhaps the seelie queen, or the vampire girl? Maybe it’s his beautiful one though I’m sure his beautiful one is Clary and this isn’t from her perspective. Perhaps, it’s a dark neliphim? oh and it’s the same TeamEdwardJace as usual

  15. I think it’s the Seelie Queen. The Seelie Queen seems to be annoyed by a lot of Shadowhunters and she was siding with Sebastian right?

  16. i think i am 98.99 percent its the seelie queen , they seemed to be pretty close in cols

    • No, the Seelie Queen liked Jace and his charm. Sebastian isn’t exactly charming.

      • Cinderbella // January 27, 2013 at 11:34 AM //

        Just because the Seelie Queen liked Jace and his charm doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t like Sebastian. Fairies are infamous for having the cruel streak of a demon mixed with the beauty of angels. Though she liked Jace’s charm I think she would find his insolence aggravating after a while, where as she might be drawn to Sebastian’s cruely.

  17. If Camille hadn’t been killed, I would’ve guessed it was her

  18. Cassandra Clare once said, that there will be no new characters in this book. So it has to be someone we know already, right?

  19. Maybe it is the fairie waitress from the diner in New York? Kailie? Don’t know her name.

  20. Maybe its somebody from The Dark Artifices? Somebody we havent met?

  21. Didn’t Sebastian tell Clary about the story of their father and the whip marks in CoLS (the reference is the connection to the latest book)? I get the impression that it’s from Clary’s point of view. – Clare always writes from one of our main characters point of view, and this is most likely Clarys, and not the Seelie Court or any vampire. Maybe something crazy happens in Heavenly Fire!

  22. I think it’s one of the vampire girls Sebastion brought to his house that night when Clary got really scared because there was blood all over the place the next morning.

  23. High Warlock of St. Louis // January 27, 2013 at 4:31 PM // Reply

    I am completely stumped… But I do believe that it would be a Downworlder.

  24. i really dont know who is, the most probably options are the seelie queen, or… maybe maureen i guess? idk idk idk

  25. I am completely and utterly stumped. There have been some good ideas mentioned, but one I think is totally absurd is that it could be Clary. There’s just no way! I mean she hates Sebastian. She was the one who wanted/tried to kill him in CoLS. Plus I definitely don’t think she can stand his personality! I like the idea of the vampire girl in CoHF because Sebastian is probably in hiding, so he’d more than likely keep the company of someone who doesn’t know Clary or any of the other Shadowhunters who want him dead.

  26. I think it’s Maia’s perspective 🙂

  27. It’s not a shadow hunter… probably a downworlder. I’m going to go with Maureen who is just a evil as Sebastion and they could have some terrible repulsive love where they seek to destroy things together. Buuuut Maureen is like 13 and Sebastion almost 18 so that could blow that ideal out of the water. Maia is with Jordon so I doubt it’s her….
    The Seelie Queen would be a crazy twist but it would be kinda perplexively awesome. She has such an evil demeanor that I could see it play out that way.

  28. I have a feeling it’s Tessa. Did think it was Clary though. Idk, everyone has good points on who it really is, we’ll see! ^_^¥

  29. I don’t think it’s the Seelie Queen because she wouldn’t call him Sebastian and Cassandra Clare wouldn’t call him Sebastian if it where from the Seelie Queen’s perspective because she would refer to him as Jonathan. that’s my opinion ^^
    and I just want to know who it is! 😀

  30. I’m pretty sure it’s the Seelie Queen! Tessa likes the Shadowhunters…considering she’s in love with two of them! She has even acted as if shadowhunter’s are fasinating, but they do get on her nerves! And it doesnt say she calls him Sebastian, it just says his name! And considering the fact that that’s what we all now call him, maybe Ms. Clare was feeding into that!

  31. Taylor Alisa // March 15, 2013 at 8:42 PM // Reply

    ” She turned to look at Sebastian, lying on the bed. He was shirtless, and even in the dim light the old whip weals across his back were visible. She had always been fascinated by Shadowhunters but had never thought she would find one whose personality she could stand for more than five minutes, until Sebastian. ”

    It’s so complicated, but i’ll just do a list of positives and negatives about all our candidates.

    1. Clary – Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that Sebastion had a thing for her. If you read the “How I became Sebastion Verlac” article from Cassie, you’d know he was strangely infatuated by her before they’d even met. Thing is that it says that this person “had always been fascinated by Shadowhunters” so this person probably isn’t a shadowhunter, herself.( Or himself. LOL. I have nothing against another gay couple. (; ) Clary’s the one that let us know about the whip marks and I don’t think she really hates him that much – At least not as much as she hated Valentine. I mean, he’s her brother. She admitted herself that he just seemed lonely. Still, I doubt it’s her.

    2. The Seelie Queen – This one sounded pretty possible to me, but then after reading all the comments, I was like “Your so right.” Cassie doesn’t write using the point of view of people that aren’t main characters. ( Which brings us back to Clary as a candidate, or Maia or Isabelle ) And another key thing. Sebastion mentioned it himself that faeries would never call someone by a name that was not given to them by their parents. Remember? Meliorn called him “Johnathon Christopher Morgenstern”. It was a good guess, but still not likely.

    3. Maureen – I really don’t know about her. She’s what? 13? 14? But, Maureen never knew about shadowhunters until recently and it didn’t seem like she had anything big against shadowhunters to begin with. I don’t know. Maybe? I find it hard to believe Cassie would make a 13 year old Sebastion’s girlfriend. Also the thing about main character only POV’s.

    4. Camille – She’s not one to get into trouble, and allying herself with an evil mastermind sort of screams trouble. Plus, she’s dead, right? Also the thing about main character only POV’s

    5. Kaelie – Maybe. She doesn’t seem likely. Plus, the POV thing and the fact that she doesn’t seem to mind shadowhunters. I mean, yeah, Jace is Jace (♥) but she could very well stand being with him for more than 5 minutes before.

    6. Maia – Erks. Doubt it. She seems to be the kind of person that would see Sebastion as an evil mastermind, not boyfriend material. I mean, after having her psychotic pretty boy brother, i think she would be really good at giving herself reality checks. Plus, she has Jordan.

    7. Isabelle – No. Just no. She hates him. I think we all know that. Lord, the boy almost killed her. She’s a shadowhunter, herself. Plus, she has Simon. ♥

    8. Emma – She’s only about 12 years old in COHF. I don’t feel the need to elaborate.

    I’m lost. I have no clue who this person may be. Sebastion and Valentine were some of my favorite characters because of how complex they were/are, though, They’re not completely evil. Valentine loved Jocelyn about as much as Jace loves Clary and Sebastion has demon blood and was raised like one. He still feels lonely. I’d guess it was a new character but apparently there aren’t any new characters. : l

    • We’re not being introduced to anymore new ones. Tessa cannot be the case because she loves two Shadowhunters. Let’s consider your possibilities, but barring the character-pov block. All the main characters we have seem ferociously unlikely so we’ll be having new pov’s obviously.

      Clary: You’re right. I agree with you. Can’t be her, won’t be her, unless she starts tolerating Sebastian, in which case I’m boycotting because I HATE Sebastian for killing Max.

      Seelie Queen- Nah. Intriguing but no. She refers to Shadowhunters by their real names. Sebastian is Jonathan.

      Maureen- Possible but she’s too young. She doesn’t have experience with Shadowhunters to hate them. She is a crazed psycho after all.

      Camille- I don’t believe she is dead. Maureen is lying to cover for Camille and the two are working together. Sebastian may have an alliance with Camille and Maureen together. The only block is that she is not a main character to have a POV. For all we know, she gains prominence and earns a new place. She is a powerful force to be reckoned with and she hates Shadowhunters.

      Kaelie: I know I spoke of gaining prominence but this one is TOO minor. Unlikely.

      Maia- I am not addressing this. It’s too unlikely. She likes Shadowhunters, she loves Jordan, and would not find interest in a psycho like Sebastian.

      Isabelle- NO! WAY! After slicing his arm off. And Sebastian killed her youngest brother! Isabelle is scarred by that crazed psychopath, so am I, and Isabelle will NOT find him tolerable. Plus, she loves Shadowhunters.

      Emma- We’ll have a spinoff with her later. TMI focuses on the ones we already know. It’s not Emma.

      While Jessamine would by all rights be dead by now, you never know what happens. If she gains immortality in Clockwork Princess, it’ll be her. (I havent read it yet.)

      Personally, I think it’s Camille.

    • Erm, i have to contradict you, C.C. does write even from episodic characters’ POV, the very 2nd POV in “City of bones” belongs to “the demon boy” killed @ Pandemonium, when Clary meets Jace, Alec & Izzy. I don’t remember any other secondary characters POV later on, but this is proof of secondary/episodic character’s POV standing. So i have to concurr with the possibility of the character being Maia, Kaelie or the Seelie Queen. The excerpt mentions Sebastian being shirtless, but not the 2 being lovers, so i don’t get where everyone got that idea from. So Maia could end up kidnapped for some reason or as a double agent of sorts or idk, Kaelie might act as a messenger between the Seelie Court and Sebastian(since they’re all in cahoots) and maybe as a spy for either side, not sure if the Queen would leave her turf and the paragraph gives me the impression they’re on his territory so it sort of outrules her if not for some twist. Also, if the text didn’t imply the character,who is stated to be a “she”, wasn’t a shadowhunter herself, i’d have thought it was Amatis, in her new “state”. It could also hint at some episodic character again who doesn’t have to stick around or anything, much like the demon boy i mentioned before. He wasn’t exactly introduced either, we never got to know his name or anything, just saying…

      • Very true. This is so hard to figure out. I have to say, though. The seelie queen is definitely not the person in this snippet, everyone. No faerie would call someone by a name that they were not given. Do you have any likely candidates, now?

  32. I don’t know, it might be a new character, other than that, maybe Maureen?

  33. Well, for anyone that’s thinking Tessa! HELL NO!! If you haven’t already read CP, then you should, because there is NO WAY Tessa would ever help Sebastian! She loves Shadowhunters, she was married to one… 😦 ! And she is in love with another! Not to mention the fact that she is part shadowhunter!

    As for Maureen…BLAH! Not even Sebastian is that desperate! Desperate enough to try to rape his sister because he is psychotic and completely and utterly obsessed with her…YES! But he would kill Maureen before he would bang her!

    Camille is DEAD! But, if she is not, then she would be my second choice! I still have to go with the Seelie Queen!

  34. Take notice they refer to him as “Sebastian”. That has to be someone that knew him or knew of him while he was in COG. Like Izzy or Clary etc.

  35. My money is still on the Seelie Queen. All the options for various reasons seem unlikely. Unless Maia, Clary, and Isabelle have massive personality overhauls then they can’t be an option; too much would have to change for them.

  36. My money is still on the Seelie Queen. All the options for various reasons seem unlikely. Unless Maia, Clary, and Isabelle have massive personality overhauls then they can’t be an option; too much would have to change for them. One of the fae, or Camille (if she didn’t really die) are the only other options I could see working.

    And any DA characters are just too young to be alone with Sebastian, because despite it not being heavily implied, I think this is a lovers situation.

  37. Vampire chick who simon turned acsadentaly maren or something

  38. I think its clary because Sebastian did try to get clary to be with him since he’s so crazy maybe he kidnapped clary. Plus she knew about his whip marks. When it says the person was fascinated with shadowhunters it could be clary saying she is fascinated by who or what she has learned she is after all she is fascinated by jace and many other people she has learned who also are shadowhunters. Maybe she feels bad for him even though all the things he’s done but idk can’t wait to read the book to see who it is

  39. I think this might actually be Clary or Maureen. Is everyone forgetting that even though Maureen is 13 she has a crazy crush on Simon and wanted to be his girlfriend? And the fact that she is mentally insane Sebastian probably likes that. It doesn’t mean they are together like Jace and Clary are. Plus, maybe he is trying to get the vampires on his side and now since Camille is dead she is in control of that clan of vampires.
    The reason I think it might be Clary is because she is the only one (that we know of) that Sebastian told about his whip marks. Also, just because whoever it is is talking about how fascinating shadowhunters are, doesn’t mean that this person is not a shadowhunter. Clary is an artist! She is always interested in the littlest of things. The attitude thing I think is referring to Jace a little. Why isn’t she killing him? We don’t know that she isn’t, I mean right after this she could kill him.

  40. Jaleesa Wilson // June 13, 2013 at 5:03 AM // Reply

    I think it isabelle she never with any shadowhunters and if sebastian made her drink from that cup it could change her perception of him. Also it I wasnt sure if it was clary because some of the leaked snippets suggest he may have forced her to drink from the cup. Does anyone have any ideas who she going to kill off?

  41. Brooklyn Bowman // July 31, 2013 at 4:40 AM // Reply

    Remember the part in CoLS where Sebastian was talking about how he and Clary were meant to be together? Maybe this snippet is from CLARY’s point of view and Sebastian has put some sort of creepy spell thingy on her!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH~

  42. It is very likely that we find a way to “heal” Sebastian from his evil, by burning it out of him with hellfire. What would be left is the soul and young man that had been tormented for years by demon blood. Jocelyn would have her son the way he should have been. And his new self could very easily be attractive to someone like Isabelle, who was always seeking downworlders. Simon of course can’t possibly stay with her, she is mortal, he is not. Simon may very well end up with another vampire.

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