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‘Shadowhunter Chronicles’ calendar: December portraits

Over the past months, Cassandra Clare and Cassandra Jean collaborated on a calendar which featured the female and male characters from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Dark Artifices and TLH. Now Cassie has shared portraits of the month December to conclude the calendar.

Merry Christmas! Cassandra Jean’s December calendar portraits: the boys and the girls.

Wow, right? Who is your favorite character? Sound off in the comments.

About Cathrin (870 Articles)
Admin and writer for TMI Source and 'The Shadowhunter Chronicles' lover extraordinaire. Fangirls over books, history, German football, movies and fictional characters.

21 Comments on ‘Shadowhunter Chronicles’ calendar: December portraits

  1. NeverTrustADuck // December 26, 2013 at 9:05 AM // Reply

    My favorite character is Magnus. (Malec!) No doubt. Then probably Henry, and then Isabelle. 🙂

  2. teamedwardjace // December 26, 2013 at 2:50 PM // Reply


  3. Jemxxxx😘❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗 // December 26, 2013 at 7:46 PM // Reply

    😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 I saw Jem!!!!!!!L

  4. Tessa x Will // December 26, 2013 at 8:56 PM // Reply

    Other than Jem, I cannot tell who is who… sigh…

  5. Tessa x Will // December 26, 2013 at 8:57 PM // Reply

    and of course, I can also tell which one is Clary

  6. For those that are trying to figure out who is who, I cracked down and went to work on it xD
    For the boys from the bottom: Alec is behind Magnus, to the left Simon is making Raphael eat snow, Jace is just below Jem there, upper left corner is James Herondale with Will falling over in front of him, then Matthew Fairchild is trying to keep Will from falling over while Jamie Rosales throws a snowball just over them, in the upper right is Mark and Julian Blackthorn with Julian in the front.

    The girls in the very front from the left to right: Helen Blackthorn, Cristina (TDA), Emma Carstairs, Clary, Tessa, Lucie Herondale, and Jessamine.
    In the back from left to right: I’m not sure who the outter two are, but I’m positive the three in the middle are Maia, Isabelle, and Cecily 🙂

  7. Awww, where’s Jordan Kyle? 😦 he’s always forgotten! He’s my favorite male besides Simon!;)

  8. Jace. My fave. Btw is he the one grabbing the other or is he the one playing snowball fight? Uh.

  9. Jace is the one with the hat and grabbing Will, you can tell it’s him because his skin and hair are a lot more gold than Matthew Fairchild

  10. Uuuggghh. Okay, so I’m going on a mini-rant about these pictures but first I want to make it clear that I love both The Infernal Devices series and The Mortal Instruments series. With that being said, these pictures are just so sexist. Why do the guys get to have a snow fight (fully dressed might I ad) while the girls, in comparison, are portrayed in a sexual way, standing in what is supposed to be seen as “seductive” poses.
    I’ve never, while reading both of the series, really felt like the female characters in the books are portrayed in this way AT ALL, so it just makes me really disappointed seeing these pictures which I personally feel just misrepresents what most of the female characters in TMI and ID stands for.

    • It’s a pinup calendar, and that’s what a pinup calendar is, where females pose in a sexual way to hang up on your wall.

  11. Anyone got the mean girls reference for the TMI/TID/TAD girls? They were doing the dance Regina, Gretchen, Karen and Cady were doing for the Christmas talent show thing.

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